Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Irbis I do not have anything from that time period, it was when my pc got fuc*** up... But there should be a zipped version I sent you somewhere from end of December.

    EDIT: There might be some leftovers on fb messenger.

    Well F. Then it melted with my old hard drive :\

    Sorry Newt. Sadly, no source for you.

  • How do you detect if the content being shown in an iframe is on a different domain?

    I've already tested, and the browser plug just returns the source domain, not the domain it's being hosted on.

    shinkan ? Do you still have the source code of CAGE somewhere? The oldest I still have is from our old dropbox folder and its the prototype I did before we've setup SadCatStudio.

    Ads are an interesting solution, but showing **** is not an option, and finding an ad service that doesn't care what domain their ads are shown is next to impossible.

    Check the Ads provider of Newgrounds and ask them out. If they are fine with their Ads running next to ******** animation and ******* Hilary Clinton *** game - I am kind a sure they won't mind w/e website you'll host your game on. If that's not the case - link your game with a YouTube video by embing the video into your game or sending people to watch it onsite.

    You can sell traffic, you can use AdFly (but income is sh*t). Strike a deal with a youtuber or blogger. Channel the traffic back to you social media. Sell source code or Ads Space on Blackhats.

    And this is just from top of my head. "Making money from games" is a book material.

    You just need to be a bit creative with the methods.

    The few options I've found are Leadbolt, (which is mobile only, and depends on their interpretation of what mobile is. which usually means you get no ads) or Adsense.

    Its then next to impossible not to break their rule, no iframes, has to be 150px away from content etc, and losing an account with google is not something you want to happen.

    Actually, not that much recently. Not anymore at least. They've rigged their math behind the Ads to make the Ads more "Kids friendly".

    Result? My income from AdSense dropped from 100% to around 25-30% to the point where it just isn't worth the hassle anymore. That's why I've moved to Steam. And also why I've "tried" to make newest KG API happen in C2. With the new API and proper handling - you can make more money on KG then you'll ever would on mobiles.

    But... yeaaah. Apparently people are just... not that much into that "making money" thing.

  • and your coment it´s for? are you unemployed? i think you are. PAJERO

    I am GameDev full time. I pay all of my bills with money from my games.

    My reasoning was/is:

    Your English is bad. If you English is bad - it might mean that you have troubles with both writing and reading in English. And that's problematic, given that native language of Construct 2 is English. Plus - coding/programming in general is tied to English language too. Ergo - you will have a lot of troubles with all above. Ergo - if you would find Construct 2 user base that is speaking in your mother language - the odds of you learning how to use the engine will drastically increase.

    Also - it not very nice calling someone a "wanker" in Spanish. Specially if that special someone is actually giving you some valid advices.

    Bottomline is, gon sie cwelu

  • The problem is that these sites all use iframe, and that site locking to a domain does nothing when the source of the iframe is from the sitelock domain.

    The portals are the issue, they do nothing to stop this kind of theft.

    They could at least tell us what the referer url will be.

    That's the only way to actually sitelock a game.

    Nope. I remember quite well we've dealt with that without problems.

    Plus - as I've said - pirates and game stealing will always be there.

    So instead of a DRM that will be cracked or worked around the day after - you just exploit this illegal sources.

    I remember when those crooks from gamesheed (or w/e their name is) stolen my Antumbra off Newgrounds. Little did they knew that I've planeted a site detector in game, that would launch high-profit **** Ad's if the game would be played anywhere else beside GJ, NG and KG.

    Took them a damn 3 weeks to notice lol. That 3 weeks earned me like 100 bucks. More than NG paid at that time.

    They've removed the game and a week later came to me with their tails between their legs and this email.

    Ahhh... Good times <3

    shinkan ? Did I ever shared this with you?

  • I would suggest looking for some methods to sitelock games.

    It's easy enough to check for the domain, but the referer url will vary if the user isn't logged in.

    I say this as I've had games stolen from both Gamejolt, and Newgrounds.

    Of course there is a difference between them and Kongregate, that being you have control over the source, whereas on Gj, and Ng you upload to their servers.

    anybody can sitelock their games from like as long as I can remember? O.o

    Even via events+browser object.

    But if thats more than you can chew - you always can use Rex's iFrame Filter Plugin...

    Irbis is this still working? did you tried it recently?

    Yeah it does. It actually became even kind a easier now than before.

    Plus - there is no harm in your game getting stolen if you know what you are doing and you exploit it

    In some cases, the stolen version of my games made me more profit than the legit uploaded by me lol.

    • Post link icon

    > Nevertheless, i hope it's going to blow us away. Or the big secret might push an overhype as usual.

    > Which creates major disappointment throughout the community.


    Hmm... where did I heard that before...

    (lol sorry, couldn't stop myself. Just joking around )

  • and no i don´t know anything of php or any program code. I´m just start and this a proyect for my job. i would like to convine somethin funny and educational for childrens to play

    I would start with looking for a Construct 2 user group in your native language.

    Or train your english. Or both.

  • The keyword there is mobile.


  • [quote:1jz94bw1]If it turns out we can't get Kongregate interested and Ashley is still not able to update the current out-dated plugin.

    He is able. Just not willing.


    My bigger concern is that I would want everyone to use the plugin except Irbis

    because online attitude is just as important as an in real life one. I should spend all the time developing a way to lock people out of using the plugin.....that would be time well spent

    Huh? What? O.o

    What did I ever done to you?

    On topic, I think rexrainbow should setup a Patreon page and we could rain some bucks on him.

    And THIS:

    Artpunk Thank you for handling the communication with Kong.

  • yes, exactly.

    Well, that depends. Most people I know just use Adobe After Effect to create any sort of animated visuals. Or you make them at runtime with some tricks, methods and shaders/effects. If After Effect or baking them at runtime is beyond you - there are also software that do that and only that, such as TimelineFX, Magic Particles or Particle Illusion but they all are rather limited in use and scope.

    I would advice you to just learn After Effect. Specially as it can be used for many things, not just VFX.

  • >

    > *GIF HERE*

    > HAHAHAHAHA! That was golden!


    More a joke on the level of a "noseblower" but I appreciate that you've enjoyed it. (Feel free to get rich with the idea.)

    Well, sometimes you gotta try to lighten the mood with jokes like these.

    Damn I didn't know that the forums also support gif's, you shouldn't have taught me that one.

    No good magicial shares secrets to his best tricks

  • ...Man I dont know if its that bad!

    But yeah I have no idea what their response would be. I sent them a link to this thread saying we were discussing it a lot on the forums and please come and participate in the conversation... maybe if we can get a representative from Kongregate and Ashley talking it could lead to something... I'll definitely post any response I get back.

    Oh of course its not that bad hahah. I just wanted to lighten up the mood with some sarcasm of my.

    Sarcasm and irony is what keeps my sanity in one piece.

    This way or another - I got my fingers crossed.

  • >

    > Count me in! I freaking hate NodeWebKit...

    > Would kill a puppy for any valid alternative.


    I mean you could create a NWjs program using C2 with Arduino + plugin, run it using a Raspberry Pi 2

    and put it inside a beach ball so that it rolls around by itself, basically a perfect toy for a puppy.

    Wait a second, you didn't ask for this.

    HAHAHAHAHA! That was golden!

  • > He's already stated his position. ...


    Oh, I don't know how I overlooked that. Thank you.

    I'm really interested what answer you'll get from Kongregate.

    Me too but I'm not letting my hopes fly too high :\

    Its almost like RPG Maker asking Valve to make a Steam plugin for them. Even if we'll get a reply it'll probably be like:

    "And you are... who? And why should we care again...?"

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  • ryanrybot

    Yes it's possible ./. will upload this fx asap;

    The fx is now uploaded in the first post ;

    Would it be possible for the Effect to work as sprite Mask that affects everything below it? Think a location window ingame. You know, like how Warp Mask just distorts everything under it.