part12studios's Forum Posts

  • Are you guys using IAP in your game with Cocoon IO? I'm having trouble getting even the example CAPX file to work (get a store error) when i run the game.

    These are pretty recent posts. I haven't run into the black screen issue yet, but i'm mostly focused on iOS right now. So I should be specific about that too.

    Has anyone found their letterbox games appearing as left aligned rather than centered?

    I'm really liking it so far. I got admob working, vungle (cordova plugin), google analytics and social share.. which has already allowed me to get more done than i could ever get with XDK which seems to always be breaking somewhere.. be it the plugin, c2 or xdk itself needing updates..

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been using Cocoon IO over the last week and found it VERY refreshing from the XDK/Cordova hell I was in.

    That said I've hit a few snags and wonder if anyone else has been able to use things like IAP with Cocoon IO?

    I have had some success with cordova plugins as well. I've seen just about everything work in one build or another except IAP.

    I could really use a Cocoon IO experienced person to team up with and try things. I can't help but feel like there are just little tricks.



  • I could use some help or even some confirmation that you have been able to successfully publish a game with working IAP. I'm not getting any results and it's hard to tell if it's even talking to itunes or not..

    Are people using this plugin for Cocoon IO or maybe still using the cranberry plugin? I had some issues with that at the time, but maybe i need to try that more?

    Also has anyone run into a problem where the native cocoon io IAP plugin (what i'm using) gives an error when try to preview with any browser, but if i remove the IAP plugin the error goes away.

  • bump..

    let me tell you if you haven't tried out cocoon IO.. and your finding trouble making XDK / Phonegap work.. seriously look into it. I've wasted soooo much time with plugin problems and errors.. CIO has given me faster results AND compared to crosswalk.. the size of the game is 2mb + your game vs crosswalk which is 19mb + your game.. I know a lot of people here favor android so seriously.. check it out..

  • LittleStain thanks for this. I'll try it out. I've been working in Cocoon IO lately to get a couple of projects wrapped up so I hadn't had a chance to test this out.



  • Hi everyone,

    So first of all, I'm seeing some REALLY promising results with Cocoon IO. I'm loving it. Making much much faster progress seeing things work than XDK. Anywho, my issue is that I've noticed that normally a letterbox scale game is centered and has nice black bars outside the state.

    With Cocoon IO it seems that if i view a letterbox game on say.. an iPhone 4s.. it's left aligned and the empty space inherits the background color of the layout.

    Dealing with the color isn't a big deal but the alignment thing would be much nicer if it were centered. Does anyone know how this could be achieved?



  • Bump. Is there another analytic service everyone is using that is better? I know there are some out there like flurry and such but is this what everyone is using perhaps instead of GA?

    I've gone with GA just because I'd had some success with it in the past but it has gotten more robust and now i think whatever i knew how to do at one time is irrelevant now so I'd be open to look at other analytic options.

  • Hi everyone,

    So I've been using GA for a while and ultimately I've had very spotty results using it because frankly I get kinda lost in the actual GA page. I have managed to confirm I am getting successful messages to it, but have no idea of how to know what they are.

    As it is, I have one setup and it's had various activity mostly new users and I wonder if this is just some kind of web scraping going on. I've tried a number of unique things both with Screen Name and Event name.. hoping I could use some kind of identifiers.

    Let me explain what I'm trying to achieve as this might also help make answering the question easier too:

    • how many times the app is opened up each day
    • how many times the replay button is pressed each day
    • how many points are scored total

    I think this is something that GA could manage pretty easily however what I wouldn't want is for all of these events to bleed together into some big blob of events but be some why I can properly identify each one somehow, but there are a lot of tabs and menus in GA's UI and I just get lost clicking around hoping something will click and I just can't seem to make it work.

    Any tips or advice would be welcome.

    I also get this error:

    Trying to make sense of this as well.



  • bump. there must be a way to have an object have a speed throttle somehow.

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  • Hi everyone,

    So one of my resolutions this year is to return to several games I let go to the back burner last year and get these games done. one of the problems I faced with this game (FredEx) is that the physics of C2 were so responsive that I had problems with collision detection with walls.

    In FredEx you flick boxes into the backs of trucks. My first attempt (seen in this video) was with GameSalad which seemed to have a generally slower less responsive physics system which in the case of this game worked in my favor.

    This was a rough early version, but notice how the mouse and the object are not locked together. There is a kind of lag because the frame rate / vsync / whatever that gamesalad was a little sluggish.

    Construct 2 on the other hand is a hyper responsive so with you drag the item it's locked to your finger and flicking can result in some incredibly fast flings which in some cases would break through solid objects that should normally stop the boxes..

    so... TL;DR

    I need to figure out a way to have an object I drag have a max speed. I've experimented with the various physics parameters in C2, but I must be doing something wrong because everything i tried never got me anywhere and thus resulted in me abandoning taking the game further. I need to know the boxes can never get outside the dock. Throttling the objects max speed should help prevent the problem i'm having.

    What I'd ideally like to see is just what you see in the video.. the boxes basically lag a little.. like they can't keep up with my finger if i move too fast.. and of course if i move slowly then they can catch up.

    one of the latest versions of the game can be seen here. I have all the assets I need to get this game pulled together if i could just master this dragging



  • newt Awesome thanks! So simple but I would have never thought about that..

  • Hi everyone,

    So it seems that now for no explainable reason when I click into my event screen and go to "add event". The window pops up but totally hidden/off screen. I've tried some windows commands I found for Windows 10 to see if that matters but nothing is working.

    You can tell the add event screen is somewhere because I hear the windows error chime when i click on the still visible screen. My next step is to uninstall Construct 2 but I'd like to avoid that to prevent any plugin screw ups, etc.



  • that makes perfect sense thanks!

  • Hi everyone,

    So I have the unity ads plugin from cranberry. I know that plugins are kept in the /plugins folder. However he has recently upgraded his plugins to be .c2addon which I drag/dropped into the app.

    The installation worked, but I've been having some trouble with the plugin with XDK so I wanted to completely purge C2 of the plugin and start fresh to insure I have the latest plugin and just start fresh so I can properly isolate the issue.

    I don't see a "unityad" folder in the c2 folder and yet each time i open up C2.. unityads are still there. where else could it be hiding on my computer? I've never experienced this before.



  • You should always start (i don't like this advice any more than giving it) with any cranberry plugin testing with the capx he provides. This has helped me.. the temptation to just go head first into the plugin and plop it into your game works sometimes but often it doesn't..

    The first thing people want to say is that it's the plugin.. it's broken.. but in reality sometimes how you use it in your game is just wrong. If you can replicate the same disfunction with the capx he provides then you might be onto something.. if it still doesn't work.. then maybe something else is up.

    I haven't tried that plugin.. you might also consider making your life easier by not using that plugin. There is a nice "social share" plugin that Sang Ki has that I've used with fairly good success that basically uses the iOS native share feature to post to twitter facebook or even text.. This has far lower barriers and works for iOS / Android.