rozpustelnik's Forum Posts

  • Seems to be working, Thanks!

  • Is there a way to have only one specific layer affected by "adjust HSL mask" without having affected other layers beneath it? Like so: (top to bottom)

    Layer 1: adjust HSL mask

    Layer 2: layer affected by fx above

    Layer 3: not affected

    Layer 4: not affected etc.

    Imagine having player's character on one layer (Layer 2) and having the sprite affected by HSL mask. The background is fine and I don't want it to be affected by this effect (Layer 3 and 4).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is relatable to the already observed behavior in Ashley's video:

    Reported by Ashley two years ago, Android case

    but it happens also on high-end PC.

  • Here is the slow motion video of the jank problem in Construct Preview.

    The jank can be observed at: 1s and 9s (same footage, different speeds).

    Here it can be observed between 2 and 3 seconds.

    I tried also to trace it in Chrome, here are some screenshots. The tracing is not corresponding to the previous videos.

    Frame inconsistency?

    Additional work done by GPU?

    Generally, all frames are targetting the desired FPS, most if not all of them are below 16ms. But sometimes the frame is skipped resulting in jank. With the full screen the effect is more pronounced.


    AMD Ryzen 9 7900X

    NVidia GeForce RTX 3060


    Project settings:

    Fullscreen quality: LOW

    Sampling: Trilinear

    Use worker: Auto (which means it is using it)

    Enable WebGPU: Yes

    Framerate mode: V-synced

    Downscaling quality: Medium

    Rendering mode: 2D

    Anisotropic filtering: 2x

    Max spritesheet size: 4096

  • There is a jank / stuttering observable in preview. I have a high-end PC and FPS is always at 60. Worker mode on/off - no difference. WebGL vs WebGPU - no difference. When preview is not full-screen, the jank is way less pronounced. Not tested in exported project yet.

  • I cannot load my project. C3 nwjs is stuck forever loading files.

    NWJS and C3 up to date.

    Here are some details:

    1. When loading the project

    2. Memory use: it should be around 1,6 Gb - which means not all files are loaded.

    It doesn't matter if I start the C3 in elevated mode.

    What is weird - opening the project succeeds in 1 on 10 tries.

    Anyone encountered the same problem?

  • Thanks. I'll try to sort it out with touch id.

  • Imagine having many cards on a screen. Cards can be dragged around with touch plugin. I don't want to have any cards (except one) being dragged by other fingers at the same time. How do I limit the touch to just one finger / input?

  • Eren Wow! Thanks!

  • looking for rex platform moveto c3 runtime, will glady donate.

    I second this :)

  • Eren Seems to be working! Thank You so much! What could be the issue?

  • Eren Strangely, after installing Your version I got this message: "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct3 single-file (.c3p) project." Rolling back to Magicam C2-runtime version works...

  • I know Magicam plugin has been converted, but it still uses C2 runtime. Is it possible to adjust it to use C3 runtime, beacuse in a year or so all plugins using older runtime will become obsolete?

    That is a shame C3 doesn't have any proper in-house camera implementations. I know it is doable via events, but how much more convenient would be to have all those time-related smooth transitions between cameras, points, camera lags and zooming - all in one easy tool...

  • Hi guys this isnt my original plugin nor did i convert it but here is the link to the converted c3 magicam plugin ... addon?dl=0

    hope you enjoy <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    check my latest app out!

    Thanks! Any chances to re-convert it to C3 runtime? Next year it will become useless, as it is using C2 runtime :(