Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Nandynho

    Thanks for replying, but can you please tell me how can i use different images in sweet alert via events in construct 2 ?

    Do you mean i have to make changes in plugin to add that feature? if it is so can you please help me with that cause i dont know html/css (i know css color = red etc. only)

    Please help!

  • Wow! that was a long read!(could have just said No its not possible :D) But i liked that you explained :)

    Sorry for not clearing up that by splash i meant "native splash screen" (i will edit the post title)

    Thanks everyone else too!


    I dont know what you mean, if you are confused about "Splash screen" then as i said m sorry i meant "nativ splash screen"


    what you said is the reason i wanted to animate Native Splash Screen so to entertain the user while game scripts and other things are loading!

    Conclusion : "Animated Native Splash Screen" is not yet possible due to the reasons explained in his reply!

  • Anyone knows? please help!!!!

  • this should answer all your questions.

    loader layouts are not useful for android apps it seems

    you can put a custom picture on the progress bar though.

    and once loaded you can have all the fancy splashes that you want.

    Why would i want a splash after the game is loaded, i was asking about the "Splash" example : Cocoon splash! that is shown just when the game is launched, i dont know why everyone is confusing it with loader layout i am being very clear about the splash at the launch of the game... i want to animate that!

  • AM_Games

    I dont think your solution will work because loader layout comes after loading the events and scripts

    thats when the splash is shown and i want to make that animate!

    Thanks for replying though!

  • Bump!

  • Hi awesome people of awesome community,

    I was wondering if there is a way to get animated splash for android, is there a plugin to do that?

    I found this so far "cordova-plugin-animated-splashscreen - npm"... Google it!

    Edit : Note : i am talking about the Splash we see at the launch of the game (ex: cocoon splash) and not about the loader layout!

  • Awesome Plugin!

    One question though... can we change the font?

  • Is it possible? did u succeeded? if yes then i wanna know how? i want the same!

  • how did you do it?

  • Thank you!

  • Could not find capx link!

    Can someone please provide the file, i need it!

  • Sorry, but i am unable find the capx file!

    .rar file have fx and xml files only... can i get capx cause i am unable to make this effect work, when i add it to a sprite it just vanishes in preview!

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  • AnyOne? I want to use an image alert like there was in SweetAlert2! but i cannot use sweetAlert II and sweet alert 2 at the same time, it creates problems! Help!!!

    Edit 21/07/18 : Please tell me if it is possible to use image alert with this or not!

  • Can i use Image Alert with this one?