oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • Or use an invisible helper object, loop through the main tilemap and create cost objects on top of every tile that is grass on start of layout.

  • If the host can get client input, then it knows where the client touched.

    Check if there is an object overlapping at that point, and assign it to the client that made the input.

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  • A peer needs to tell the host either where it touched or what it touched, and the host does the syncing. The host then needs to relay to all peers that a particular object is associated with a peer, and all peers need to also associate that object with the peer.

  • What determines who attacks first? How is the turn system set up?

    In view - Use LOS behavior

    Chasing - Use a helper sprite, spawn it at the target and move it x pixels towards enemy, pathfind to helper sprite. Update position of helper sprite as needed.

    Overlapping can be a very complicated subject. One approach is to continue moving the pathfinding target helper sprite until it has a free spot, if the original target was already occupied by a pathfinder sprite. Then you add things like give instance variables to the helper sprite to keep track of the expected time of arrival, and use that for prioritizing who gets the closest spot.

  • Perhaps your action is "set variable to 1" instead of "add 1 to variable".

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  • Use a second array to keep track of the frequency of each value with the indexof(value) expression.

    For each element in originArray

    If frequencyArray.indexof(originArray.CurValue)=-1 (doesn't exist), frequencyArray Push front originArray.CurValue, set value at 0,1 to 1.

    Else set value at frequencyArray.indexof(originArray.CurValue), 1 to frequencyArray.At(frequencyArray.indexof(originArray.CurValue), 1) + 1

  • construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/nw-js

    Write text file

    Write a text file to the user's local system. If the file does not exist, it is created. If the file already exists, its content is overwritten.


    Open the given file and return its text content as a string. Note that each time this expression is used the file is opened and read from disk. Therefore if the expression is used twice, the file is opened and read twice, which can impact performance. If necessary first read the file to a variable, then reference the variable multiple times.

  • It looks like it's following the plane fine to me.

    Maybe try adjusting the origin point of the smoke to a different location on the plane, like the tail, by using an imagepoint.

  • Why not try it and find out? You can make it through the tutorials with the free version no problem.

  • Nw.js can read from and write to disk. Your game will write the relevant information to the local drive, and your wrapper app can read from there.

    Cloud solutions would probably be preferable in this type of application though.

  • Do you have physics enabled somewhere?

    Hard to guess what's wrong without seeing your project. But something is definitely not normal. As far as the bullet behaviours bounce by itself goes, it should not be doing that.

  • What's the collision box on your tiles look like? I'm going to guess you'll be better off with square collision boxes.

  • Usually you would use an image point on the ship.

  • construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/audio

    Read the section about auto play limitations. To get around this, try using a splash screen that requires user input to proceed to the part of the game with audio.