Noga's Forum Posts

  • How many votes I can cast? One/each group?

    I went through all games and I don't like any game from group ?, I have only ? favourite games, but they are all in the same group and it seems to me unfair to choose only one among them when they are all good quality games and they lose my vote, because I won't vote in the group with "less attractive games" and can't transfer that vote to the one I like.

    It could be changed, if it's possible, that in each group, everyone would have as many votes as there are games, and all votes could be added to one game or split among 2 or more.

  • Noga, I wouldn't rely on it, hopefully it will be fixed in a future build!

    Could you also add to the build an action to detach a joint?

    And you may want to look into the pin behavior. In my example, I've tried to attach/detach physics objects, it's worked perfectly when I added the new pin behavior, but when an object was pinned, it has lost it's collisions with other physics objects.

  • When I set it to movable (open the door to let the marbles run) the door falls down...

    When setting a joint, it's permanent, but I needed to break a joint and couldn't find a way how to do it. Now it works, so thank you for finding that bug <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • There is problem with LOS and Families or if using more than one instance of an object. The behavior always picks just the first one. I've seen a workaround, using custom LOS. I'll try to find it.

    here's one


    I've tried this and it works:

    + System: For each Enemy

    + Player: Has LOS to Enemy -> do something

  • Nice, thank you.

  • if I use the drag'n drop behavior it doesn't collide with other Physic objects while dragging...

    I've tried it and it works

    You can still pull it through the immovable objects, though.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Congrats on finishing the book Jayjay.

    Where can I find the review? I might buy the ebook version, but I'd like to quick scroll through few pages first or read the review.

    • Tutor: after writing 10 tutorials
    • Top Quality Tutorial: a tutorial reaches 100 votes
  • Good job on badges <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, Djordhan and sorry. I couldn't spent enough time working on my game lately and I missed the deadline. Also I think, I took more than I could eat. Anyway, I'm still working on it, there's no one to compete with, but I don't like leaving unfinished projects and when I'm done, I'll post it here. Here's a screenshot, still need to make more creatures, animations and a player.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Change keys from "pressed" to "is down" and toggle both conditions back to enabled.

  • Both are good, but I like Konstell more. If that's just a minigame of a bigger project, I'm really excited to see the game.

  • ^^Exactly, C2's been always focused on 2D. They've never wanted to compete with other 3d game making programs. If you like more creating 3d than 2d I suggest switching to those programs which support it natively. In CC and C2, it'll always be possible to make a 3d game, but with workarounds and much harder. On the other hand, I believe and wish for C2, to become the best tool for creating 2d games.

  • I thought it was your game at first. Nice presentation, but it's not a game for me. I'm really slow at writing, I use only 2 fingers and always have to watch the keyboard, so I didn't have much from the game.

    Here is a topic about it.

  • Try to replace the space with - & nbsp; (erase the space after the ampersand)

    Just a guess.

    edit- what's the code for including a code in a post? I've tried

    but it still takes it as a space.