Noga's Forum Posts

  • It's not that important, but I hope they'll include it into C2 eventually.


    Integration of the copied text with the forum. When posting, there could be a code button, that'd put the text between code tags and kept the formating from the C2

    + MouseKeyboard: On Left mouse button Clicked
    -> Spriter: Load Character "char 1" from file apppath&"hero_new_008.SPRTR"
    -> Spriter: Play current animation
    -> Spriter: Set opacity to 100
    -> Spriter: Set filter to 

    It could be much easier to read, if it wasn't in one collumn, but events and subevents on the left and actions on the right. I see one problem, how'd it format the text if it was too long.

    I'll try it:

    + MouseKeyboard: On Left mouse button Clicked -> Spriter: Load Character "char 1" from file apppath&"hero_new_008.SPRTR"
                                                  -> Spriter: Play current animation
                                                  -> Spriter: Set opacity to 100
                                                  -> Spriter: Set filter to 

    edit> it stretches the post window, that's good I think.

  • It looks really nice, good luck on your game.

  • I didn't comment the cap, but basically, when the jetman touches the ground, physics are destroyed and replaced by platform behavior. There are two variables in the "JetManAnim" sprite.

    "State" keeps track if the jetman is in the air or not

    "Cooldown" helps with the lift off, it waits for 1/2 second and than the platform behavior is turned off and replaced by physics.


  • cow_trix

    I like your example, it's so similar to what I'm working on it's almost scary <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Are you making it for the Fun Chowder Game Competition?

  • With physics it's really easy to set up.


  • I didn't notice it's set on the default values, so it should work and if not, rounding should. Have you tried different browsers?

  • I think the speed of the platfor behavior is set too high and it doesn't detect solids properly, If you try divide all values in the platform properties by 10, it works normally.

    edit>pixel rounding works for me

  • For me it works ok

    Chrome 15.0.874.121 m

    nVidia 8800GT, driver ver.285.62

  • But, this allowed to see that auto-mirror and auto-flip don't seem to work. If you set them in the project, the image doesn't flip or mirror.

    Yeah, I meant this, probably should go get some sleep.

  • When setting WebGL on and giving a sprite angle 180, it flips the sprite upside down.


    Ups, I forgot. For the sprite turn "Auto mirror/flip" to "Auto mirror"

    In canvas 2d mode it mirrors normally

    and in WebGL it flips the sprite

  • Found it!

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks for the answers.

    Guyon: This is exactly how I did it in the posted capx. But at least now I know that there is no easier way. They should add OR and Else to the event page, it's a pain to work like this.

    There is this plugin. I haven't tried it, but you might check it out.

  • Why is it exe file, why didn't you upload a .cap. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I'd suggest to upload .cap files next time, exe files looks suspicious, because they could be infected.

    edit>Ok, sorry, I clicked the other download link and downloaded something else, my bad. <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 7903

    After dying I have to reload the page, the up arrow for jump doesn't work.

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  • Debugging like in CC would be great help, I think it's on the todo list, don't know how difficult it is to implement, though.