yeah, my point wasn't that every ff is a great game
my point is that ff, while staying true to the ff formula
changes around the battle system, experiments with different types of graphics
jumps from serious stories and art in one game, to lighthearted stories and art in the next
and they increase the amount of time they spend on each game
instead of digging deeper and deeper into this hole of sameness that nintendo does
final fantasy isn't even a good example, but yeah, almost anyone old enough to have been a big fan of all things nintendo in the snes days understands the deterioration I'm talking about
btw, that "this is a family system" is exactly what I'm talking about
it's an excuse, not a reason
"these are dumb kids, they'll play anything"
that's their logic
crank out something quick, it doesn't have to look good, there doesn't have to be much to it
just throw a picachu in there, and maybe a mario, make it easy
pixar movies are intelligent, deep, and moving
little big planet is beautiful, creative, and innovative
it makes your imagination soar with it's gorgeous visuals
and then let's you apply those ideas to your own levels
and if it's such a family system, why can't I play 4 player mario?
anyway, little big planet is a perfect example of what I mean, it's better in every way as a platformer, and a family game than mario
so davio either missed the point, or was just trying to be funny
nintendo should be amazing us with some new totally different type of gameplay
some awesome new world
not damn, bang your controller 80 times warioware garbage
stick figure, move your arm every once in a while wii sports
and sameass, hasn't changed much since n64 zelda and mario gameplay
you can be fanboys and defend it till the end,
but quality and creativity is elsewhere, not with nintendo
they've lost their way
anyone I know, kids or not
who own a wii and another system
rarely plays their wii
it just *****
and so does nintendo, at least right now
it doesn't have to be permanent
and it's just my opinion
super metroid was a new world
super mario was a new world
link to the past was a new world
they had staple from old games yes, but they had minds back then, and they used them to come up with ideas
everything now is just recycled
none of it's new, none of it's exciting
I know the other systems cost more, so not everyone can try them
but if you've played a truly new title, you realize how irrelevant wii and nintendo have become