lucid's Forum Posts

  • thanks alot ash

    vectors it is!!!

    the 1000 objects question is more about support for the end user of object array plugin

    if and when I get around to it

    I just wanted to make sure if someone made 1,000 objects

    it would be them slowing their program down, and not the 1,000 object pointers

  • I've learned how to implement vectors, lists, dequeues, and of course plain old arrays, and I know enough now to get them working for the purposes I need,

    the stl, and

    vectors in particular seem to have a bad reputation in game dev use

    I keep reading that vectors, and the stl in general are very inefficient

    and that they are strongly discouraged in game use, and forbidden in some studios altogether

    while in some discussions, people seem to completely disagree

    I'm having difficulty determining the context of this inefficiency though

    basically I won't need any sorting capabilities at all, I will need tons of random access, maybe thousands of random accesses per tick,

    A: should I avoid them altogether

    B: how important is it to consolidate adding and removal

    should I keep adding and removing (to the end only) in one tick down to 10?, 100?, 1000?


    C: what is sizeof(CRunObject*) can I make a thousand or 2 of these without a crippling ram impact?

  • [quote:127oecd9]Well, you from the other hand start sounding like sony fanboy

    I'm a game fanboy

    I play my pc more than I play my ps3, but if we're going to talk about console games, pc doesn't apply. I didn't get a 360 because A: I refuse to pay for xbox live. That's like me buying a Corolla, and then paying Toyota to drive it on highways. and B: because every xbox360 killer app is a First Person Shooter. They are better played with a keyboard and mouse. This is arguably a fact, and not an opinion, because it gives you greater control, and the possibility of faster gameplay. plus my pc puts 360 and ps3 to shame, so why would I play the same games with worse graphics, worse gameplay, and I get charged to play. so that's why I have a ps3, for console style games, and since that's whats out now, what else am I supposed to mention?

    anyway, that's off on a tangent, trying to contrast nintendo to another hardware or system developer by talking about purely adult oriented games is meaningless. sony is my only point of reference, but yes, at this point in time, I think ps3 is the best system to have. if that project natal proves to be all it's cracked up to be, than maybe that'll change next year

    [quote:127oecd9]Anyway and after all what's importand is the game itslef. There is loads of crap on all three systems. I haven't played LBP but for me it seams like 10 minutes fun. Seriously. I prefere diferent kind of games. But that's personal taste.

    10 minutes? that's a silly thing to say if you haven't ever tried it. it's a platform game, like the old mario games, but it allows people to create and upload levels. I can play little big planet every hour of every day for the next few months, and probably never play the same level twice. I work a full time job, but if it weren't for that, I could spend hours on end creating my own levels. the level creator is a huge technical achievement. it's a great game, you should try it if you ever get the chance

    [quote:127oecd9]Now Pixar - as fare as i'm convinced, Pixar was created by Disney.

    they weren't, disney has nothing to do with their content creation, and it shows. they are not involved other than publishing and distribution. pixar was bought from apple who had bought it from lucasfilm.

    As for me, i've got ps2, gamecube, ds lite,

    okami for ps2 is awesome if you haven't played it

    and oh yeah, I forgot, nintendo made the ds

    that's a good example of nintendo, when it's doing it's thing

    that's an awesome system. although I haven't had the pleasure of owning one

    it's a brilliant little piece of gaming machinery

  • yeah, my point wasn't that every ff is a great game

    my point is that ff, while staying true to the ff formula

    changes around the battle system, experiments with different types of graphics

    jumps from serious stories and art in one game, to lighthearted stories and art in the next

    and they increase the amount of time they spend on each game

    instead of digging deeper and deeper into this hole of sameness that nintendo does

    final fantasy isn't even a good example, but yeah, almost anyone old enough to have been a big fan of all things nintendo in the snes days understands the deterioration I'm talking about

    btw, that "this is a family system" is exactly what I'm talking about

    it's an excuse, not a reason

    "these are dumb kids, they'll play anything"

    that's their logic

    crank out something quick, it doesn't have to look good, there doesn't have to be much to it

    just throw a picachu in there, and maybe a mario, make it easy

    pixar movies are intelligent, deep, and moving

    little big planet is beautiful, creative, and innovative

    it makes your imagination soar with it's gorgeous visuals

    and then let's you apply those ideas to your own levels

    and if it's such a family system, why can't I play 4 player mario?

    anyway, little big planet is a perfect example of what I mean, it's better in every way as a platformer, and a family game than mario

    so davio either missed the point, or was just trying to be funny

    nintendo should be amazing us with some new totally different type of gameplay

    some awesome new world

    not damn, bang your controller 80 times warioware garbage

    stick figure, move your arm every once in a while wii sports

    and sameass, hasn't changed much since n64 zelda and mario gameplay

    you can be fanboys and defend it till the end,

    but quality and creativity is elsewhere, not with nintendo

    they've lost their way

    anyone I know, kids or not

    who own a wii and another system

    rarely plays their wii

    it just sucks

    and so does nintendo, at least right now

    it doesn't have to be permanent

    and it's just my opinion

    super metroid was a new world

    super mario was a new world

    link to the past was a new world

    they had staple from old games yes, but they had minds back then, and they used them to come up with ideas

    everything now is just recycled

    none of it's new, none of it's exciting

    I know the other systems cost more, so not everyone can try them

    but if you've played a truly new title, you realize how irrelevant wii and nintendo have become

  • deadeye, I feel your pain brother

    What else can i say? When loads of money is involved the overall quality cap is going lower. But we all know that. Still new metroid looks awsome!

    New metroid looks like it's closer to what it should be,

    but when I see the preview, I don't get the same feeling of being in an alien world thriving with mystery and creativity. Even with the 16 bit graphics, it manages a better job of pulling you in.

    and as far as quality caps lowering with loads of money. I think you should play some valve games. also maybe watch a pixar movie or two. Team Fortress 2 long ago reach it's sales peak, and still on a regular basis I get updates that change the gameplay, or add new levels. I didn't like final fantasy x, or x2 as much as others, but both contained changes and expirements in gameplay, a completely different type of story, different themes, new environments and worlds. I also haven't had the pleasure of playing part 12, but I heard it's a return to form, once again, a rehauled graphics and game engine.

    and about pixar, I know those are movies, not games, but it's a perfect example of a company getting insane profit, and record breaking sales each time they show their face, and they use those extra resources to up the quality, and their popularity and reputation as motivation to soar to new heights, instead of as a crutch. Wall-E, and Up are of a whole new standard of quality in storytelling, and visual quality. they didn't have to outdo themselves, but they did. They care about making something amazing. [rant]Nintendo doesn't seem to anymore. It's all about gimmicks and selling systems. and about the hardware I know it was designed not to compete with the highpower nextgens, but stand in it's own lower price market. but the wii is completely pathetic. I owned one for a while. MOST of the games look worse than gamecube games. why does it need to be stick figures just because a game isn't about graphics? If it's all about gameplay, then the wii controller should have been for the gamecube. It should have been included with all new gamecubes, and available in an expensive bundle with a new mario game or a new zelda game. The wii isn't powerful enough to justify being a new system. Nintendo's fallen off the wagon, and now with xbox360, and ps3 entering the motion controller game in full force, and destroying even wii's enhanced wiimote. etc etc etc[/rant] didn't have time to finish my rant. something came up, but it wouldve gone on for pages anyway

  • I haven't tried it but

    duplicate makes a whole new type

    ie, sprite2, instead of another sprite1

    and to clone a sprite, you just copy as normal, and then paste to layout, using paste clone, instead of just paste

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  • A penguin drives to a walrus mechanic, because he is experiencing car trouble.

    while the car is in the shop, he takes a walk to a nearby ice cream shop. he orders vanilla.

    since he is a penguin, and has stiff wings, instead of arms and hands, he makes a mess and gets ice cream all over his face.

    he get's back to the shop to pick up his car,

    and the walrus has just completed the diagnosis.

    he says to the penguin, "it looks like you blew a seal"

    and the penguin says, "oh, no, that's just ice cream."

  • this is just and excuse not to work on the onin pgin

  • pointless observation:

    nintendo is to games, what disney is to movies and animation.

    they both have remarkable skill at their disposal, but choose to squander it, in order not to taint their image as something invariably family friendly, and innovate only enough to catch your attention and then crank out the same thing in different dressing ad infinitum, making sure to keep any innovation well within the limits of what will constantly scream out their brandnames, and make them toys fly off the shelves.

    they both have a tendency to beat you over the head with their damn mascot over and over forever. mickey and mario. they both are shameless merchandising whores, and they both have technically superior companies that publish through them, and allow them to slap their idiot names across. pixar is to disney, as rareware is to nintendo. pixar and rareware, both blow away their publishing counterparts in both creativity and technical excellence.

    dont get me wrong, i do enjoy disney movies, and nintendo games. theres just something uber annoying about both of those companies. like a slimy boss, with a drinking and gambling problem telling a disgruntled ronald mcdonald to smile for all the kiddies so mom and dad come back with more money.

    are you kidding me? another princess movie? another mario game? goodness

  • Yea - i understand its runtime only at this point heh - this has been answered at least 5 different times and I think people are assuming I didnt get it the first time

    don't you get it?

    it just can't be done

  • why do they have to load dynamically? i dont get it. loading them at runtime isnt what you need for tilemaps, placing them at runtime is what you need.


    if you have the ambition to make a tile dynamic loader thing. why not make a bunch of instances of a sprite with 1000 2x2 pixel sprites, and all behaviors added to it. then it wont take up much vram, and you can load the needed frames at runtime. if you need a different behavior disable all the others and enable the one you need. easier said than done, but no harder than what youre thinking of

  • no, why do you ask?

    my odd sentence formatting

    or me giddy schoolgirl reaction to ps3?

  • HOLY CRAP!!!!

    I know I'm really really late at this

    but oh my god

    project Natal,

    and the ps3 motion controller are both sooooooooooooooo exciting I can't even believe it!!!!!

    I was a more impressed with the ps3 one,

    I mean, my lord!!!!

    it's so perfect!!!

    I'm so glad I own a ps3

    • Arrows to WASD
    • "Key is down" conditions to "Control is down"

    man, if only someone made a plugin that let you set controls at runtime

  • ok, so my heart wrenching guilt in the wake of not providing the promised beta on time and my desolate loneliness here in awesomeworld leads me to provide this radical demo for you fine folks:

    click here to try it!

    the box the text is in is resizable and movable

    aside from the obvious features being displayed, you're also looking at Attach To Object, which is automatically positioning and sizing the textbox to the box object

    there is a feature to limit displayed text to the inside of the box only, which is not enabled in this demo,

    play with it, have fun!

    don't try to resize the window to backwards, it will crash the exe

    <img src="">

    extra info:

    also, although the editbox doesn't show it, there is a newline which is why the text wraps as it does. the text is actually: this is it folks. what do you think so far?



    this is it folks.what do you think so far?[/code:2rn78ija]
    I wanted to show word wrap working with newline as well
    you'll notice word wrap on horizontally centered text can be a little hokey at smaller distances
    which will also mess with the vertical alignment in those same instances
    and somehow I messed up right aligned text at the last minute (bad enough it's not in this exe)
    I think left aligned text is working perfectly for all vertical alignments and all widths of wrapping