Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • (Would be nice for C2 but will probably have to wait for C3 if the idea is supported.)

    The ability to tag and/or color instance variables would be very helpful, especially if you've got teammates working on levels that aren't familiar with all of them. Some examples...

    Editor: These are variables that can be freely modified in the layout editor, like the contents of a treasure chest or the item a particular enemy instance should drop.

    Private: "Internal" variables that are only modified via events and should not be touched in the layout editor.

    Family: These variables are inherited by a family and are not unique to this object. (These should be automatically separated from the rest, really)

    States: These variables control the object's states or mechanics like Attacking, Climbing, Dashing, etc.

    Stats: These variables define the object's stats, like HP, MP, ATK, DEF, etc.

    Currently you can add prefixes or whatever to help define the variables, like E_Contents, Private_Timer, Mech_Jumping, etc. but that can get messy and make expressions really long or hard to read.

  • Mh. Yeah, creating a 3rd family specifically for using "Recreate Initial Objects" works, I just wanted to avoid it because that's a lot of objects to account for. Easier to just recreate all the families so nothing gets missed.

  • Ashley This isn't necessarily a bug as much as a design issue/possible oversight, so I'll post here.

    I have an object that is in both "Family A" and "Family B". Since I use "Recreate Initial Objects" on both families, my object is recreated twice. Is there any way this can be fixed? I don't think there's anything I can do on my end with events..

  • Change the sampling to "point" in the project properties.

  • Prominent There we go! Simple but effective. I had considered writing my own jump that overrides the platform behavior's but feared it would mess with it too much. Didn't think about just using the existing y vector / gravity...derp.

    btw it looks like the y positioning and rounding isn't necessary - just modifying vy and the y vector seems to do the trick.

    Thanks all.

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  • GenkiGenga Thanks for the .capx but that has the same problem as Asmodean's - The player hovers for an undetermined or fixed amount of time instead of for the remainder of the jump.

    Also worth noting that if the player is jumping while moving, hits a ceiling, and then moves past the ceiling, the jump will continue upwards (provided he's not at the falling end of the complete jump arc).

    I think the only way to properly do this is to modify the platform behavior or make a whole new jump mechanic with events :T hmm..

  • Asmodean Hmm that's close but not quite it. The goal is to not have ceilings affect the underlying jump arc whatsoever. Lowering the gravity while overlapping the ceiling simply makes the player float there for an undetermined time.

  • In games like Hydra Castle Labyrinth or La-Mulana, ceilings do not affect the player's jump arc whatsoever -- the player "pushes against" the ceiling for the duration of the jump instead of hitting his head and immediately falling down.

    Does anyone know how I can achieve this with the platform behavior?

    What would be really great is a modification to the platform behavior itself so this can be easily applied to enemies too, but I'm open to a solution with events as well.


  • Problem Description

    Adding the NWjs object to a project and attempting to debug a layout throws an error and prevents the preview/debugger from running.

    Attach a Capx ... Error.capx

    Description of Capx

    Blank .capx with the NWjs object added.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the layout in debug mode.

    Observed Result

    Error message pops up and debugger fails to run.

    Expected Result

    No errors.

    Affected Browsers

    • NWjs

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Cute little platformer!

    Some comments/suggestions:

    -Probably intentional, but the font is hard to read, especially in the little speech bubbles.

    -The camera offset when the player changes direction is extremely disorienting.

    -A windowed mode would be nice.

    -An option to enable pixel rounding / "low-quality" fullscreen would also be nice. That sub-pixel movement is smooth but kinda ruins the pixel art.

  • Yeah this would be nice. I think if you consecutively run in debug mode then things stay the same but if you close everything out or run the game normally it reverts back to 1 window and all.

  • Geez this thread is 4 years old man. Yeah it works now.

  • This is a long-standing issue with the platform behavior; nothing to do with using dt in events.

    There has been a number of threads about it already, like this one:

    There's one solution by JohnnySix at the bottom of that thread. Last time I implemented/tested it was 2 years ago so I dunno how well it works now but it's worth a shot.

  • While The Iconoclasts was a CC game, today it only serves as a prototyping tool. The release version is done by another partner company which use the CC game as a reference and recode it some other engine (I asked him a few days ago because I was curious and that's what he said).

    So including it in the frontpage features would be counter-productive, since it would immediatly spark a discussion about why he decided to do it this way instead of porting to C2 and releasing it

    Oh? I thought he said they made a new exporter for it like Chowdren for MMF. He never posted any old content remade with the new engine so..that's a bit weird.

    Anyway, The Iconoclasts is just one example. Also it's been in development for almost a decade (including the original version, Ivory Springs) so my earlier point still stands lol.

  • C2 has not even been out as long as many popular large-scale indie games have been in development, so there's that. Also there were a number of great games being made in C2 that were ultimately canceled or switched to other engines due to breaking changes and frustration with C2's reliance on 3rd party technologies.

    There are a number of great and popular CC/C2 titles, but the front page shows very few. It's pretty amazing that games like The Iconoclasts aren't on there. A better/dedicated showcase page would be nice, but I'm sure it will take a lot of time for Scirra to evaluate projects and decide what should and shouldn't be on there...valuable time that could be spend working on C3 and more important things.

    Its gotten super easy to make games (despite idiotic complaints about third party issues), and the market is super saturated.

    So to sell anything you have to spam the world, which is basically what Supercell, does.

    That or hit on some viral game mechanic( Flappy Bird,,

    Not necessarily. Good games market themselves. If you can manage to get a single article on a site like Destructoid, where dozens of other gaming news outlets rip their content from, then you're pretty much set. Also, the complaints about third party issues are totally legitimate. Just ~6 months ago NWjs started throwing JS errors, many features like window scaling and audio broke, the debugger didn't work, we all got ghost processes, and so on. And that was after at least a year of dealing with that whole "jitters janks and snags" issue. And that's just NWjs. I can't even begin to list the problems with all the mobile shit.