RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    In my case I need one to present to a publisher, not for consumer.

  • I need a license agreement template. I wish it had clauses about exclusive and non-exclusive dealing. Does anyone know where can I find?


  • Sorry for insisting so much, but I'm really interested in understanding this script and adapting for my needs after.

  • UP

  • I created a boolean variable in the sprite and set it to false, added a new conditional above the "System" event with loop, to check if the variable is true and use a button to change the variable to true. The result is the same: depending on how long I wait to click the button, the sprite appears already in the middle of the screen because the animation keeps happening before I hit the button.

  • Hi GameForger

    Thank you very much for the instructions. I'll try to implement them.

    I try to develope a game that has ghosts as enemies. This rotation system with constant speed generates a very interesting movement for this type of character, better than if I had used waypoint. Will be able to get the same result with pathfind?

  • Plz, I need only some explanations: If "time" is not a variable what�s and how to control?

  • Bump

  • I didn?t find a "time" variable.

    Please, look directly in the capx that R0J0hound relesead:


  • I still try to understand and adapt the catmull rom script wrote by R0J0hound and I need some explanations about it. In this script was used a set position animation and I need control the time that animation start. Script is follow:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/code.gif" border="0" />

    For example: If I use a loop to create Sprite objects by the system and use the button to start it e press it after 10 seconds after the animation preview, the Sprite will appears in the center of the stage and not in the home position. I want the animation to start after pressing the button, and not before.

    Please, I really need to uderstand the procedures about how to control this animation


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  • The movement of the first example (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples 208/catmullrom.capx%) is very interesting. But I could not control the beginning of the movement, which is based on position change by time, right? I do not understand how to stop time and just launch it whenever you want. Could you show me the way to have this control?

  • R0J0hound,

    I found the error: I forgot to include "* dt" in the expression that determines the speed. sorry.

    But the movement is not so smooth as before, when the sprite rotated. Now the sprite gives some leaps when changing the direction of motion.

  • Salve R0J0hound. Thank you for this great script and for helping me.

    The Sprite now has stopped rotating. Thank you. However, the value defined for the "speed" variable no longer works. I assigned the "speed" value for the "Move" value (Move pixels self.speed at angle self.angle_toMove angle) on both actions, but not solved.

    Thank you again and sorry for the confusion about the analogy that I used to compare the type of motion.

  • Someone could really help me. I already lost much time trying to solve this, without success. Please.

  • I try to understand the catmullrom example made by R0J0hound (genius by the way) and I don't know how to prevent rotation when the sprite go toward. I woul like a isometric movement and not a top-view one. I tried to compare angle (in between condition) and set to 0 when this is greater than 0.1 and not work. Someone knows how can I do this? Thanks

    Example link: scirra.com/forum/follow-path-behavior_topic47235_page2.html