RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Sorry. I found the solution after see this post (http://www.scirra.com/forum/newbie-uid-question_topic48718.html). So, I create a local variable that register the animations name and call them through System>on start layout>set animation to sprite.variable. In the same way I can define others properties for each animation. Many thanks to Yann and newt.

  • I�m studying the R0J0hound example (http://www.scirra.com/forum/follow-path-behavior_topic47235_page2.html?KW=path)and I dont' know how to create different enemies types to follow the same path. Is it possible?

    If yes, could I use one object with 05 animations that represent each enemy? How could I set each one? Thanks

  • Sub-events too

  • I don�t know why, but it�s ok now. Thanks anyway, Ashley.

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/error_message.gif" border="0" />

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/empty_project.capx

  • Maybe I need to use 12 sprites instead a one sprite with 12 animations.

  • Sorry, but I don't quite understand your suggestion.

  • I?ll create 10 enemy waves and 12 different enemies per wave. I intend to use an object with 12 animations. I try to set the new enemy changing the animation, but as the previous enemies are still in layout when entering new enemies, also change their images too and are equal to the new enemies. How to change animations for new wave only? Ideas or suggestions, please.

    My code:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/tela.gif" border="0" />

  • Sorry to resurrect this topic, but the example here is what I intend to study. I just want to know how to make the pieces slide into the empty spot when clicked. You can use the bounce effect together, right? Any explication will be help. Thanks

  • Hi Igor

    I get your tutorial P1 for Construct 2, but is not complete (4 parts still remain). My idea is to create a game with math operations, for example: the user clicks on a number, then an operator and then another number to reach the result that was announced . I will use about 49 objects with numbers 01-09. I needed to know how to align objects randomly in a grid. To combine the pieces to get the result I believe the solution is to use global variables, and need to check before if clicked on a number before the operator. I needed some guidance or examples if possible. Thank you.

  • Hello Igor

    Very nice tutorial. I would like to know how to finish the game. You still want to continue the tutorial on your blog? If not, can I use this tutorial thread in Construct 2? Thank you.

  • Someone could point to me where I can find an example of a "combine" game type (select 3 or more itens to destroy) on construct2? Thanks

  • Please?

  • I�ve to same issue. Any tip?

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  • It�s a good solution, but I need one for free version.