If you try to combine x rotation and y rotation to 1 you can obtain roll style fx;
This fx is animated so, if you change glsl timer while main loop is running, this will redraw the scene..
But i will make some change to do what you want...
Thats the thing. I want the planet to rotate on X axis, but be only a bit tilted (without the actual rotation) on Y axis. Like that picture I've posted above, where the planet have that angle on Y axis.
If I could have full control over the X/Y/Z angle/roll/offset - I could make it rotate on my own via variables and behaviours. Or make it stop. Or rotate any angle or direction I want.
Thats how I could do THIS via your 2.5D Platform Effect
I need the same, just as a sphere instead of cube
just enable me to control and edit the X/Y/Z angles and I'll be the happies hippo around hehe
Also, sorry for troubles Giga My english might be a bit vague today.