part12studios's Forum Posts

  • stop using 5.1.1 and back to 4.1.2 under build options. were you suppose to know this? of course not.. but yep that's most likely your problem. you have to downgrade plugins and everything to 4.1.2 in XDK. Let's not discuss this anymore on this thread (I know I was asking) but yea that should do the trick. Do a fresh import as well to be safe.. never assume when things go wrong that overwriting stuff is still ok.. i have no faith in the process right now.. until i get a nice run of successes.

  • ah ok great to know glerikud I remember their being talk of some added help but wasn't sure how that help was being applied. Good to know.

  • Ashley thanks for taking this into account and thanks for explaining that it's more involved than NW.js

    Getting an app on the store is not so hard.. well.. it can be done with some persistence I've never found it easy.. I just was one of the people who stuck with it long enough to see some things get through, but the real issue seems to be having access to the latest / in demand monetization methods. admob is ok, but it's other options like IAP which is a most for almost any game these days that requires a 3rd party plugin. That doesn't seem right. Also rewarded videos are a very hot / good paying option that people are asking for and it's features like this that prove to be a single point of failure when we have to turn to 3rd party services which are in a fragmented state.

    Also yes I would much rather see improvements in C3 (like selling plugins IN the C3, not having to go through 3rd party websites / paypal to find / pay for things) that ask or expect these things to happen in C2. I kinda sigh a little each time we get C2 updates lol.. thinking.. that was time he could have spent working on C3.. but i know others are helped by these updates so of course I know it's not really wasted effort!



  • Ashley just suggesting it be something like how you do Node Webkit. To allow plugins / game to output an IPA or APK in the same fashion.

    Intel XDK though is going through it's own updates and changes and this does and has cause problems. it's not always this way but when you are on a timeline and find that something is broken, it creates a real concern about dependability.

    Having something that you maintain and only update as needed would help insure that updates don't create new problems. having some standards for plugin developers to test against would help everyone insure their stuff works reliably everyone. maybe this puts us a little behind at times on bleeding edge performance tweaks but I think it's safe to say that most of us would take stability over performance.

    you owning your own cordova solution (my understanding is that it's open source?) would insure we NEVER have to worry about any of them being unreliable/unfair because we stay safe in the C2 environment. This also means added services / features / options could be offered (for a price) to allow C2/C3 developers to opt in too.

    I don't know what your price models are for C3.. but I think most of us who are professional developers know C2 is a good value and frankly I'd be happy to pay more for C3 because it will run on Mac (amen!) and i mean back when I was a game salad developer I was paying $300 a year to be a pro developer and that engine is a kids toy compared to what C2 is capable of. I understand it is more to take on and it may take additional help.

    The common theme among EVERYONE I know who use C2 is that it's incredible for making games quickly and effectively. We can explore a broad range of game ideas and happy developers mean productive developers, but what I'm also hearing (which reflects my own experiences) is that when it comes time to publish.. productivity goes south.. time wasted over endless testing building pushing over and over suddenly takes the dream of creating a game and publishing it half fulfilled. If something could be done to make the plugin / authoring process to be stable and universal.

    I do understand some people might not like it.. and guess what? they can still choose those other platforms.. you're not limiting anyone.. but you are offering a standard that (if I understand cordova correctly) you own. I can see being reliant on another service/3rd party putting you in a bad place (like cocoonjs) but that's because they make their own changes.. make their own rules.. in this solution you are the gate keeper. You keep developers in your environment and even keep money coming that way.. if Cocoon IO can ask $500 to debrand their apps.. maybe you could too? I'm not a fan of that method, i'm just spitballing here.. but ultimately there must be a way that the signing of apps for iOS/Android (and even windows phone if you are inclined) could all be safely inside the Construct environment.

    This also means all forums posts about people having trouble can likely get straight answers.. because everyone is using the same approach.. right now if an XDK user is having trouble.. any phonegap / cocoonio people will have little help to offer.. and this is what's happen.. "works for me on phonegap..." or whatever platform they use.

    Thanks Ashley for taking some time to respond to this. I hope you understand it's not torches and pitchforks here, we're just really passionate about this software and see this particular aspect of it as something perhaps could be resolved with your help and maybe we help you see a need you hadn't realized exists.

  • CDogs1964 yea that's really the long and the short of it. Sang Ki doesn't want to be a full time plugin developer. It's just not where his heart is.. and pretty much why he's priced it so low.. he's really not trying to majorly profit from it because there is an inherent obligation to support plugins when users invest "legitimate" amounts of money into plugins

    Ok so the portrait thing.. that's really weird.. so here are a few things to check.. 1. in your C2 project properties you have an option there.. 2. in the build settings of XDK there is a setting as well (fullscreen check as well). 3. unlikely but Sang Ki did make some plugins that actually help lock a position as well. 4. I think there might be some settings in the browser plugin as well that can determine this also. these are the only places I can think of that a player has control.

    Ashley I can't emphasise this enough.. PLEASE allow plugin developers to sell their plugins IN Construct 3.. it may already be in the works but seriously.. the current path to plugin discover is not impossible but it takes some hoops to jump through especially as a beginner. Doing this would better allow plugin services like Sang Ki's to reach ALL C2 developers much easier and allow the market to also compete. This however is a good thing. When someone offers a premium / dedicated product that might cost more.. they know they are also buying into a product that the community can review / promote / share.

  • TonyW help me understand what plugins are you using? when the build failed.. what kind of error was it? I know that most of my build errors with XDK are certificate related (iOS not android). I've had good luck (knock on wood) with Crosswalk / XDK for awhile now. That doesn't mean plugins all work when I test on mobile but at least I don't get errors.

  • ethanpil oh was there a thread on this regarding the Sang Ki plugins?

    and yes that would be great. I'd love to hear the official stance in things just so we know one way or another. what are our options as the Construct 2 community? **** it up? help find a solution? wait for the solution that's perhaps already in the works?

  • big Infinity well it's not that I mind it for personal games, but if you do something for a client, they typically are not going to want their product branded by other products / services. It's unprofessional.. so you get put in a tough situation.. do you eat the $500 (a lot if you budget isn't huge) or you force the client to choose to pay the difference.. which could cause you to lose the job.. just not ideal. XDK doesn't have this issue, nor phonegap for that matter.

    Seems like they could come up with another method of debranding.. but it is what it is and IF I can get it to work for me that would be fine.. but think.. if Construct 3 HAD their own Cordova method in place.. we wouldn't have to pay $500 a game to get debranded.. I think C3 would do better to keep their developers in their environment. . Imagine if we paid C3 for similar app based options.. it would put more money in Scirra and help them further develop the engine.. supporting Cocoon IO and pumping $500 a game into their wallets is not going to help Construct 3 (i'm already thinking ahead, heh) become a better product.

    bottom line is that I'd like to see Ashley and his product(s) grow and do better so the more support / money can go his way the (ideally anyway) better the product will get and the support we need.

  • ethanpil that's an interesting idea. I don't know. From what I've heard and bear in mind this is hearsay.. It's actually the opposite. Ashley has not wanted to integrate them into the engine.. not a question of Sang Ki holding the plugins for Ransom. That said I don't know the reason. Maybe Sang Ki has asked for a large sum of money for them, but something about the tone of the story was this isn't the case. Ashley / Sang Ki could clarify what prevented this from being a thing.

  • llfstudios sounds good. I'll have to give cocoonIO another look. yea the $500 thing is a bit much if you ask me but I agree that developers need to eat.. C2 is a tremendous value. I actually kinda hope that C3 is more expensive because Ashley needs more people.. he needs to be able to hire people that can help him better address our professional needs. That isn't happening right now but he's a small operation and that's understandable.

    Sang Ki should have charged more for his plugins too. He gave the community a great value

    Also I hope that C3 has a plugin component for the store.. if Sang Ki's plugins were available easily for people to buy / download.. if all developers using C2 could easily buy his plugins and know C3 would keep them updated, I think he could then afford to make the price low and make money through volume, but as it is people basically have to stumble onto his plugins (like I did) and just go from there.

    I've also emailed Scirra suggesting they consider hiring Sang Ki (he's open to it) to be their plugin specialist.. if not him someone should be there to test out updates and to keep everyone on track for publishing.

  • STARTECHSTUDIOS hopefully Ashley has some thoughts on this for us in the near future. I don't want him to feel like we're ganging up on him or C2.. we just would like to at least know IF there is a way to address this stuff. C3 is a great opportunity to address these challenges and create an even better product. I look forward to what is resolved.

    Please continue to share your experiences, especially people who haven't posted here before. It seems like the overall consensus is the same, but we need to hear from everyone! It's ok if you had a great experience publishing.. or bad one.. I'm in the middle of the road personally.. I've done it.. so I know what's possible but I've also had long stretches of dead / discouraging development time as well.

  • CDogs1964 you may (and you may have already) blow out the project from XDK or whatever and do a completely new / fresh export and treat the whole thing like a new project. i've never experienced that kind of problem but yea that is bad and it should be an easy fix.

    ArcadEd the errors you found in the c2 plugin, did they get integrated into the plugin now or is there a way we could obtain the fixed plugin you did? Maybe a tutorial to go with it. It does seem like CocoonIO is a good advancement for them. Their prior version was difficult to work with in my experience and the fact that they support platforms like Ouya (which worked) but wouldn't help us add IAP for Ouya games was frustrating as well. Seems them integrating Cordova themselves (as I understand it) opens up good possibilities.

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  • rekjl i wasn't sure what was official and this is really something that should be stated in the software somehow.. if XDK is the preferred platform great. Bloated APK's is unfortunate, but not the worst problem these days. That's less important than plugins not working. However it is still bloat and knowing CocoonIO adds apparently 6mb vs 19mb.. is not something to be scoffed at.. but also bear in mind that iOS apps are very tiny with XDK.. like.. hardly anything is added to the game itself.

    Yes we need someone (not necessarily a team) devoted to plugin support and expansion.. taking requests for services. I still agree that having one official service for each kind of service.. ads.. interstitials.. analytics.. rewarded videos.. etc.. but options are good and if someone is there to help really work with the plugins as part of the Construct 2 team, then we should see better support and more uptime.

  • Vegamon007 yes this is why we need some kind of decision from Scirra to help us all focus our energy in one direction. Ashley is very aware of the mobile / html5 scene and I know that if he were to make a decision it would be one we could all get behind. Ultimately we want something that works best for as many people as possible.

    mercedescolomar Glad to year you had good results. I'd like to know the game you have because while I'm not saying my games are overly complex, I've found performance pretty good with crosswalk (only the bloatedYea but I wonder... since Cordova is open source, what would be superior is for Scirra to actually incorporate Cordova INTO Construct 2! If the actual service is part of the engine.. then Ashley has full control over which version.. what updates and changes are needed.

    Happier more productive developers will mean more customers and sales.. Before I was using C2.. I used GameSalad and while it is VERY sandboxish.. I have to admit i was getting pretty efficient at build apps with it and publishing because everything was integrated. Sure it had some headaches at times, but overall I really miss being able spend more time on the game and less on publishing. This seems like a viable option to explore.. eliminate the need for any 3rd party platform.

  • big Infinity that's pretty awesome. is there a good (current) tutorial you used to get it launched? Was the 6mb only for iOS or was it for Android as well? I have a project that's android only for a client and they don't even need any monetization features so it's a straight export, but crosswalk makes the game a bit bloated.. +19mb! I'd be willing to revisit Cocoon IO.. though I do not know if the client would expect the splash screen to be cocoon io free.. When I used Cocoon IO I was getting all kinds of plugin related errors but then after i removed all the plugins i still got errors so I gave up and went back to XDK.