Noga's Forum Posts

  • Example it's basically what AngeloFernandes says, plus one more condition so it won't trigger everytime, only when jumping from above.

  • My damned browser crashed before I reached the end of the game (not Construct related, I guess), but I'll play it again tonight!

    almost same here, not crash, but the player got stuck and I couldn't move. I'd bet it was 23rd level <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    to the bug - player fell between the platforms on the edge of the playing screen and couldn't move or jump. Looked like wraping issue.

    I usually quit after while when playing hard games, but this one isn't frustrating and kept me playing, good game.

  • Here's the file

    Every frame of the object player had different size, falling animation frame had height bigger than standing frame. It was constantly switching between those frames because collision mask of the falling frame reacted to the solid, behavior switched to "is on floor" which changed frame to standing, standing frame was few pixels shorter than falling frame, so it lost it's collision with solid, behavior switched to falling again, and so on.

    Edit> There are two (maybe more?) ways to get rid of it

    • set each animation frame to the same size
    • use dummy box with platform behavior and position animations to it.(I used this one)

    I erased redundant animations, animation property "auto mirror" takes care of it, you just need to set the sprite's angle.

  • I think 50rep for 'Lightning Draw' is to much, half would be better. It's more about luck than anything else to get those Draw badges, but yeah, could be fun.

    And I have a suggestion for the badges page, they could be sorted by alphabet plus value (gold, silver, bronze)

  • 1. I'd change it manually, if you let the C2 guess the shape, it won't be that precise. About that flashing, I'd probably need to see it.

    2. There is "Auto mirror/flip" in the properties.

  • And of course, if it's not moving there can't be any moving angle.

    You could keep last moving angle in a variable. On key (left, right)is down > set the variable to (180,0)

  • I see, it resets back to 0. I don't think you can do anything about it, there is no "Set moving angle" action.

  • Collision polygon is your collision mask, you can add points and shape it as you like, but with more points it becomes slower. You can't have pixel perfect collisions in C2, yet. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Read about it here.

    I took out the part where Ashley explains it:

    • I think it's worth pointing out there won't be per-pixel collisions in the HTML5 runtime - Javascript isn't fast enough. The Classic runtime uses C++'s raw speed as well as special CPU features to make it practical. There'll have to be collision polygons instead.
  • I don't understand exactly what you mean. How you move the object, with behavior or events? In any case, you could store the angle in a variable.

  • Good find, it's not much of a treasure as it's worth 0 Reputation points. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Haha, found it too! High5 Sully. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If you click on the layout, you can change it's size in the layout properties on the left. To change the window size, click Properties in the same bar.

  • zenox98 is right, I didn't look at the collision mask. If you change collisions from per pixel to bounding box or point it starts to detect solids, or create collision mask.

  • The cap could be corrupted. If you delete all objects, create new ones, does it still persist? or if you create new cap? I'll pm one of the CC developers to look at your cap.

    Tip>Your player has solid ticked on, it doesn't need it as behaviors default setting is to collide with solid objects.

  • I don't see any problem, can you post the cap?

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  • I like it, it's simple, but fun.