Taximan's Forum Posts

  • I have the same problem with items. If bullets are found, when the player returns, the bullets also respawn, always fix this with the dictionary, but there are too many objects, to assign a key to each 1.

  • I have done many tests with this plugin, and I have not achieved anything. I think, or don't know how to do it, that the plugin doesn't support families.

  • Thanks for sharing the plugin, I didn't know about it. I'll do some tests.

  • My problem is not the number of enemies, the problem is that the enemies respawn when you change scenes. If you kill a zombie, when you go back to the street, the zombie has respawned.

  • The streets are infested with zombies, there are a lot of them. That is why it is so difficult for me.

  • I tried that at first, but having a dictionary key for each enemy is crazy, there are too many.

    Despite doing it with a family variable, but it doesn't work.

  • I am creating a survival horror, there are many enemies, especially when you go out on the streets.

    Is there a way to make enemies not spawn when you switch scenes?

  • It is impossible for the "data" to double in size in your game, so it must be the images or the audio files. You just have to look at it in the cordova export.

  • It is you who has to know your game, check the size of the folders, and check if it is the music or the images. Use the web format, and replace your sound files.

  • I do not agree with that. Normally my games are big and heavy, and on mid-range devices it always runs smoothly.

  • My Admob account is unlimited again.

    I remembered that google warned me in an email that my admob sdk was very old (the version that used C3 before the last beta version) and I updated all my games.

    I also changed the description of the rewarded in-game ad, and limited it so that it could not be seen too often.

    I only mention it in case it could be of help.

  • After hundreds of tests, I think I've found a middle ground between silence and madness xd.


  • I have a game that consists of killing everything that moves.

    But when there are many enemies, the sound of the sword repeats too many times and becomes so loud that it is annoying.

    I tried only playing once while the sound is playing, but it's not as spectacular as playing many times.

    I really don't know how to solve this.

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  • I have done some tests, and the sound (not music) stops working with advanced minification.

    And the admob problems in android 12 are supposed to be fixed now.

  • Today's beta is wrong, sounds don't play on Android.

    Could you quickly explain to me how to change the version of admob in the configuration file?