Shubi's Forum Posts

  • > Mikal

    > Also I get another error which seems related to the dynamic functions applied to each stage of the 'step' (function $() function not found.)

    $ mark it is jquery. not include jquery does c3 runtime. you must adding.

    here c3runtime version.

    Not working after build in mobile, worked in remote testing though!

    any workarounds?

  • inkfalcon

    I did not tried exporting C2 project with C3 build service, i ported my c2 project to c3 by changing plugins and other things that are required to completely port a project in C3. But C3 Advert plugin works fine!

  • Well,i ported a small C2 project to C3 today and here is what i think about C3...

    - It was easy to port the project.

    - 3rd party plugins are also half way through the conversion to C3 (some are native now, some are ported, a few are left) so not much problem there.

    - Build was easy to handle, i appreciate it

    - Performance depends on running device, it just compiles like cocoon webview, cordova or phonegap.

    - Also i couldn't find the difference between C2 runtime and C3 runtime in terms of performance, in both cases the compiled apk worked great in costly devices and laggy in cheaper ones.

    - Easy monetizing, sharing, loved it!

    - Easy organizing and editing events, again loved it!

    Overall C3 is going to be the best 2D game editor of future, its affordable, its easy, its basic and thus filled with endless possibilities of creativeness. The only need is to enhance performance of build app by may be wrapping it in a browser like webview+ or canvas+ did. I sincerely hope that the team is working on it.

    Love you scirra team :)

  • Just bought C3 <3 :) :D

  • Thanks a lot man! that will help a lot! :) :)

  • Mikal okkk.

    But Is there any way or alternative for sweet alert plugin, or should i stop wasting my time and start creating my dialogs manually?

  • Mikal

    Did you succeeded in converting the plugin to C3?

    Can you please share it? i am moving my projects to C3 now and it will be a big help...

  • Here...

    But to be really independent you should not use cocoon plugins at all.

  • Rodrigo Bezzi

    Cocoon has provided a step by step guide to switch from cocoon to cordova, And they have open sourced their plugins so hopefully they will work for now. Just follow their instructions.

  • I didn't know that i can build with C3 without importing C2 project in it, that's good to know :)

    but lets say we make our projects in C2 and pay for C3 to build in it then i have some followup questions...

    1) Which of the following level of performance can i expect from C3 build game? :

    a)Canvas + (Cocoon)

    b)Webview + (Cocoon)

    c)Webview (Cocoon)

    d)cordova CLI

    e)Phonegap Build

    2) Why not bill C3 Build Service for per day for a smaller price? (although i am planning to move all my projects to C3, their are still people who wants to work on C2 and build with C3)

    3) If the answer to first question is not Canvas+, then where can we get that level of performance? for C2 games that are big and need that kind of wrapper to perform fast on all kinds of mobile devices?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • So Cocoon is officially dead now, C3 can compile its projects, but what about construct 2 exports?

    Is there any free/cheap alternative left?

  • R0J0hound

    Sorry for late reply, something came up!

    Thanks a lot! it was very nice of you to do that! i will improve it to make it work smoothly :)

  • Bump! If Anyone have any ideas they want to share about this game i made.. i will be very thankful!

  • Thanks SnipG for your feedback!

    Can you elaborate please...

    Did you found the graphics too generic and do you mean they should not be generic?

    Or the graphics need to be made more generic(more specific to the game)?

    Also if you can explain what specific graphics are you referring to (for example : buttons / backgrounds / player, obstacles, powerups stc.) it would be very helpful to me.

  • Any Suggestions, changes and reviews will be very Helpful!

    This is the Game that took me 2 Years to Complete

    Bubble Up

    Pop Bubbles for new Heights, Levels, Challenges, Cards, Trophies & Achievements!

    Download Link :

    Game Bubble Up is a Simple Game to Play with big game Worlds to Explore! It’s one of the Best & Most Interesting Bubble Games around in Play Store!


    Pop Bubbles and Feel Relaxed!

    Play Offline : Explore Sea Creatures & Collect Cards!

    Play Online : Win Challenges & Grab Medals & Trophies!

    Play Exciting Levels and Collect Stars!

    Simple Game Play : Easy to grab controls, Learn how to Tap, Tilt & Swipe and You are good to go!

    Interesting Game Play : For all Ages the game play is Interesting!

    Custom Themes & HD Graphics : Colorful & high quality visuals & you can change Color theme of the game according to your taste!

    Upgrade or Buy Power Ups : Upgrade and buy Power Ups and Use them for higher rankings!

    Rank LeaderBoards: Coming Soon!


    You are a penguin in the game in the bottom of a sea. There are bubbles to help you to reach new heights, use them by jumping into them and they will become bubble lifts for a number of seconds. You need to jump to next bubble before it pops out of time!


    TAP : To Jump / To Pop out of a Bubble

    TILT : To Move Left or Right

    SWIPE UP : To Double Bubble


    Bubble Up is a big game with Multiple Game Worlds

    UP & UP MODE : In Up & Up mode you can Play for Infinity and Collect Cards.

    BATTLE MODE : In Battle mode Play Challenges Online and compete online with other players to win Trophies and Medals.

    MISSION MODE : In Mission mode Play Exciting Levels and try to Collect All 3 Stars in each Level.


    Do you like collecting stuff too? Well we think its fun to collect items! And so in the game Bubble Up you can Collect four types of items:

    STARS : Collect Stars and use those stars to buy Power Boosts. You must Collect as many Stars as you can!

    CARDS : There are Five Type of Cards!

    ⁘ Yellow ⁘ Blue ⁘ Green ⁘ Red ⁘ White

    Try to Grab all 100 Cards in Game! And with each Card you collect, you get a Sea Creature to attack in Battle Mode!

    TROPHIES : Whenever you win a Challenge Online! There is a Trophy/medal waiting for you to grab! There are 99+ Trophies and Medals to Win!

    RIBBONS : Complete Tasks & get Achievements! You will be rewarded Rbbons each time you achieve something! There are 99+ Ribbons to be rewarded! Be the First One amongst your friends!


    To complete levels more faster or To reach much higher or To win more challenges, or whenever you need some extra help, you can use power ups to boost your game play!

    There are three types Power Ups to Buy with Game Stars –

    DOUBLE BUBBLE : Gives you an extra Bubble in case things go wrong!

    HEAD START : Lets you Start the Game with a HeadBoost!

    SUPER START : Lets you Start the Game with a SUPER HeadBoost!

    There are three types Power Ups to Upgrade with Game Stars that (you can collect while playing) –

    SHIELD : Gives you a Shield and a boost when you collect it!

    STAR MULTIPLIER : Get Two Stars for Each Star you Collect while playing!

    STAR MAGNET : Collect All Stars Near You while playing!

    SCORE PLUS : Doubles the Game Score for some Seconds while playing!

    ATTACK CARD : Pick from Cards you collected to attack on your opponent in Challenge Mode!


    Lets accept that no matter how interesting a game is, it gets a little monotonous with the same graphics. Right? Well its not the case in Bubble Up as You can always change the theme Color of whole game whenever you feel like it! It can be your favourite color or could be according to your mood!

    Thank You for Downloading Bubble Up! Thanks Construct Team!

    Play Store Link:
