Shubi's Forum Posts

  • at09

    very constructive idea if possible.....

  • I also think long term reliability is better than short term hacks, i will try to optimise my game further to make it faster!

    And will file the bug soon!

    Thanks everyone for helping especially Ashley!

  • I learned how to do remote debugging today and found that there are multiple errors(253) logged in console when loader layout progress freezes, they all talk about the same error given below -

    "Error loading image 'file:///android_asset/www/images/tiled_background6.png': Event

    img_.onerror c2runtime.js:4593"

    Here is a screenshot of the logged errors -

    Note: I tried again after removing cocoon plugins but result was the same, just the errors were reduced from 253 to 249.

    Note 2:Everything works fine when tested with Nokia 6.1 plus and no errors were logged! Just the performance was a little low.

    I googled the error but didn't get a clue of what to do next? little help please...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Bump!

  • i will do it and will post it if i found anything...


  • You are totally right about not relying on workaround hacks and i dont want to, there is just one major problem that is keeping me from publishing my game and its the loader layout of my game, there are two situations in which it works fine

    1. when i compile my game with webview plus and canvas plus, it works great in all the devices

    2. When i compile it with just cordova webview, it works fine in new phones but not in phones i bought just a year ago (like sony xperia xa and micromax canvas) it just stucks on 80% and never completes

    So i dont know what to do other than to find a way to compile my game with its own browser, i also did posted the issue in general c2 forum asking the possible reasons for this loader layout stuck,

    Is there a way to solve this? So that i could finally compile my game with phonegap and publish it.

  • You are right, thanks!

  • Most of the time games should run fine with the normal Cordova export. Poor performance is usually caused by a small number of devices that have buggy or broken graphics drivers that force the device to drop down to software rendering. There's not a lot that can be done about it, it's because the device has poor support for native OpenGL.

    Ashley i have with a brand new device "nokia 6.1 plus" every app runs smooth on it, also other devices run other apps smoothly but the apps i export to cordova (without webview plus or canvas plus) runs slow and the slowing increases with size of the game.

    Now i have seen most of the popular games (temple run, candy crush, subway surfers) have 60-100mb size and that kind of suggests that they have an inbuilt browser to keep the performance steady, what can i do to get that inbuilt browser to get a steady performance too now that cocoon is dead...

    Note: May be small games run smoothly with just cordova but all my medium sized games show decline in performance as compared to webview plus or canvas plus, and now i have even bigger game (about 3300 events, 600 objetcs, 125 layouts) so can you please suggest some way to integrate an inbuilt browser or an option like cocoon webview plus or canvas plus. i am already dealing with the cocoon plugins i added not working with phonegap etc. please help!

  • Hi everyone,

    I have just completed a game, its a big game and has a loader layout,

    Now the loading happens pretty normally in my "nokia 6.1 plus phone" but it stucks on 80% on loader layout in some phones including my "sony xperia xa" and "micromax c1"

    Another detail i have is that it only happens when the apk is build with webview (phonegap and cocoon both), the loader layout does not stuck if game is exported with in built browser(i.e cocoon webview plus or cocoon canvas plus)

    Can someone C2 or game expert please tell some possible reasons of why this is happening? so that i can try troubleshooting...

    Thank you

  • Hi people,

    As we know that cocoon is no live anymore, i was wondering if it is worth buying c3 just for apk building?

    I am able to build easily with phonegap but the performance is poor.... Is c3 apk builder better in performance?

    Also does it supports all kinds of cordova plugins and google play services....?

  • newt thats what i thought too.

    Anyone else who knows on how to compile construct games for high permormance(like it was in webview plus and cocoon canvas)....

    Please help guys its a huge issue and people are suffering who have paid for cocoon services as it is not live anymore...

    Please someone suggest an alternative here.. as how can we publish games with poor performances... May be Ashley could help here...?

  • what i mean to say is that i can still compile my game easily with phonegap, but the performance is poor and i want the performance i was getting with cocoon webview plus or cocoon plus or intel xdk crosswalk (i.e the apk is built with its own browser integrated in it that enhances performance), is there any alternative to get that performance?

  • Hi newt

    but will it be any different in performance than what we are getting with phonegap or cocoon webview(formerly)(webview, not talking about webview plus)......?

  • Hi,

    As you all must know,cocoon is almost completely dead and its a big headache as intel xdk has also died,

    the performance with webview plus and canvas plus were much better as they add a browser inside the game,

    now only phonegap is left and the game compiled with it only give you a simple compiled game which lags and is very slow compared to webview plus, crosswalk or cocoon canvas plus

    Please share a better way to compile game for better performance.....

  • Hi oosyrag

    thanks for replying, do you mean to say that "integrating a local WebRTC signalling server into your app" is not possible by us(indie developers)? also is it costly?

    and do we have a guide/tutorial of how can we implement it?