Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • a performance question.

    lets say i have 5 different scml enemy's and each has three instances (a total of 15) in my game level.

    even if they are off screen , they still tween consuming cpu resources ?

    if yes is there an advice on how to make things more efficient?

    EDIT: could we use the "pause" animation and when we get closer to un- paused it? would that make any difference ?

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  • every new feature is welcome but for me the tilemap seams thing is the most important since you just cant have a proper game without it working properly.

    i truly believe that it is a core feature of C2 ,just like the editor and the visual programming , and it must be solved once and for all so everything will work in harmony once exported.

  • i just tried out the new experimental tilemap seam fix and i can say with tears in my eyes that it works!!

    After countless hours of trying to eliminate them , Ashley came guns blazing and killed every last one of them!

    Now all it is left to do is to match the original batch rendering and we are set for life

    If i find something out of the ordinary along the way i will post it.

    But for now i will enjoy my seamless game!

  • Problem Description

    after using sprites as tiles and overlapping them by 1px i managed to eliminate seams when i exported my game through node webkit.

    i used today node with r169 and i have huge seams everywhere.

    i believe it has to do with the new addition of downscalling.

    Attach a Capx

    since it is my full game i will send the .capx and both the exported (r168,r169) versions to ashley upon request.

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    export using node with r168 = no seams

    export the same file with the same settings using node with r169 = huge seams.

    Observed Result

    with r169 you can see more than 4px seams between the otherwise overlapped sprites.this is with the "normal" setting

    if for any reason i use the "high quality" setting when i export with node .. take a look at the picture below .

    Expected Result

    to be the same as r168

    Affected Browsers

    node webkit

    Operating System and Service Pack

    windows 8.1 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


    Bigger Images: ... uality.png

  • hello Lucid!

    i just re imported one of my characters by re saving both my scml and scon files with the newly added third save option in spriter enabled.

    i got this message .

  • i would like to kindly request if you could add a date to every scml plugin(at the .rar) you release because i now have on my downloads folder a gazillion plugins with the same name and it is starting to become confusing .

  • i understand your pain but the way you describe things it makes no sense regarding the way C2 handles things.

    it sounds like your cpu or another component of your pc is failing,and thus the irrational behavior.

    i know that maybe you cannot post a .capx but without it i don't think we can help you.

  • Ashley or anyone that knows the answer.

    sorry for asking again but i want to understand this once and for all.

    i totally understand during runtime to have these artifacts and seams because of the way the gpu renders.

    but why they appear in the editor?

    why sprites don't have artifacts in the editor and the tilemap has?

  • Ashley

    my biggest problem with tilemaps right now is not with seams but with these artifacts.

    as you can see for some reason when the system crops the tilemap in the import process the tiles take one pixel of the above(and left ,right ,bottom) tile although they are perfectly aligned.

    please notice how in your tilemap it has taken the top line from the above tile and just a bit on the left because the left tile has only this much to take.

    on the right it takes none because it has no other tile there.

    if i add 1px of transparency and instead of 128x128 i make them 129x129 then the artifacts disappear but then the tiles have 1 px seam between them.

    why is this happening?

    if i cut them in Photoshop and import them as sprites they do not have this 1px artifact.

    the are perfect.

    this happens with your stock c2 platformer tilemap as well.

    it is driving me crazy! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">

    EDIT:because the pictures do not show here properly i attached them in their original resolution here: ... .55.35.png ... .51.32.png ... .56.09.png

  • did you figure out why on import the previous events disappear ?

  • thank you lucid. you are the best as always!

  • Zathan

    the new c2 build that supports these features came out a few hours ago and because i am trying to figure out this import problem thingie i did not have the chance to play around with anything soon as i know more i will let you know

  • edit again

    .sorry i happens with old and new.

    it deletes all conditions of the previous scml when importing the new scml file

  • note: this did not happen with the "new" files that had scml as import method

  • you were right.

    because i hadnt changed those animations for a while they had the old method with the scon.

    the second i changed it back to scml it imported.

    and now for the WTF time

    the second i try to run my game i get this

    "event validation problem

    event sheet joypad event sheet

    number 58

    problem an else condition cannot be placed here.make sure the event follows a non triggered event and it is the first condition"

    this happens because all my events with that scml character disappeared when i imported the new file!
