lucid's Forum Posts

  • I love you, too Azu



    Bug Fixed:

    • scrolling outside the bounding box while Text is confined to box no longer causes crash


    • Get Edit Box Text is now Get Current Text, to clarify that it returns any type of text currently displayed
    • Default is now "do not confine to box"


    • GetPhraseLength Expression

    Thanks to Newt for finding the scroll bug, and also, Newt, I will be adding private variables, as soon as I get some clarification from the devs on the best way to do this.

    Speaking of the sprite I could use a few examples of how to use some of its functions in combination.

    here's your first example

    these tutorials will also be listed in the first post as I add them:

    this is an example of how you can get back to your text info from a normal sprite pick:

    (saved in 99.3)

    word picking example

    here's a more advanced fancy showoff example with "for each character" Picking to demonstrate the power of the Picking and Related Expressions: (davio, this one's for you)

    CircleTrick CAP!

    CircleTrick EXE!

    (must see)

    edit: two new demos:



    the caps for these demos are at the bottom of the original post

  • I thought I saw a #define common ace private variables thing somewhere

    and I assumed it was a single line you could put on the ace table to include private variables and all their basic functions

    but now when I look through objects on the cvs that have private vars i don't see it

    is there such a thing?

  • when i get my project off the ground i'll probably make a resolution changer plugin if it's possible. i'll have a look into the sdk

    if anyone has experience with the problem of differing resolutions, what needs to be taken into account? as in zoom, layer scaling, image sizes, behaviors, etc? assuming you want your game to be identically sized, just with higher or lower res,

    so i can figure out whether its even plausible

  • im at my cel at work so i cant look at your exe, but it sounds like what caused the original object to mess up and behave erratically was object picking. if the original idea looked good, try using the object pairer or groups to fix that. although im not sure if bones were fixed so you can have more than one. also linkman's ik plugin would probably work as well if not better in this situation

  • did they fix the physics behavior so you can use it with other stuff?

  • i like it mad. alot actually

    is this the fast blur youre always talking about?

    if so, is it variable so you can adjust the bluriness level on the fly ?

  • wiz, your style looks kinda familiar, you wouldnt happen to be from thr anime studio/moho boards would you? also, what programs are you using to draw those?

  • if you can think of another way "on last character" should work, i may be able to implement it. i'll rename it so it can be used generally, but the "get edit box text" expression should also return other text

    so you can say, "on last character written" - edit box text ="the one youre watching for"

    also, to separate different phrases, and keep their conditions separate, you can add more bitmapped font object like you do with text boxes and edit boxes. thats actually how its supposed to work. the object keeps track of which sprites belong to it, so you dont have to worry about clearing the sprites from another instance even if you use the same sprite for both.

    also, your letter sprites are still spritescan have private variables as well.

    so if you wanted to have each sprite know where it belongs without having to picking it each time

    on last character written - for each word- set sprite pv 'myWord' to bitmappedtext.currentword

  • Picking may be an issue for some things tho,

    such as? it really wouldn't be difficult to add pvs, but what issues would you have with picking?

    you can already pick a sprite by another means and get back to the sentence information

    (see original post above)

  • thanx gamma

    A bug and a thought.

    The condition "on last character" is causing a crash. Obviously it cant be used as in the cap, but like Ashley says "crashes are always bugs".

    Also have you thought about using the sprite tag feature?

    Edit + also~ nice work

    thanks newt, btw, the way you're using it should be completely fine

    EDIT: Found the problem

    you're right, it's definitely not supposed to crash

    it's because the text is scrolling outside the bounding box, and Confine Text To Box is on by default

    it's supposed to be invisible when it leaves the bounding box, not crash

    some features I added later introduced this problem, and it is fixed for the next build

    if you use the ConfineTextToBox Action, and set it to "No", it won't happen

    thanks again

    this is exactly what we need

    also, what do you mean by sprite tag?

  • <img src="">

    SpriteFont (Release Candidate)


    includes simple "hello world" example cap

    this is a very large plugin with alot of features, and will require good documentation

    I will get to that as I can, however, for now you can play, and I check the forums several times a day, and I will gladly answer any questions you may have



    9-17-09, several small bugfixes, retry caps especially ones with SetByString and random crashes

    • Fixed Set Write Speed
    • Fixed Several Crashes and Visual Errors with ScrollWrap
    • Fixed Conditions not displaying icon on EventSheet // thx rich
    • Clear Text now clears text in memory as well as visually


    • Set Character Range by String (so you can specify a nonlinear order (if your sprite frames are not in ASCII order), with a string) //thx davioware
    • Set Text Formatting properties in properties pane // thx rich
    • Scroll values now float instead of integer // thx newt
    • Added private variables // thx newt
    • Added pause writing, resume writing //how did I miss that the first time
    • No longer necessary to Show Text after a scroll to update view //much nicer

    99.1 changes

    • No longer necessary to set layer manually. sprite font draws the sprites on it's own layer // thx uberlou
    • scroll values are floats now...forreal this time

    99.2 changes

    • added: Set ZOrder of Text to SpriteFont : option to make text obey ZOrder of SpriteFont object // thx konjak
  • thanks for all the support guys

    beta tonight come hell or high water

    It'll be a new thread, cuz I'm sure plenty of people stopped checking up here

  • I play everything in 1920x1200 with everything on ultra maximum...

    yeah, baby

    except the newest few games are starting to slow down if I don't turn down my AA to 2 or 4

    so it's about time for an upgrade

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  • doesn't autoplay attempt to load the file each time?

  • if I play in an event it works

    the first time only

    I tried stopping and playing each time and it doesn't work

    I tried setting position to 0 each time and that doesn't work

    the only thing that works is setting position to 0.0000001

    if I want to play from beginning

    I'm assuming that's not how it's supposed to work

    what am I missing?