RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Hi Paradox,

    This I already knew. The problem is that this way I have to create the command for each sprite and I would like to create a general command to verify all objects at once

  • One problem: I didn?t see this variable in the comparable variables option of System event. Maybe because it?s a local variable?

  • Very clear. Thank you, justifun

  • I intend to use a different enemies with the same local variable (numLife). I would like to check the life bar of these sprites at sigle time (eg. enemyObject.numLife) . How can I do this?


  • I?m using the random command to create enemies:

    System > every random (1.5, 5.0)seconds > create object > enemy1 > layer 1 > X= player.X + 1500 > Y=random(100, 650)

    I?ve two issues:

    • I thought the program draws a value in seconds for each instance and from what I understand the program draws only once and applies in all instances (is it right or I?m doing something wrong?)
    • Despite being restricting the area between the vertical axis to 100 and 650, the enemies appear at times near the edges (vertical window size = 720). Even objects that I took the desktop are shown through the top, every time I start the game.

    Thanks for any help

  • Sprite: Set animation frame to Sprite.AnimationFrame +1


    Sprite: Set animation frame to Sprite.AnimationFrame -1

    Thank you very much.

  • I am the only one who's finding this problem?

  • Could I use a sprite with 5 frames (one frame with 5 images, other with 4, etc)and change the animation as played lost lives, for example? or it�s not a good solution?

  • I intend to decrease life, removing little sprites that represent players life. How to implemt it?


  • How to create random enemies of different types? For example: I have a weapon that should kill all types of aircraft and each aircraft has a different shape and is equivalent to a proper amount of points

    I thought I'd create a sprite with 04 different frames, each frame like a kind of enemy and then randomize these frames.

    Does anyone have a better idea but that was not too hard to implement?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Any help?

  • I �m trying to implement controls by keys and touch sprites using simulate 8Direction controls, but only touch directional controls works. Anything is wrong or I need to do a different setup when I use two kind of controls at the same time?


  • Thank you Velojet.

    I don?t urderstand what kind of limitation about the commercial use of personal version. Could you explain?

    One more question: I always need to upload the files? anyway to play the game in offline mode?

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  • Can I get a html5 package in free edition and can I publish this in my site? Have I limitations about resources and features in free edition?
