Gigatron, is there anyway that the coordinates of the effect are always the same in the sprite?
I mean, if the sprite is in the center looks A, but if the sprite is in the top-left looks B.
Looking in the code already is: vec2 uv =vTex;
But after that there is code like this:
[quote:1qv88yoc] //canvas coordinates to get the center of rendered viewport
vec2 cancoord = uv.st;
float r2 = (cancoord.x-0.5) * (cancoord.x-0.5) + (cancoord.y-0.5) * (cancoord.y-0.5);
float f = 0.0;
The idea is the center is always the center of the sprite, so no mater where is their possition always will look equal. I tried just disabling or comment some parte or change "cancoord" by vtex and other stuff (i don't know what i'm doing but sometimes works XD) but nothing this time.
Is possible?