the_Shit_hawk's Forum Posts

  • on ball collision box 1 add +1score to player 2, on ball collision box 2 +1 score player one

    have 2 text object set up, every tick>set text>player1score , etc so it always displays the proper score

    at end game you would probably want to set ball speed to 0 or disabled so it stops moving, preventing a late score, and a win counting as a loss or vice versa

  • generally ill add an invisble box, when ball collides w box destroy ball, add +1 to playerx score. as youve 2 players youd have player1 score and player 2 score. then have a game ender function; If playerx score Greater or equal to EndGameScore, set variable to win/lose, set text to you win/you lose, wait x seconds, reset global variables, restart layout.

    can add a do you want to retry or continue option but thats the basics.

  • would wait work? if you just need a blank function to act for a tick wait 0 seconds should do the trick, or set the previous action as a trigger etc. not sure exactly what youre trying to do but if you provide more info i can probably help w a workaround

  • can also use snapshot canvas option to take a screenshot of something, and then set that picture to a sprite image, via load sprite image from url. as i saw you were asking about an RPG, this would allow users to create their own armor etc, that is, if you can get a working editor.

    i hear r0j0hound has a canvas plugin that allows you to draw.

    saw mention of it being added into c3, though i havent followed up on it much.

  • browser Object.

    On Export Clicked >Browser>Invoke Download

    used in conjunction with snapshot canvas function in System, you can download screenshots as png or jpg.

  • after youve published a file, if youve saved it, you can edit it and update the file on record scirra, updating your game on the arcade, but im pretty sure once its exported and published its as is. ive had pcs crashed and asked if i could reclaim a game from a file and they pretty much said to just remake it.

  • you mean after export and publishing? no.

    however, you can upload a capx file when you publish your game, which is essentially the editor file, so you or others can go in at a later point and update graphics or edit programming.

  • another neat trick is loading screens. most events in construct are instant. though, you could add a nice loading screen to give your users a break, or to build anticipation. ive had a few apps in the past with progress bars linked to timers, and at set increments change text to a different % and say "building profiles..... adding ****"and random functions to make people think its actually doing things in the background, when really its an app comprised of 4 lines of code.

  • ... -your-game

    so it seems its been disabled until further notice.

    im not too knowledgeable about multiplayer or savegames, but i would assume you save a player name as a variable, and score as a variable, as well as positions on the leaderboard, if leaderboard2 > leaderboard 1 set nameholdervariable to leaderboard1, set leaderboard1 to leaderboard2, set leaderboard2 to nameholdervariable

    this would successfully replace the player in first with the player in second, and vice versa if the person in second has more points than the person in first. this would be daisy chained all the way to however many leaderboard slots youd want. each would just be a text object, same w scores.

    as far as how to get the names and scores of the players and display to all users, that my friend i do not know.

    as i said, not too knowledgeable about multiplayer, ive been wanting to learn how to make a texting app but i assume i need a server or a license. but i think the server is the key, its a host that connects with all users and can ferry information back and forth, or hold it while games are inactive.

    though, don't give up

    can always fake it til you make it.

    set 2 columns of 11 text objects, top 2 are name and score. the rest are leaderboard1, leaderboard2, etc. can make a list of fake names, and play 10 times and write in your scores, maybe some high some low, scores can be random generated numbers within ranges, and if player is above x score they take that slot, giving them the positive feeling of beating other people, without the actual server or other players. also makes your game feel more popular, as theres all these other players, even if said player is the first or second to play your game.

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  • from my experiences,

    add a browser object

    add a scroll to behavior to the sprite containing their work, or an invisible uninteractive sprite in their workspace.

    on trigger > system> set canvas size to workspace size (width, height of workspace)

    >system> Take Snapshot of Canvas

    this will close the viewport to the dimensions of the workspace, and then screenshot the viewport, so as you dont have your controls in your final photo.

    System>On Snapshot>Browser>Invoke Download > CanvasSnapshot (should be able to select PNG OR Jpg, Quality is ignored for PNG Files, as they save at 100%)

    For My Project, I Added A Text Input Box, And In Invoke Download Where It Says File Name, I Put TextInput.Text , so as when the user saves it names the file whatever value they've put into the text input box.

    i published an app yesterday that does exactly what you're looking for. check it out. ... aker-23870

  • that may adjust position instead of size, instead of set x set width/length

  • sorry for the late response, if you havent figured it out yet, maybe something along the lines of on trigger set x to x+ Mouse.x2-mouse.x1

    then have 2 variables to click a start and finish point, so that it changes the sprites length to the distance of the sprite, plus the difference in distance between the two clicks.

    so as if it was a 4 unit box, and you clicked at 4 and 7 pixels hypothetically, the code would run 4 + (7-4) = 4+(3) and set the new length to 7. but even if you dont click exactly where the box ended the math would add up even if you clicked at 17 and 20. however if you clicked at 20 and then 17, the math would say, set x to 4 + (17-20)= 4+(-3) and set new length to 1, as 4 -3 is 1, successfully shortening your line.

    an easier way to do this , though i dont know its applicable in your situation, would be to add a slide bar, and set sprite.x to slidebar.value

  • languages are just methods of communicating data. you can say anything in any language, that is, if you know the language.

    think of it as adapters.

    you have a usb phone, which plugs into a usb jack, since it cant plug directly into (most)outlets, you use an adapter to convert the input into something useable.

    theres probably simpler ways,

    however, it would be wise to learn how they work, what they do, and build your own.

    if you know what you want the software to do, all you have to do is tell it.

  • Not bashing C3 here (I'm excited for the new software), just my honest opinion: To me, C3 just seems like a polished version of C2.

    1. Yes, C3 is browser-based and can be accessed on the go. But I do not care because I use C2 on my work laptop at home, there is no need for mobile access.

    2. Yes, C3 provides an Android build. But I get the same result when using Cocoon IO (besides a splash screen). In addition to that, I don't have to pay anything using Cocoon, which saves me 139$ a year.

    3. Yes, C3 provides a new dark-coloured theme. People... I don't care what color the interface has.

    4. The C3 website plights easy export to Android, not directly stating that you still have to sign your apps afterwards. That's just a waste of time for people who know how to do this and a big obstacle for people who do not know how to sign an app.

    5. There is no tutorial on how to export to iOS, as far as I know. I feel like there is less emphasis on iOS export.

    6. There still is no native share function for mobile apps. So even if you publish an app, your distribution sucks.

    Let me be clear here: I am using C2 to publish apps and to make money. I want C3 to be good, because it has a lot of potential! But currently, there are major issues preventing C3 from being a software suitable for business use.

    If the following points are fullfilled:

    • Give me an included APK signer for Android builds!
    • Show me how to export to iOS! Make it as easy as possible!
    • Let me share my mobile apps on Facebook and Twitter!

    I will gladly give you my money and recommend this software to other people. Till then, I won't.

    the signer isnt built in, which would be nice

    however, theres forums, tutorials, and youtube to learn how to export to ios. the functionality is there;

    as well as the functionality to share your apps. you can make games geared towards facebook, you just have to host them on your own, i dont see too much of an issue with that, scirra is an editor not a hosting service, which is partly why they give us the arcade section. i see where you're coming from though. however, compared to paragraphs of actual code theyve done a great job. and if im correct they migrated all (or most) of c2 to a new language, so think of it as a prototype. if people invest in c3 it adds resources for a potential c4, which as theyd already have the base, they could make updates like crazy. tbh their workflow is pretty consistent. they update regularly, and though they may not live in the forums, they keep up on maintenance. overall, great company, great software. cant wait to see where it goes.

  • OR:

    If you just paint toilets on the wall just add an "out of order" sign so you dont have to create interaction...

    plot twist, every button makes a flushing noise.