> The functional part of Has product lays in Ludei's Cordova plugin, not in my plugin so I can't really explain the technical aspect. But it should work as in cranberrygame's plugin. It worked like a month ago when I tested it. I will give it another test next week (I'm AFK for this weekend) and if it's bugged then I'll contact Ludei, otherwise I'll let you know the exact steps of how to use it.
Hi Toby R!
Do you have any news about my last question?
Apologize but I haven't had a chance to give it a try yet. But note that even if it doesn't work any more for some reason, it won't allow the customer to buy the non-consumable product the second time. Instead, it will automatically trigger "on product purchased" when the user clicks the purchase button after changing the mobile or so.
But on the other hand I believe it works, otherwise, there would be much more complains here on the forum an on my mailbox.