Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Heh, I've been requesting this since the Construct Classic days. Ended up making my own bitmap font system with sprite objects:

    Ain't easy tho.

  • We're doing this for Copy Girl and haven't had any performance or memory issues. We're loading/unloading all the rooms' contents as you progress, though.

    Also you might as well use unbounded scrolling here; no need for the giant layout.

  • yo dawg I heard you like backups...

    Yeah, looks like your backups are getting their own backups for some reason. Can't say I've seen that before. Might check your settings or disable auto-save when working on .backups instead of .caprojs.

  • #2 is the safest method but you lose your "world reference" - you have no idea where each layout is connected so you'll have to draw out your map beforehand.

    Sounds like #1 and #3 are just dynamically loading portions of the layout based on zones. This is what I do in the Metroidvania Game Kit and other projects. This works fairly well and performance is nearly identical to having each zone a separate layout. Managing all the objects can be troublesome later on but I'll take that over managing 100+ layouts with independent layers and properties any day. Only drawback is like you said - the layout sizes will be pretty big. Loading times could blow up on larger maps or games with large graphics. Also you'll probably want to destroy objects and use "recreate initial objects" for unloading/loading instead of just setting their opacity to 0 or whatever like you mentioned.

  • Not quite sure what you're asking later on. Sounds like you just need to switch to key codes / button indices and make a control config. It doesn't have to be complicated; one of mine is barely 15 events.

  • Construct 2 should be able to allow sprites to have a faster animation speed then 60 frames per second. Whit just 60 frames per second you can't make good looking fast animations.

    If you have so many frames that C2 can't play them fast enough, you should probably be using Spriter/motion data instead or just remove some tweens. I worked on a game where the main character had 30-40 frame animations and never came close to maxing out the speed. More than that and you're just wasting memory.

    Also you already can delete objects from the object bar. Multiple selections would be nice, though.

  • From the manual:

    The default minimum framerate is 30 FPS, meaning the maximum dt is 1 / 30 (= 33ms). If the framerate drops below 30 FPS, dt will still not exceed 1/30. This has the effect of the game going in to slow motion as it drops below the minimum framerate, rather than objects stepping further every frame to keep up the same real-world speed. This helps avoid skipped collisions due to stepping a very large distance every frame.

    I'd rather have my game slow down than skip frames and risk skipped collisions or other issues, so I set mine to 55 because framerate usually fluctuates a bit.

  • Ataraxis Well, there's no way to reliably predict a gamepad's key codes so I set them all to 99 by default and have the player configure the gamepad before use. Not a big deal, really. I don't recall any indie games that had "plug and play" gamepad support anyway, so eh.

  • Thanks Ataraxis that means a lot! I'm glad you're finding the game kit useful

  • Ribis Because it's a totally impractical workflow. You shouldn't have to do a bunch of exporting & importing with extra files and 3rd party software just to modify one single tilemap. On top of that, you lose all reference to your other objects and tilemaps in the layout when you bring one over to Tiled for editing.

    Imagine if you had to do this with Photoshop. Say you're working on something with 4 different layers but Photoshop doesn't support scaling so you have to select the layer, export it to a new file, open up a 3rd party tool, import the file, scale up the image with no reference to the other layers, export that file, go back to photoshop to import the file, then repeat for each layer. That would be completely unacceptable...yet for some reason people think it's fine here.

  • Yeah it's pretty busted. If 99Instances2Go is correct and you can only pick up tile arrangements that exist in the tilemap, then this feature doesn't work how it's supposed to. The idea is you can create any tile arrangement you want in the layout (that is likely not in the tilemap source image), pick it up, and place it elsewhere.

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  • Answered the last question over email a while back but for anyone else who's wondering, yes you can do this. You just need to create a Controller_Menu object and a few Spritefonts for the selections, then set the values. The title screen has a simple menu for reference.

  • You might want to check out the persist behavior.

    I've used both Clickteam and Scirra software extensively for years and the truth is both engines are better than the other in different ways. Also, both of their successors are coming out soon so there's little point in debating which is better than the other (the answer is "it depends on your project and skill set", anyway).

    As of this moment, C2 is the better option because it's easier to pick up and your game can be moved right on over to C3 once it launches since it's just a new editor.

    Fusion 3 on the other hand is a complete rewrite so anything you do in Fusion 2.5 will have to be remade in it (they are providing a F2.5 > F3 converter, but it will be limited.) It's also got a higher learning curve so by the time you really get the hang of it Fusion 3 will be out and you will have completely wasted your time lol.

  • I never thought anyone would export regularly, you do all your testing from C2's preview mode then you export once for publishing, right?

    Well there's also exporting to share with teammates who aren't going to blow $130 on a license just to play / test the game they're working on...same for sharing with friends.

    Also there are sometimes discrepancies between preview and exported builds (95% of the time it's 3rd party plugins...) so it's good to test them out every now and then.