turns out word wrap is the hardest thing ever thought of
anywho, sorry no beta yet
but we're getting close
there's a slight issue with vertical alignment on wrapped text to get worked out
and then it should be downhill(in the good way) from there
here's what's working though:
<img src="http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1013446/New%20Folder/CustomKeys/New%20folder/Runtime/Capture6.PNG">
left right center, top bottom center alignment
word wrap
horizontal and vertical scrolling
and wraparound scrolling
also get phrase height
and get phrase width
set spacing per character, and for all characters
and though the actions aren't there, setting individual character widths and heights as well
don't worry, we're getting there
appreciate your word processor developers
holy crap
word wrap was the bane of my existence for a day and half
especially for centered and right aligned text
but I conquered it and it has been vanquished