Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • ashley

    yes they will not show but...

    scml animations get destroyed since they tween sub pixel

    with point sampling the image quality degrades especially if it has thin lines and you see flicker everywhere.

    the movement becomes jerky.

    i managed to fix the seams with sprites as tiles and i am 100% happy at the moment.

    could you please answer this question for me ? it will save me a lot of trouble and time.

    i just conducted an experiment because i read somewhere that you stated that tile maps are 100 times more efficient than using sprites as tiles.

    so i left the seams aside kept my linear and pixel rounding to "off"

    deleted all sprite tiles(about 2000 objects),imported 2 tile maps one with collisions and the other one with none.

    i used the ones with collisions as a platform for my player to walk on and filed the rest of the level with the one with no collisions to keep the check count to a minimum.(about 10.000/sec). before i thought to use 2 tile maps the collisions went to 350.000 /sec and the game run at 30fps at pc.

    i saw 5 fps down in pc!! (from 60 to 53-56)

    mobile was exactly the same

    and another platform was exactly the same.

    if my tests are correct should i stop trying to make the tile map plugint to work with all the "wrong" settings since i see no performance gain whatsoever?

  • if it is a global variable the "score" then say

    if "score > 5 then set animation 2

    if "score <= 5 then set animation 1

  • (Singing)

    Ashley PLEASE FIX THE TILE MAP SEAMS!(figure out a way..figure out a way..figure out a wayyyyy..)

    Ashley PLEASE FIX THE TILE MAP SEAMS!(figure out a way..figure out a way..figure out a wayyyyy..)

    Ashley PLEASE FIX THE TILE MAP SEAMS!(figure out a way..figure out a way..figure out a wayyyyy..)

    (All together now!)




  • +1000

  • very interesting read,

    by using one of the above suggestions i set my margins to 127.5 x 127.5 (my sprite "tiles" are 128x128) and the seams are gone !

    i guess the fact that they overlap by a total of 1 pixel made them disappear.

    i had to remake some collision detection especially on slopes to compensate for the overlapping but everything went silky smooth.

    now for the tricky part.

    does anyone know why when i import my tilemap sheet through the tilemap plugin in C2 and divide it by 128x128 i can see in some places extremely thin lines around the invisible square?

    they are perfectly aligned , when i cut them in photoshop and import them as sprites they have no such "artifacts".

    does anyone know how the tilemap plugin handles the "cutting" of the tilemap sheet?

    of course when i use sampling to "point" the lines disappear but so does my picture quality and everything flickers like a mofo! lol

    Any info on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    And another question now that i am on fire!

    although i have read a lot about it i am not sure about the conclusion.

    right now i have 2900 objects on my first level.

    90% are the same 53 sprite "tiles" .i have one sprite and 52 animation Png's for it.

    65% of these have their collision detection to "off"

    do i have inferior performance with this setup than if i had used the tilemap plugin with the same 53 tiles?

    because if not then i would be happy to stay with my current sprite "tiles" setup.

    it is more time consuming but it works for now.

    otherwise i will have to figure out a solution with your help on how to get rid of the lines and the seams using the tilemap plugin.

    thanks in advance.


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  • then you are doing it wrong,there is a reason they are called global,

    try this.

    create one event sheet for each level you have.

    copy paste all events to all the event sheets you have.

    Do not include one event sheet to another.

    lets say you have 100 levels

    set global variable "level" to 0

    when you finish a level

    on end of layout "level 1 "set "level:=1

    on end of layout "level 2 "set "level:=2

    on start of layout "level 2" "level"=1 destroy "level 1"

    on start of layout "level"=3 "level"=2 destroy "level 2"


  • on end of layout reset global variables


    on end of layout set "globalvariable1"=1

    • Post link icon

    In this world it takes hard work,long hours, persistence and motivation to succeed.

    the same applies with C2.

    It is not rational to bash a software that gave you the opportunity within a few hours to make even a simple game when most people in the industry

    have gone to college,have a masters degree in programming, work 12 hours a day for a decade invest hundreds of thousand of $$

    and still haven't made any serious money-if any- with games.

    Is this software perfect?No

    Is life perfect? No, you die...

    is this software perfect for the price it costs and the future it brings? hell yeah!

    put in the hard work and maybe soon your views on this subject might change.

    just my 2 cents.

  • pixel rounding not only does not fix the problem ,but it causes shutter in movement as well!

  • i just posted this,

  • Thndr

    thank you for your tips!

    when i am previewing in chrome everything is perfect.i had to go from the tilemap feature in c2 to the old fashioned way of one sprite with the rest of the tilemaps as animation frames to achieve this.

    and after a couple of months of only previewing when i exported it with node for the first time i saw the hated seams again!ohh the irony! :p

    everything is designed to be 128x128.

    i cannot use pixel rounding due to the fact that i use spriter for my animations and spriter tweens sub-pixel.

    if i set it to on the animations become jerky.

    LQ Render: i will try it when i get home but i do not know how it will affect the image quality since everything is made for 1080p.

    what do you mean to re-size by integer?(i do not use "point" since most Png's losses a lot of picture clarity)

    if my tiles are 128x128 you suggest to make them smaller within the c2 image editor? like 127x127?

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  • Does anyone know why when my game runs on chrome has zero seams and when i export it through node webkit literally every tile has a seam?

    doesn't node use chrome ?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  • just create a global variable "score" and store there the score of the game.

    then create another one that when you finish the game you give it a number. (gb "finished_game "=1)

    then on your event sheet say

    "score"=50 ----- ---------------------go to layout "new"


  • you need to add the keyboard or gamepad or whatever to your project.

    on empty space double click and from the menu that will appear double click again on the keyboard icon.

    wait 5 sec and then it will be available to your project