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  • Hello everyone,

    Has anyone ever made a local multiplayer LAN game with construct 2 ?

    By local multiplayer i mean like "mini militia" where two or more players in a room can connect to one player's hotspot connection without internet and play together locally.

    I searched about it im forums and found that each topic about this ended with uncertainity.... So i just want to clear this up for myself and future readers of this post who might me wondering too, whether this is even possible or not with construct 2?

    I am asking this because its such a basic feature in lots of simple games now....

    So i invite you all to share your thoughts on thia topic.

    thank you

  • Never got a reply!

    It still stucks on loader layout it still sucks.

  • anyone knows how to use a different font? if i change the source files of plugin with my font name it works, but when i export it it set backs to default arial font!

    Please help someone...

  • cooltaby

    Yeah, cranberry must be replying you any second now...

  • Bump!!!

  • Try using this plugin with C2's official "set color" effect, it makes the editor weird when you try to zoom in and out (kind of 3d effect comes into editor)... any one experienced this and found a fix to this?

  • Hello community,

    I am using cranberry cordova IAP plugin in my project but it does not have any "Test Mode" on/off option like it has in Official IAP Plugin, so i was wondering how do i test IAP purchase without actually spending money?

  • Bump! Again!

    Just want to know How to make any image file(that my user select in a game as a dp) a small image that could be saved and loaded easily, as if i save and load the exact same image(could be a high res large image) then it would make game run slow or atleast will give a lag at time of loading!

    Help! Help! Help! Construct Gurus!!!

  • Hi,

    korbaach , Bl4ckSh33p

    the images you posted are not available/ visible now, can you please tell me how you got it working please...

  • Ok Got it! Thanks a lot for giving your time and helping me! :)

  • Bump!

    Anyone out there who knows how to do it? basically what i want is to resize the image file my user imports in terms of file size !

  • Hello community,

    I was wondering if there is a way to resize an image (in terms of kb & not dimensions) that we load from "load with url action"

    The thing is that i am letting my user pic and image from his/her device wth hlp of FileChoser plugin

    --- then i am loading it in a sprite with "load image from url" action and resizing sprite to 100x100 size

    --- then i am saving the sprite's image url in local storage to load it when user play it next time

    The problem is that once the player chooses an image, the image could be a very heavy/large size image and when the player load it again it will be laggy experience

    so is there a way so that i could only save a 100x100 image of whatever the user has uploaded?

    Please help!

  • > From 7 years of experience with Construct.

    Would you say, for instance, the majority of rexrainbow's addons can be replicated with events?

    Wondering the same thing for a while now, the plugin limits (old plugins like rojo's ans rex's not compatible with c3) are a major reason holding C3 back! if they create those plugins as native or addons for C3 the people will buy C3 subscription instead of C2. the problem is that C2 and its forums are so good and useful that C3 need some time to catch up with the old (but very useful) plugins created for C2, i am waiting for the same thing to happen before i buy C3!

  • Nandynho

    Thanks i will try it! :)

    Edit: I tried and it worked with a url in quotes but i need to take image from a variable ie. the name of a sprite inside the game, In sweet alert 2 i used to put str(Variable&".png") in the 'image url" field and it worked

    How can i use it in this link because when i use it like this "<image src='str(LatestCard&".png")'/>" i have to put the whole thing in quotes and then the string becomes text i think???