Touch doesn't know anything about sprite
newt - That's not exactly true since there is an "On touched object" condition, so it must use the objects collision polygon and position to determine if the touch occurred in that area
All I think
A0Nasser wants is for On touched object to only return true if the object is touched while it has collisions enabled and always false if collisions are disabled, which only seems logical.
Same goes for the Mouse On object clicked condition.
The only way it could be done is if someone made a behavior you add to the object you don't want touched, and that would probably take a lot of code,
It wouldn't take much code. All it would take is for
Ashley to add in where On touched object/On object clicked normally returns true a check like this:
if Object.isSprite then
return Object.collisionsEnabled
return true
One workaround is simply to add in the sprite's [i]Collisions enabled[/i] condition in the events with the [i]On touched object/On object clicked[/i] condition, and turn on/off collisions as needed. [url=]See example capx[/url]