First error/bug :
(Is a NewCamera and a NewMesh)
Trying to figure how convert the object degress into the camera ones but works in a weird form. The only way i achieved is adding another object and "Set camera target".
I tried the "set camera rotation" and "Set rotation by", but the coordinates are so weirds, also when you turn around no sets again to 0 continues.
I have a sprite that show the camera image in the C2 layout. Actually sets the camera position and the other thing i wanted is set the camera rotation depending of the angle of the sprite(0-360º), but the camera not uses the 360º, uses another and i was unable to do the conversion, the unique way is using the mesh target.
Is there anyway to get the 0-360º of the camera to be more easy for manage?
EDIT: Oh well Babylon.js uses Radians, here all explained:
Going to use that maths expresions to see if i can achieve the conversion correctly.