Taximan's Forum Posts

  • Is there any way that a family is ordered to Z, when you change your position in Y?

    Sorry for my English

  • So yeah, I keep changing layers for 3D effect, and for collisions use the proximity of the exer Y. I'm still experimenting with this.

    Thank you very much, I will keep you informed;)

  • It is a beat up game, simulate 3D using 3 different layers. In order to change layer, the enemy needs to get to a position of the Y axis, but sometimes it is at the limit and can not hit the hero.

  • Hi everyone, I have a little doubt, that is driving me crazy.

    Colisone need an object with another exactly the same point Y.

    Using this formula.

    Enemy Set 8 Direction vector Y to Hero.Y-Enemy.Y

    But not always work, he stays at his side without touching.

    Any ideas?

    And sorry for my English I am Spanish.

  • Problem solved, my .png were 280x280, 190x190 reducing them, everything works fine.

  • It has the same fault ...

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  • I have a 280x, I'm installing the latest drivers (beta). I hope it works..

  • I have installed the version 212.2x64

  • When I export my game with Intel XDK, the screen stays black, and the debug mode this text appears:

    [.WebGLRenderingContext-0x63ff2fd8]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.

    This happens to me after the last update of XDK, any ideas? I'm desperate

    Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish

  • Thanks for the reply, my English is very bad, but I understand the idea, thank you very much.

    PD. Will comment if I get it.

  • Hi everyone, I try to create a game type Street of Rage, but I have no idea how to get a jump when using this type of control (8 direction).

    Any ideas? thank you very much