lucid's Forum Posts

  • if you happen to be russian:

    mary jane did pdf'ize the wiki into russian:

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  • use fraps

  • thing is platform behaviour doesnt offer any direct control over up/down movement, besides jumping. so if you want to make flight with up/down movement, your going to have to make some custom stuff using events, that modify vectorY of the platform behaviour based on up/down input using mouse and keyboard.

    I've had some nice results mixing platform and custom movement

    I've found custom movement is better know...custom movement:)

    especially of the y axis variety

  • I don't think I have the cap anymore, but it was using perlin noise to generate the landscape which was then wrapped around the circle, I was using platform behavior and physics, and it was drawn with a distort map, but to make it platformable and physicsable, instead of a canvas, I was using sprites, each sprite was just a line segment and they combined to trace the surface of the distortmap where the ground was.

  • Nowadays, what's the best way to make a nice dynamic site with slides and fades, maybe sounds and animations. I know there's a lot of new tech out there, but I haven't been paying much attention. Iim guessing its not flash.

    Also if someone knows of an awesome wysiwyg website creation tool, I'm interested. Free or not. Imll be using photoshop for site graphics, so if it has some extra support for or an adobelike layer system, that's a plus

  • Hey all

    I'm sure there are other places out there just as cheap.

    and please post them. Cheapest I found though.

    just bought a '.com' for $7.99 for one year from

    That includes the domain name and I forgot how many emails, since I setup a catch all so will go to me

    Good stuff. They offer other services like hosting but I haven't compared those prices

  • Yes

    Pretty much any 2d game

  • my take is while it is probably best to have sprites at mutiple detail levels so you can load the lo res ones and not waste vram on large sprites at lower resolution. But its not a requirement that every 2d game run on the oldest pc's. There are precious few 2d games that take advantage of modern hardware. Some people invest in better hardware, and are happy to see games that take advantage of it

  • yeah the closest thing I've seen in 2d is octave engine casual (gets really cool around 2:00)

    more vids here:

    there's a demo that used to be on their site, now floating around the net somewhere I'm sure

    but it let you configure your own materials, and it's particle based with such flexibility that if I remember correctly, moving sliders could take you all the way from a perfect water simulation to a solid object, to every gelatinous or powdery substance in between

    this company seems to be in charge of the engine now, which was never free as I understand it:

    edit: update: it seems oe-cake is back as Phyzios studio

    and there's a free gotta check it out if you never got a chance to play with oe-cake

    you'll have to sign up to agree to a noncommercial license, apparently it's turned into a casual games creation tool.

  • do random(4)+1

    random(4) is a number between 0 and 3

    it doesn't make sense exactly, but now you know

    and any other case to generate a number between something just add a number to it

    a number between 10 and 20 would be random(11)+10

  • unfortunately, in a pc change the source code is gone

    and this was made when I was just learning to program

    so it will stay with the current bugs

    there is a user named Minor though, that says he's used it in every project of his, and that it causes him no problems

    he offered to post a tutorial or example of how to use it without problems, I think I'll take him up on that offer, because this is the most asked about plugin I've made, and I won't have time to rewrite it anytime soon

    edit: and thanks

  • every time he says something rude, and someone calls him on it, he says his account was hacked, and he's seeking the person responsible for defiling his good name

  • ok sorry for the caps my bad.But please stop pounding on one little mistake i made.

    no one is pounding anything, it's when you post things like this:

    Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    that I felt the need to illegitimize you. You frequent this site an awful lot since you arrived for someone who thinks it isn't a "real" gamedev site. Then your reply is to try to impress people again with your achievements, posting your poser'd screenshot, in someone else's thread to show off their own project no less. That's the problem people had with your original post. "My CEO gave me permission". Stop trying to be larger than life. People are just exposing what they see going on. And when you're not lying you're being disruptive and negative. Everyone's not out to get you. No one's invested enough thought into you to want to pound you down. In fact, when you posted a thread for help, people responded kindly, and helpfully to you like they would anyone else. Just relax and be part of the community.

    Anyway, I apologize Crudemik, didn't mean to derail your thread, if I were you, I would post another set of screenshots, and a vid if you have one, that way any newcomers to the thread will see that at the bottom, rather than this nonsense. Besides, the more the merrier, when you're trying to get someone on board.

  • Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    I disagree with vdrake

    you're showing off decent looking screenshots, describing what you're bringing to the table, and showing a project you've worked on for some time.

    vdrake had a less than pleasant experience when showing very amateur looking screenshots, attempting to pass himself off as a triple-a developer, bringing nothing to the table but an attempt to sound professional. Also, aside from sagal's typical drunken rudeness, no one criticized him other than constructively. His reaction to the community has been less than mature, let alone professional.

    while I can't guarantee that someone will hop aboard your project, I don't think anyone should discourage users from posting recruitment threads altogether...merely those of a "please make a game for me" variety.

  • You can get collision detection on a distortmap if you paste it into a canvas, and the texture can be done using u, and v.

    t may work just fine

    but I'm not sure if distorted sprites paste correctly to canvases