Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Any Suggestions, changes and reviews will be very Helpful!

    This is the Game that took me 2 Years to Complete

    Bubble Up

    Pop Bubbles for new Heights, Levels, Challenges, Cards, Trophies & Achievements!

    Download Link :

    Game Bubble Up is a Simple Game to Play with big game Worlds to Explore! It’s one of the Best & Most Interesting Bubble Games around in Play Store!


    Pop Bubbles and Feel Relaxed!

    Play Offline : Explore Sea Creatures & Collect Cards!

    Play Online : Win Challenges & Grab Medals & Trophies!

    Play Exciting Levels and Collect Stars!

    Simple Game Play : Easy to grab controls, Learn how to Tap, Tilt & Swipe and You are good to go!

    Interesting Game Play : For all Ages the game play is Interesting!

    Custom Themes & HD Graphics : Colorful & high quality visuals & you can change Color theme of the game according to your taste!

    Upgrade or Buy Power Ups : Upgrade and buy Power Ups and Use them for higher rankings!

    Rank LeaderBoards: Coming Soon!


    You are a penguin in the game in the bottom of a sea. There are bubbles to help you to reach new heights, use them by jumping into them and they will become bubble lifts for a number of seconds. You need to jump to next bubble before it pops out of time!


    TAP : To Jump / To Pop out of a Bubble

    TILT : To Move Left or Right

    SWIPE UP : To Double Bubble


    Bubble Up is a big game with Multiple Game Worlds

    UP & UP MODE : In Up & Up mode you can Play for Infinity and Collect Cards.

    BATTLE MODE : In Battle mode Play Challenges Online and compete online with other players to win Trophies and Medals.

    MISSION MODE : In Mission mode Play Exciting Levels and try to Collect All 3 Stars in each Level.


    Do you like collecting stuff too? Well we think its fun to collect items! And so in the game Bubble Up you can Collect four types of items:

    STARS : Collect Stars and use those stars to buy Power Boosts. You must Collect as many Stars as you can!

    CARDS : There are Five Type of Cards!

    ⁘ Yellow ⁘ Blue ⁘ Green ⁘ Red ⁘ White

    Try to Grab all 100 Cards in Game! And with each Card you collect, you get a Sea Creature to attack in Battle Mode!

    TROPHIES : Whenever you win a Challenge Online! There is a Trophy/medal waiting for you to grab! There are 99+ Trophies and Medals to Win!

    RIBBONS : Complete Tasks & get Achievements! You will be rewarded Rbbons each time you achieve something! There are 99+ Ribbons to be rewarded! Be the First One amongst your friends!


    To complete levels more faster or To reach much higher or To win more challenges, or whenever you need some extra help, you can use power ups to boost your game play!

    There are three types Power Ups to Buy with Game Stars –

    DOUBLE BUBBLE : Gives you an extra Bubble in case things go wrong!

    HEAD START : Lets you Start the Game with a HeadBoost!

    SUPER START : Lets you Start the Game with a SUPER HeadBoost!

    There are three types Power Ups to Upgrade with Game Stars that (you can collect while playing) –

    SHIELD : Gives you a Shield and a boost when you collect it!

    STAR MULTIPLIER : Get Two Stars for Each Star you Collect while playing!

    STAR MAGNET : Collect All Stars Near You while playing!

    SCORE PLUS : Doubles the Game Score for some Seconds while playing!

    ATTACK CARD : Pick from Cards you collected to attack on your opponent in Challenge Mode!


    Lets accept that no matter how interesting a game is, it gets a little monotonous with the same graphics. Right? Well its not the case in Bubble Up as You can always change the theme Color of whole game whenever you feel like it! It can be your favourite color or could be according to your mood!

    Thank You for Downloading Bubble Up! Thanks Construct Team!

    Play Store Link:


  • wow thanks man! i did not know you can do so much with array.... is it really important to learn array to make complicated games?

  • R0J0hound Thanks a lot for the advice!

    i will check the file out!

  • R0J0hound

    is there any present plugin near to what we want to do here?

  • Hi developers,

    Here is a question, i saw this game on google play store today, and its game play feels like real bubbles.

    Take a look here...

    I checked on their website, the game is made with unity, i want sonething like this in my game so i want to know, Can we replicate this effect on construct 2/3 ?

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    Thank you in advance!

  • Here is a game i made, please check it out

    Thanks for the support!

  • Ashley I did the elimination today and found that the error doesn't goes away until i remove every single object (image) that is showing error from the project.this confirms that it is not due to any of the events in the project.

    And i tried but wasn't able to replicate the error by jist using one of those objects in the project.

    Please tell me what should i do now???....

  • Ok Thanks!

    But you should know that the problem goes away when the game is compiled with webview + or canvas+ or intel crosswalk OR in case the test device is new. So i don't think eliminating events or objects from within the game would come up with any solution for the image loading error!

    But if this is the only way then i would try my best to find the root cause, although it would be very helpful if i had a little knowledge about why image loading error happens!

    Thank you

  • All Google Play related plugins (Cordova IAP, CordovaAdmob and CordovaGame) all are giving error while compiling with cocoon and phonegap

    The error is "Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:_debugApkCopy’.

    Could not find"

    See Full Error Here:

    I have notified cranberrygame of the same through email, please fix this as many users are dependent on these plugins and are unable to release/update their games.

    Thank you

  • I cannot post my game file, it only happens in mobile phones not having a very fast processor, I tried but i couldn't reproduce it, as far as i have understood it happens when large number of images (~600) are to be loaded and the processor of the mobile is old or slow.

    If it is not a bug then can you please tell me the reasons for which the "error loading image" could have happened.

    I thought it was due to large image size and memory running out so i reduced the image sizes (to 512*512 max) but no luck it still stucks.

    Only if you could tell me some troubleshooting advice or reasons i can then do some troubleshooting myself and post back the solution.

    Thank you

  • Problem Description :

    The loader layout of my game stuck on loader layout in some mobiles(you can say below snapdragon 636). After ashley's suggestion i did remote debugging i found that there are multiple errors(253) logged in console when loader layout progress freezes, they all talk about the same error given below -

    Example: "Error loading image 'file:///android_asset/www/images/tiled_background6.png': Event

    img_.onerror c2runtime.js:4593"

    Here is a screenshot of the logged errors -

    Note: I tried again after removing cocoon plugins but result was the same, just the errors were reduced from 253 to 249.

    Note 2:Everything works fine when tested with Nokia 6.1 plus and no errors were logged! Just the performance was a little low.

    Description of Capx : I cannot share the capx as it is a large game and because it is only stuck when game is large as i have made small games and never experienced it. i also have tested without third party plugins and it still stucks.

    Expected Result : Smooth game loading (it is alright in devices over snapdragon 636)

    Affected Browsers : All works fine on PC browsers, only stucks in mobiles

    Operating System and Service Pack : Win10

    Construct 2 Version ID : Latest

  • Cassianno

    its not about server, the game shows image loading errors in offline game too!

  • This looks like the problem I've faced and solved thanks to Mimiste: it's not a server issue, it's c2runtime.js and the "CrossOrigin" property that was being set on the loading objects as "anonymous" ... check this out...

    How did you solved this can you please tell me?i am facing kind of same problem of error loading image on some devices.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Okay! Sorry, i thought that the link "" is about incorporating inbuilt webgl inside the game.

  • Ashley

    Is this possible with construct 2 to Create WebGL based native Android App?

    If there is a workaround for this then we will not need to rely on cocoon webview plus or canvas plus...