Toby R's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    1) This is normal? After Phonegap build app size grow x3? My app was 11mb and now 38mb.

    2) About build - in Construct 3 we have export module. In this module we can upload C2 cordova projects in zip, sign, and export as signed compiled apk. Yes app work, but Ultamate not. Ads not show.

    Phonegap build work fine, and ads shown.

    Im try find way for better size of my app. Well, maybe cocoon will be better? or maybe someone know how make build phonegap app smaller size?


    Have you set up specific version in config.xml as I mentioned 2 post above? It's hard to tell why the game gets big after build. Maybe you're adding Crosswalk in your config.xml also?

  • Hello Everyone,

    I already announced this on my discord channel but let me quote it here as well.

    Because of recent Ludei's Cordova ads plugin update, you might encounter some issues while building your apps with Ultimate ADS plugin with Phonegap for instance. It's because the latest Cordova plugin has changed API. To workaround the the issue, please edit your config.xml And specify the plugin version as below:

    <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-admob" spec="^1.0.0"/>

    <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" spec="^1.0.0"/>

    This will force to use the non-beta version which works well. I will notify you once I'll update the plugin to the latest API, but since it's in beta still, I prefer to wait a bit and see if all works well.

    I am working on updating Ultimate ADS to the recent Cordova plugins version. The update should be available very soon.

  • Does it support GDRP ? About "Requesting Consent from European Users"

    That's rather a question to AdMob. Ultimate Ads is just a gateway which uses their API. The plugin itself does not collect any user data.

  • Toby R

    Great Plugin! I've been using it for my c3 project. Is there any chance you can update it for the new c3 runtime?


    I'm sorry but my plugins support only C2 and C3, not C3.5 currently and no plans to do so as it's too early IMO.

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  • Do I need to add two apps to admob (iOS and Android) and use two App IDs? I've been testing my game on iOS devices with the Android App ID and the test ads have been working perfectly.

    I'm not sure if that's really required. It's up to AdMob policy so you should ask AdMob support. But since there's a separate option for iOS and Android apps in AdMob panel, I guess it's rather required.

  • I bought your product, but now I need to know how to save stuff from Easy Leaderboard to localstorage.

    This plugin draws the leaderboard, not store. The way you want to store it (whether it is LS, or any other storage) is really dependant on your game and leaderboard so you should get more familiar with Local Storage manual first. Then it will become pretty obvious how you want to store it.

  • Hi

    I'm made a space game It has 10 planes if player click on buy planes buttons and they don't have coins I popup a window it's asking player to watch video to get some free coins for shop the problem is my game show one video ad only and can't show more videos ads until i restart the game so what's going wrong with me


    The ad needs to be preloaded every time before you attempt to show it. So I assume you preload only once. If you check the example capx you'll see that the ad is preloaded every time. The good moment for preloading is just after you show the ad. So in other words, when you show the ad, you immediately preload another using the "on ad shown condition".

  • Can i test the ads in construct 3 preview without exporting them. Will the ads show up in construct 3 preview? Please if someone could answer it. The default mobileAdvert plugin is not working.. i guess this should work for me. just want to clarify some questions running in my mind. Thanks

    Mobile ads need Cordova so the app must be wrapped with PhoneGap or Cocoon for instance. There is no mobile AD plugin (and there won't be) which will show you AdMob ads in the preview.

  • excellent work

    i did notice some drop on fsp using banner

    any hints ?

    Thanks. I'm afraid that's normal. Banner is visible all the time so it takes some resources. I don't think there's any workaround rather than just optimize your game a bit more to leave some reserve for the banner.

  • Does this plugin work only with Admob or can it be used to implement other ad networks?

    Hello, so far it's dedicated to AdMob only.

  • Hi

    I am looking for a plugin which would help me control the amount of currently used RAM. Seems like this one is a Godsend! I just sent you an email with my query in detail, here is the TLDR;

    Is there any way this plugin would work from the initial boot? As in, does your plugin allow to decide which assets are initially preloaded? The initial scene in my game takes 220mb RAM (the largest scene 500), but with Construct2's initial RAM loadup, where all assets load into the RAM(and there is a lot of them) and take a whopping 1,5GB RAM once the splash screen loads up.


    Hi ,

    Unfortunately, the initial load is deep in the engine so there's no way to change this behavior from the addon. Note that the initial load, loads the compressed images. This means that the size (dimension) of the images is not important, but the way they are compressed is. Here's more info about it Game Loading Time Optimization.

    If you just mean the assets of the loader layout, then you could do some tricks with MM_Preloader, like spawning the assets on the fly (instead of placing them on the layout by default) but I rather suggest to make the loader layout very lightweight as this is the proper way.

  • It's been months now, I really can't figure out what am I doing wrong?

    Construct 2, r244, webview+,, Admob Ads plugin is installed, the banner and interstitial are showing perfectly, but the video ads are not even loading!

    I do see "Impressions" of Video ads in my Adsense account, (without any revenue). Here are the things that I have tried already:

    1) Re-created Admob Rewarded video Ad unit again (twice)

    2) Tried with Test Mode enabled and disabled

    3) Tried with canvas+ and webview+

    4) Tried with r255 and r252 and r244 of Construct 2

    5) Tried with different ways I could load a video ad in C2, with and without triggers, etc.

    6) Tried with the depreciated version of Ultimate Ads (Cocoon Rewarded Ads)

    7) Yes, I have "linked" my App, in successfully.

    8) Yes, I also waited for a day or two with every change I made.

    9) Also tried on different devices.

    No luck, I've never been so frustrated... can anyone find a clue from the above? What could I possibly be missing? I see sufficient impressions every day, like more than 40, (despite only a few active users), but no revenue.

    Please help! Toby <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">


    Hi Hasan,

    I just successfully implemented Ultimate ADS both in Android and iOS project, so the good news is that it works for sure, we just need to figure out what's wrong with your setup.

    Please join my Discord server ( and PM me there so we can walk through it step by step.


  • > The functional part of Has product lays in Ludei's Cordova plugin, not in my plugin so I can't really explain the technical aspect. But it should work as in cranberrygame's plugin. It worked like a month ago when I tested it. I will give it another test next week (I'm AFK for this weekend) and if it's bugged then I'll contact Ludei, otherwise I'll let you know the exact steps of how to use it.


    Hi Toby R!

    Do you have any news about my last question?

    Hi radbrothers,

    Apologize but I haven't had a chance to give it a try yet. But note that even if it doesn't work any more for some reason, it won't allow the customer to buy the non-consumable product the second time. Instead, it will automatically trigger "on product purchased" when the user clicks the purchase button after changing the mobile or so.

    But on the other hand I believe it works, otherwise, there would be much more complains here on the forum an on my mailbox.

  • Hello, does it also work when exported as a universal Windows app in the Windows Store?

    Hi Curler,

    I never tried Windows app so I don't really know. It's dedicated to iOS and Android.

  • "works with Cocoon, PhoneGap and Cordova CLI"

    how about construct 3 build service? is it work?

    Hello hndradaniel,

    It may work... but it's not dedicated for C3 build service so I can't guarantee. Officially it's not supported.