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    If Construct_3 = ready_to_buy

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    Buildbox is out of the game, I do not know what world they live in.

    Fusion 3 for the moment nothing we do not have in Construct 2.

    Game Maker 2 I liked it, a big change, but too expensive to be able to export out of windows.

    Construct 3, I have great hopes, after having fun for years of Construct 2, I hope to have many more years with Construct 3.

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    Good news, we are patient, but with a screenshot we would be more relaxed XD

  • The stage is created with Magica Voxel, then I export as obj.

    So I can not create a scenario, export it as an obj and use it as a scenario?

  • X3M I can not get the camera to collide with an ojb. ... ision.capx

  • Another question...

    Can the camera collide with an obj-mesh object?

  • Ok thanks, I will continue researching the plugin XD

  • To see if I explain myself better, I want to be able to move as in the First Person Shooter on the stage of the race example.

  • X3M In the racing capx, I want to eliminate the car, and to be able to move with the camera like in an FPS, doom type.

  • In the example of race, as I can, on that same map, make it serve me for an FPS, because the gravity goes down, and if I change the sense of gravity is uncontrollable.

    Sorry for my english.

  • Hi X3M, I wanted to ask you a question, I do not know if it will be possible XD

    For the creation of scenarios from Construct 2, the view is lateral, and z that in theory is the depth is seen from the front, so it is difficult to adjust the objects.

    Could not the editor be seen from above? So there would be no problems with the X and Y, it would be as always, and simply we would have to control the z height, but it would be much easier to create the levels.

    You watch the video that I leave next, from the minute 1:25, is an example of how could improve the editor from Construct 2, taking the view from above.

    All this I just think would be fine, but I do not know if it is possible.

  • I have the same problem as

    I get the cross line XD

  • matriax I'll figure out a way how to make a bullet behavior

    MATAGUIRIS You can already use raycasting

    They are used as expressions to either return the mesh name which intersects with the ray, or the x y z position of the intersaction point between the ray and a mesh.

    Here in the example, A ray is casted downwards from 0,20,0.

    It is casted vertically because I chose the Y axis (0,1,0), its downwards because its 1 and not -1, if I chose -1 the ray will go upwards.

    So if there is a mesh under the position 0,20,0. The game will tell you its name and the contact point.

    matriax Yep thing will be done the right way in 0.6, I just need time to make everything set.

    Now work rate is at 200% and things are done quicker since I switched to VS code that gives codehinting (At least for Typescript) , (Props to fuego96 for recommending me the software)

    Can you add an example to throw a ray in front of where the free camera is looking?

    I can not make it work

  • X3M Talking about cloning a mesh in realtime using the "Clone Mesh" action on NewMesh.Objects.

    If we want to shoot bullets for a FPS using the MeshArray, how we do that?

    Can you please make a video/template on you can move/rotate the camera and pressing some key a bullet is created in front the camera and goes forward. And this bullet on collision with another mesh destroys both?.

    Edit: Maybe a bullet behaviour like we have on C2 for 2D objets will be great, will make the things more simple i think.

    X3M Is it possible to implement Raycast?

    So you would not have to create an object for each bullet, simply a sprite where the lightning strike, similar to how it is used in Unity.