newt's Forum Posts

  • 95 different objects?

    You might need to rethink a few things such as how you plan to deal with everything within the game before you start overloading it.

    Generally speaking, without the aid of families, the easiest method is with frames, and instances, using the indexing system.

  • Other than the ability to get existing lists, or dictionaries, an api would be a bit of overkill as you can do quite a lot of generation in C2 already.

    Especially since we now have regex.

  • You don't really have to learn them, everything is clickable in the object expressions popup.

    F4 if its already hidden in the events sheet.

  • Did you make sure all the files have access?

  • It has to be in touch for that to work.

    Drag, and drop behavior "Is dragging" a dummy object should work.

    Otherwise most apps use a timer. The new touch conditions, on tap, on hold, can work as well.

  • And what if you did need to know if that object was touched?

    Touch, and collision are two different things.

    Having the extra layer just complicates things where the variable method, which is how most everything else works doesn't add much overhead.

  • But that's not how objects work. Touch doesn't know anything about sprite, just as tiled background doesn't know anything about the text object.

    It amounts to saying the same as keyboard ignore collision of sprite.

    The only way it could be done is if someone made a behavior you add to the object you don't want touched, and that would probably take a lot of code, where you can add a variable in one click, and add one event.

  • Websockets requires a dedicated server to work, but it does work on Ios, at least it does using the browser.

  • But the touch object isn't associated with objects until they are touched.

    You can't say touch object ignore touch of sprite, and you can't say sprite ignore touch of touch.

    You can check a Boolean and if that value, or variable is false then any sub events, such as on touch, would be ignored.

  • How would that work?

    On touch sprite, sprite stop touch of sprite?

  • I broke it.

  • That would be a decent feature request.

  • You'll need to provide more information if someone is to help you.

    The 18 mb is a good indicator that you may be overloading memory, other than that you will need to say what you are exporting to, cjs, device browser, etc.

    A capx upload is usually the best method for any other issues, bad events/ logic, etc.

  • The question now would be, does the preview share the same folder as the export?

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  • Just come up with an iterative naming scheme. Something like play by name "soundfx"&myVariable.