How do you detect if the content being shown in an iframe is on a different domain?
I've already tested, and the browser plug just returns the source domain, not the domain it's being hosted on.
shinkan ? Do you still have the source code of CAGE somewhere? The oldest I still have is from our old dropbox folder and its the prototype I did before we've setup SadCatStudio.
Ads are an interesting solution, but showing **** is not an option, and finding an ad service that doesn't care what domain their ads are shown is next to impossible.
Check the Ads provider of Newgrounds and ask them out. If they are fine with their Ads running next to ******** animation and ******* Hilary Clinton *** game - I am kind a sure they won't mind w/e website you'll host your game on. If that's not the case - link your game with a YouTube video by embing the video into your game or sending people to watch it onsite.
You can sell traffic, you can use AdFly (but income is sh*t). Strike a deal with a youtuber or blogger. Channel the traffic back to you social media. Sell source code or Ads Space on Blackhats.
And this is just from top of my head. "Making money from games" is a book material.
You just need to be a bit creative with the methods.
The few options I've found are Leadbolt, (which is mobile only, and depends on their interpretation of what mobile is. which usually means you get no ads) or Adsense.
Its then next to impossible not to break their rule, no iframes, has to be 150px away from content etc, and losing an account with google is not something you want to happen.
Actually, not that much recently. Not anymore at least. They've rigged their math behind the Ads to make the Ads more "Kids friendly".
Result? My income from AdSense dropped from 100% to around 25-30% to the point where it just isn't worth the hassle anymore. That's why I've moved to Steam. And also why I've "tried" to make newest KG API happen in C2. With the new API and proper handling - you can make more money on KG then you'll ever would on mobiles.
But... yeaaah. Apparently people are just... not that much into that "making money" thing.