RBuster's Forum Posts

  • How to determine that "any" object that collides with one specific object, be destroyed? This program should be in a single event. Is this possible?

  • Thank you, Kyatric

  • Thank you very much, dcburnett

    I was going crazy and you saved me

    Thanks a lot.

  • Another doubt:It would be interesting to use a command randomization separately for each object created?(in this case, using system>every sec three times). This way, different objects could have created simultaneously and interchangeably. I would love to hear from you about these two issues. This will help me to learn how to create systems that are more interesting. Thanks.

  • Please guys, some help.

  • I intend to create a game like lotto and I need to know how to shuffle the objects with numbers out of the layout and show these objects moving to the layout center and positioning side by side at once. Anyone could help with some tips or pointing a similar example? Thanks for any help.

  • My .02 cents


    Really Free

  • I created a system but I believe that is not very efficient. What do you think? (notice that I have not changed the variable names, but I'll do it)

    System > Every 1 seconds > System > Set randomNum to random(15)

    *(sub-event) System randomNum <= 7 > System > Create object rock1 on layer1 at (random(80,640), player.Y+650)

    *(sub-event) System randomNum > 7 / System randomNum <=12 > System > Create object rock2 on layer1 at (random(150,550), player.Y+680)

    *(sub-event) System randomNum > 12 > System > Create object rock3 on layer1 at (random(300,480), player.Y+710)

  • Thanks justifun and I?ll try to implement the justifun suggestion

    You?re right, But it?s ony available in personal/commercial version. I?ll intend to buy the C2 very soon.

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  • Thanks for the tips, I'm still learning.

  • I�ve an idea and and it worked but I don't know if is the better solution:

    Rock onDestroyed > System > Set randomNun to random(11)

    (sub-event) System > randomNum>=8 > Explosion > Spawn bulletPackage on layer 1(image point 0)

  • Very nice example, Thank you.

  • I would like to generate a explosives package randomly each time the player exploded a stone. I thought of creating a spawn from the sprite with the explosion (fire+smoke animation), but would have to be random, ie, the explosives package only appears in some explosions. Someone would have an idea of how to do this?

  • Great example podpathos. Thank you very much.

    How can I do to apply this effect to sprite that was created by the system with a bullet behavior.

    Thanks again

  • Sorry, I just tested it and deleted then to look for another solution. But as I was suspicious, I decided to post this question on the forum. I tested several times and the time interval between the object was always the same. However, the command "random" worked very well with the position on the screen.