Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Today I had to finish a fx for savvy001 sorry ...

    So Irbis it took me 2.30h to make this on shadertoy ..

    it's not depending on timer

    so you can rotate with value like exactly you want..

    So let's see demo... i will finish it this week...

    Based on iq primitives and some other rotation function from Shadertoy;

    Almost perfect! Just without that lightning/shading effect please. Just the distortion.

    Also, I think I've finaly found a way to pay you back, for all you did for me and all of us. I'll write you a PM <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • If you try to combine x rotation and y rotation to 1 you can obtain roll style fx;

    This fx is animated so, if you change glsl timer while main loop is running, this will redraw the scene..

    But i will make some change to do what you want...

    Thats the thing. I want the planet to rotate on X axis, but be only a bit tilted (without the actual rotation) on Y axis. Like that picture I've posted above, where the planet have that angle on Y axis.

    If I could have full control over the X/Y/Z angle/roll/offset - I could make it rotate on my own via variables and behaviours. Or make it stop. Or rotate any angle or direction I want.

    Thats how I could do THIS via your 2.5D Platform Effect

    I need the same, just as a sphere instead of cube


    just enable me to control and edit the X/Y/Z angles and I'll be the happies hippo around hehe

    Also, sorry for troubles Giga My english might be a bit vague today.

  • Irbis

    Wait 5 minutes... i will add x,y,z rotation flags quickly ....

    OK ... now :

    So x rotation to 1 or -1 to rotate left right etc...

    y rotation to 1 or -1 .... etc ...

    Have fun ;

    WOW! So it IS possible?!?! Great! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Gigatron, but one request from me. The effect is great and everything, but I would like to get rid of the automatic rotation. Would it be possible for this effect to be handled/have parameters like your 2.5D Effect?

    The effect I am trying to achieve is the planet rotatation on X axis, but when being tilted a bit.

    Like Tthis over here, but rotating. But I would like to handle the rotation on my own, via parameters+variables:

    Would it be possible for the Effect to have all those?

    X offset/roll

    Y offset/roll

    Z offset/roll

  • A request from anothert topic.

    3d Sphere/Ball effect with X/Y/Z Offset

    There are currently only two methods of getting that, via Lens+custom distortion map or via Chris shader


    Sadly, when automatic rotation feature is nice, I would prefer to be able to control the rotation via variables. And to make something like this (being able to tilt/rotate):

    Basically, I would like the player(and myself) to be able to rotate the sphere any direction I want. Think Mass Effect where you hover around the orbit. Like this:

    Or a spherical version of 2.5d Shader


    This would really make my day and open various designs for all of us <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">




    R0J0hound ?

    Maybe you guys have any idea how to make this work?

  • A request from anothert topic.

    3d Sphere/Ball effect with X/Y/Z Offset

    There are currently only two methods of getting that, via Lens+custom distortion map or via Chris shader


    Sadly, when automatic rotation feature is nice, I would prefer to be able to control the rotation via variables. And to make something like this (being able to tilt/rotate):

    Basically, I would like the player(and myself) to be able to rotate the sphere any direction I want. Think Mass Effect where you hover around the orbit. Like this:

    Or a spherical version of 2.5d Shader


    This would really make my day and open various designs for all of us <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • For chrisbrobs friend, and others C2 users;

    It's overwrited to chris xml and fx file ;

    This glsl fx is definitely done now raymarching technique is used ;

    Status : finished at 99%

    tested on chrome firefox etc...

    example :

    The shader is awesome but its missing some features before I can use it.

    X/Y/Z Offset

    The automatic rotation feature is nice but I would prefer to be able to control the rotation via variables. And to make something like this:

    Basically, I would like the player(and myself) to be able to rotate the sphere any direction I want. Think Mass Effect where you hover around the orbit. Like this:

    Or a spherical version of 2.5d Shader


    This would really make my day <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Depends on the scope and design. Flappy Bird clone can be done in matter of hours.

  • Honestly I think he should remove all the fiddly bits, and make everything a behavior that the users create.

    Yes even for layers.

    Want a layer to be transparent on start?

    Make a behavior, give it a flag to "member" on reload.


    +1 in my book.

  • Apparently i am so **touched**. Let my cry on your shoes. Thank you so kindly.

    I don't care a smallest bit about your feelings. Just pointing out your ignorance in behavior on a public forum.

    Now you either improve your behavior or keep spamming and eventually earn an official warning from moderators. There's no inbetween.

  • ** smiles ******** **

    You are right, layers lose there 'Initial' on layout change.

    ** Gosh, that was so difficult to say**

    Apparently just reading the OP post, like anybody else, was more than you could handle.

    What goes around - comes around.

  • Irbis

    Hmmm. Any visual differences? Or is it just the same thing done via two methods?


    Hmmm...Download them and do a compare test .

    I was just being curious...

    Okay, maybe someone else will give it a go and make a "compare" picture or something.

  • Irbis

    The code used in the shader's are different.

    The MotionBlur effect uses a 'loop' to acheive the blurring effect, the DirectionBlur doesn't.

    Hmmm. Any visual differences? Or is it just the same thing done via two methods?

  • I've actually considered removing crop mode - I think it creates more problems than it solves, especially for games.

    Please, kindly leave "Crop mode" in peace, okay...? It is needed and handy, in various situations.

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  • For the record.

    What is the difference between this Shader and the one from this topic?

  • Is this still alive?