Toby R's Forum Posts

  • Hi Toby,

    Is it possible to show an IAP price set in the Google Console?

    For example, we have an IAP pack with a 1.99 euro price. Can I show this price in-game and show the local currency conversion in each country if needed?

    Hi Ofris,

    Sorry for late reply. I'm on holidays for a while.

    There are expressions to fetch the details you need

    Simply use

  • I did a simple project with 3 text objects being changed with a int goblal variable and 1 touch object to show video,to test the 3 different type of ads with ultimateads and mobile advert to see if was my mistake on some kind of event or action, but i did all integration ads on your videos.

    Its on C3, and as u said, i did an android export project, open the config xml, and adding the plugin, and this time is after the preference, but still not showing ads...

    Its posible to update your plugin Ultimate ads on the future please?, because mobile advert is working, but your addon has a lot of more features, just like adding the banner on the top, on finished video and more..

    GabrielIq I would love to update and fix any issue there is but it's not an issue in my plugin so I am unable to fix it.

    Let me explain. The Ultimate Ads plugin works with PhoneGap, Cocoon, and Cordova CLI (which is the root of all wrapper, also the C3 built-in system). The only place where it does not work (as you say) is the C3 built-in service so it's clearly something on their side. And I think I know what. C3 is blocking any Cordova-based plugins which do not come from Scirra, unless the whitelisting is requested.

    Please note that I have requested whitelisting my Ultimate ADS and IAP plugins for the C3-built-in system already months ago and also got confirmation on GitHub from Scirra that it got whitelisted, but it looks like then removed whitelisting(?).

    Anyway please also note that C3-built-in system is officially not supported by this plugin either because there was always some issues with it. So even tho I tried to help you out here in regards to C3 wrapper, I clearly stated on the store page that Ultimate ADS officially supports only PhoneGap, Coocoon and Cordova CLI. Not C3 built-in system.

    So I really sorry but even though I'd like to help, I am not able to as I am not able to do anything in the C3 built-in system myself.

    In such case, you can either use PhoneGap or Cocoon, or ask Scirra for a refund for Ultimate Ads. They refund without any issues.

    Kind regards,


  • i modified the config.xml like you said, adding the plugin and still not working

    Please be more precise. Not working using which wrapper? PhoneGap? Cocoon? C3? What have you tried?

    Also, I don't know what's the ConstructAd feature. Are you using both C3 and Ultimate Ads plugins?

    <feature name="ConstructAd">
    <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" spec="~1.0.6" />
    <param name="android-package" value="com.scirra.ConstructAd" />
    Please put this line 
    [code:2dmkt1vf]<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" />[/code:2dmkt1vf] 
    After some "<preference " line. Not in the "<feature ", that's also in the video tutorial.
  • Excuse me for my ignorance, Wich command line in construct 3?

    If is my own command line, wich are the previous commands before the add plugin section?

    I'm sorry I misunderstood you. It's 5 am here I'm a bit tired. I thought you mean that you made it with Cordova CLI... alright so please do not build the APK directly in C3. Instead during export to Android cordova, you will have an option to download the project zipped. Then open the config.xml, enter the XML part we talked about earlier "<plugin..." and save the config.xml.

    Now you can zip it and wrap with PhoneGap for instance. Maybe you can also upload it back to C3 system? I don't know because I never tested it with C3 APK builder and never wrote it works there as Scirra restricts not their plugins for whatever reason (since other service providers do not). But you can try.

    Basically, you have several choices:

    • you can do as I said with downloading the zip and editing config.xml and then using Phonegap
    • you can download that zip and use Cocoon (it's a bit different approach, please see the video tutorial and this one)
    • you can download and edit the zip and try to upload it back to C3 and make an APK there (I haven't tried that)
    • you can use Cordova CLI, but that's rather for advanced users

    Actually, all I'm explaining here is also covered in the video tutorials I prepared for this plugin. So please try any of the approaches I listed and It will work. I am going off to bed, so if you'll need any further assistance I should be online tomorrow.

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  • > GabrielIq What do you use to wrap the final game? PhoneGap, Cocoon, C3 wrapper or commandline Cordova?


    Its exported on android cordoba,debug apk. I did export for android studio project too. Trying to test all the ways.

    With the default mobile advert plugin i can see the test ads, but not with the Ultimate ads plugin....

    Alright so if you do it directly with Cordova then please do not add the XML part manually. Instead please run the following command from the command line.

    cordova plugin add cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob[/code:inzo4cz2]
    This will add the plugin to your project and make the required references. Let me know if it worked for you please.
  • GabrielIq What do you use to wrap the final game? PhoneGap, Cocoon, C3 wrapper or commandline Cordova?

  • Hello Toby, i bought your plugin, looks good but...i did every video tutorial, but is still not showing inster ads and rewarded video or banner ( im using C3)

    I tried ultimate ads on test mode enabled ( not getting the ads test image) and disabled with my own admob id ( not getting ads or exaples)

    Im testing on a real device with android 5.1.

    Also, i opened the config.xml file in \res\xml inside the project and i did not found the "cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" part from others posts.

    Its my first game ;_;


    Unfortunately, I have no control over what C3 export does and it may change often as C3 is young so in such case please add either

    <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" />[/code:3e8rxl9d] (for Android)
    [code:3e8rxl9d]<plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-admob" />[/code:3e8rxl9d] (for iOS)
    manually to the config.xml and try again.
  • Hi Toby, I have a similar problem..

    Banner and Interstitial Ads work perfectly, but Video Ads do not show.

    Video ads get loaded, but still never show. I tried with both: Test mode enabled and disabled. No luck.

    Can you please look into this. Thanks.

    I can tell that I hear that from time to time but every time it's solved it turns out it's not a plugin's bug. The plugin is there unchanged for a long time now and works for many people so that allows me to "blame" other things.

    Could you please try to remove the AdUnit ID from AbMob and create a new one and try again? Also try different wrapper just for test maybe. And make sure you test on a real device as emulators may not work correctly sometimes. And ultimately have you checked with other devices?

    I know some suggestions may sound silly but we were solving such issues with even more silly attempts which for who knows what reason ended up successfully. So please give it some more tries with different variations.

  • It looks good to me Diepther

    Maybe you have a fill rate problem? Do you test with test mode on or on real ads?

  • Publishing with iTunes Connect it says the app contains IDFA and wants to know how it is being used and if it is being honored if the user sets a configuration for IDFA.

    Can you provide any information about IDFA and this plugin?

    Hi ggibson1,

    Unfortunately, I know nothing about the IDFA. You may want to contact Ludei in this regards as the Cordova base of this plugin comes from them.

  • A few questions. What sources can I use to store the leaderboard data? Does this work with and Canvas+? Can I create a leaderboard that is universal across platforms? That is, can iOS players compete against Android and web based players? A lot of questions I know but I do like how the plugin looks. Thanks.

    Hi rcioffi,

    This plugin just draws (and calculate position) based on the data you inject into it. So it's not platform dependent. You can load data from anywhere (local storage, Firebase, MySQL, etc.) and just inject into this plugin.

    So it is possible to use it as a cross-platform leaderboard but note that it does not cover storing data to any cloud, that's something you'd have to implement yourself.

  • As a fulltime freelancer I made a lot of mobile games with C2 for my customers and tested a lot of various features, and performance issues are not related to Pathfinding, LOS or any other CPU-related feature as various projects I worked with had a variety of features in and the issues was the same everywhere.

    I can surely say that apps wrapped with Canvas+ have the best performance and in the big majority of cases it's the only one wrapper that makes the app work at steady 60 FPS.

    WebView+ simply uses Crosswalk and is still better than WebView but in the huge majority of cases slower than Canvas+.

    WebView, in theory, should perform well starting from Android 5.0 but unfortunately, that's just a theory and in the real case scenario, it just performs the worst of all three. I think I was able to use WebView only in 2-3 projects throughout the years I work with mobile apps. Those were not games, but simple apps without any dynamic content.

    I tested apps on Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S8, Ipad Air Pro, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Sony Xperia Z (can't remember the number), and few others.

    WebView and WebView+ perform very well only on devices like Samsung Galaxy S8, so one of the strongest available devices at the moment. This is a good news because it means that once such devices will become widely used, we will have no issues anymore. But for now, only Canvas+ performs on the level that the game is playable on majority of devices.

    I don't know if it's a GPU fault, drivers or whatnot, but for the end user (and customers, so also developers) it does not matter. If I tell my customer that he can either have his game running at 45FPS with WebView or 60 FPS with Canvas+, then obviously he asks for Canvas+. Nobody cares what's causing the issue, people just pick what works better, and that's understandable.

    So again, it looks that we will get rid of the performance issue with WebView at some point (few years I guess). But at the moment for a mobile game C2/3 developer, Canvas+ seems to be the only reasonable pick, unfortunately (unless he's making something very simple). I say unfortunately because working with Canvas+ is not comfortable. It requires you to learn what to do and what not to do. It's not fully compatible with DOM elements, Text objects, XML documents, TiledBackground and so on. Nevertheless if one wants to have the game running smoothly, he needs to learn all that.

    Note that it's not C2 or C3 bug or issue because I used the same code for the test cases. It's purely about the WebView vs Crosswalk vs Canvas+.

  • Hi nexusgames,

    I don't think your error is related to my plugin. In the logs you can see that it has been installed successfully. Can you try to compile without my plugin to ensure it's the error source?


  • Have you tested with anything else than Canvas+? That would tell if it's C2 or Canvas+ issue. Also note that Scirra does not support Cocoon officially so you should check if there's a similar issue with Phonegap.

  • Hello,

    Thank so much ads work perfect

    I'm happy to hear that! Thanks for the purchase