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  • Hello, I?m a sound designer and I?m currently working on an project with a graphic designer. The game is starting to come together quite well now but programming isn?t our primary skill in game design, because in many ways we?re both learning as we go - progress is hampered quite a bit by unnecessary roadblocks and obstacles due to our inexperience in programming.

    We?re currently looking for a talented programmer to help us out, the game we?re working on is called Orbit and it?s a Sci-Fi platformer with some ?in space? sections. Here?s some screenshots:

    We?re looking for a third team-mate who is obviously talented but who also likes the game we?re working on and its influences, most notably; 2001 A Space Odyssey and Brian Eno We?d love to be able to spend more time focusing on our art, audio and level design and with the help of a like-minded programmer I?m sure Orbit will turn out to be a cracking game. We?ve also got another couple of game projects on the backburner too, so if you want to know any more information drop me a line at

    Here's a couple of screenies.

    Full size links:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

  • Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    lol Cheers

  • Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    I disagree with vdrake

    you're showing off decent looking screenshots, describing what you're bringing to the table, and showing a project you've worked on for some time.

    vdrake had a less than pleasant experience when showing very amateur looking screenshots, attempting to pass himself off as a triple-a developer, bringing nothing to the table but an attempt to sound professional. Also, aside from sagal's typical drunken rudeness, no one criticized him other than constructively. His reaction to the community has been less than mature, let alone professional.

    while I can't guarantee that someone will hop aboard your project, I don't think anyone should discourage users from posting recruitment threads altogether...merely those of a "please make a game for me" variety.

  • I agree with Lucid 100% here.

    CrudeMik has done the groundwork, and is looking to perfect it.

  • Firstly i never said i was a AAA developer ,those who think so got it all mixed up.My words were HELP US TO CREATE A AAA TITLE with construct pointing out that construct can also do decent games seeing that this is a free program.Secondly the pics i shown was WIP WORK IN PROGRESS.If i was a AAA developer i wouldn't even bother coming here id be working were the real money's at , Console Games.I was merely asking for help in creating a AAA title note:"HELP" not saying hello im a AAA developer any scriptkiddies wanna help me create a game.Anyway Im NOT i REPEAT NOT a AAA developer.

  • vdrake75 you're only making things worse with these kinds of posts.

    I realize you're upset and feel the need to reply quickly, but taking the time to edit and cleaning up the presentation (caps are a no-no) of your posts will go a long way towards people taking you more seriously. Also, it will give you more time to think your ideas through.

    No one will give up their free time easily. It is up to you to provide a very good reason for someone to give up that time.

    /unsolicited advice

  • <img src="">This is the pic that i shown of my rpg game.

  • ok sorry for the caps my bad.But please stop pounding on one little mistake i made.

  • ok sorry for the caps my bad.But please stop pounding on one little mistake i made.

    no one is pounding anything, it's when you post things like this:

    Don't bother putting any adds here,The people will never answer here ,In fact theyll only criticise you.Go to a real gamedev site if you need a programmer etc... . Heres a great site i found

    that I felt the need to illegitimize you. You frequent this site an awful lot since you arrived for someone who thinks it isn't a "real" gamedev site. Then your reply is to try to impress people again with your achievements, posting your poser'd screenshot, in someone else's thread to show off their own project no less. That's the problem people had with your original post. "My CEO gave me permission". Stop trying to be larger than life. People are just exposing what they see going on. And when you're not lying you're being disruptive and negative. Everyone's not out to get you. No one's invested enough thought into you to want to pound you down. In fact, when you posted a thread for help, people responded kindly, and helpfully to you like they would anyone else. Just relax and be part of the community.

    Anyway, I apologize Crudemik, didn't mean to derail your thread, if I were you, I would post another set of screenshots, and a vid if you have one, that way any newcomers to the thread will see that at the bottom, rather than this nonsense. Besides, the more the merrier, when you're trying to get someone on board.

  • im so sorry please forgive me ill never do it again. Now if i can figure out how to post a video that would be good.

  • Sorry Cudemik for being such a disruptor. From now on i will be good.

  • I'm going to stick up for vdrake on this one point: you could search many threads and find an OP attacked just for posting an idea. It's ridiculous and it's something that shouldn't be happening, but it happens all too often. There is big difference between being honest and being an **** and there are a number of people here who are oblivious to the difference.

    If you don't like a person's idea or project, why be an *** to them about it? What does it accomplish? Nothing. I've seen a number of threads where people make a suggestion for Construct, only to be bombarded with the typical following posts:

    *There is a way to do this already, but you don't know anything about programming that's why you don't get it: there is always so much assuming about a person's background, and it's just not needed. If you can help, help. If you can't, shut up. But all this jumping on people's knowledge is just weak, especially when you really have no idea.

    *This idea is stupid (and any variation of that): Then the idea is not for you, but that doesn't make it "stupid".

    *You're an idiot for requesting this since it's been requested 1,000 times already: amazing that it escapes these "genius" posters that this is the very concept of having an idea forum. If people keep requesting it, that means a lot of people want it, and that shows the devs that it's something they should be considering. It's not for people to be dickheads because they feel people should stop asking for it... that's an idiotic response to a request.

    The way people react at times to new ideas and projects, I'm surprised anybody posts anything at all. It just doesn't seem worth it when you run the risk of getting the types iof responses I've pointed out.

    Anyway, good luck to the OP. Good luck to vdrake, and good luck to everyone who has been put off by the way some posters attack here. You did nothing wrong, you just ran into some people who are socially awkward and don't know how to act properly. Forget them like the poorly adjusted geeks they are and move forward with your plans.

  • Thank you for those kind words.Now i feel like i don't have to put that pistol against my head and get it over with lol.Cause thts how i feel if someone accuses me of writing something i never even

    Wrote in the 1st place.And suddenly im a liar as well.Ive lost most off my artwork on my pc which is by the way my bread and butter.Now ive got nothing to show and i wish i wasn't born into this era where people tell you theyr'e your buddy and stabs u in the back.

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  • I have to agree with Raymond here, I did see post's myself of what he pointed, both on this forum and other forums (some even worse, like SRB2 forums and Cubeengine forums) but yes I do agree with your points Raymond, acting like a smartass to the person asking for help would achieve nothing and it's best if you shut up if you have nothing positive/constructive to say.

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