Lootzifr's Forum Posts

  • yes, you can create an array for it. You can do it by looping through index values and shuffle them. https://www.scirra.com/manual/108/array

  • Lucatiel641

    Can't see an issue so far.

    What kind of variables do you use?

    How do you trigger a change in values?

    Can you reproduce the problem in a smaller capx that you could share?

  • jan2000 oh cool, thanks for the links. that is really cheap and doesn't look to complicated to get connected.

  • Jimzip

    Hey Jimzip , can you put in words what you want to do with this? The more enemies on screen the faster they attack? Do you need your own counting variable? You have system exprsssions for this:

    To me it looks like a division by 0 issue.

  • MarkThomas

    Are you using the same object to create 2 players? So just instances of the same object or different objects? Please post capx files or screenshots of the mentioned code part. Hard to tell whats going on.

  • alextro Oh, very cool. Thanks a lot for creating capx and gif files. Very helpful.

  • Valerien Oh this is nice. Could you maybe do some pixelart tutorials as well?

  • etart Love beat-em-up. Cool idea, very crazy. Very nice ^^ I would like to have more screaming/hit sounds and maybe blood-effects ) good job.

  • CJacobsSA You are welcome. I use it a lot too. Very helpful. If you need it more advanced you could also work with and array but "choose" is nice and quick

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  • Vodakman ok nice. btw. you know that you can add sub-conditions? I just checked your screenshot. Try to move the box "13" under box "12" (drag & drop) and clean it up / merge it. You don't have to check if "key is pressed" for each case. This might still work but could easily create problems later or if it gets more complex.

    You could do it like this e.g.

    is key pressed and fire_allowed = 1 : spawn bullet

    --> is mirrored : bullet angle 180

    --> else: bullet angle 0

  • You can do that with "choose(1, 3, 5)"



    choose(a, b [, c...])

    Choose one of the given parameters at random. E.g. choose(1, 3, 9, 20) randomly picks one of the four numbers and returns that. This also works with strings, e.g. choose("Hello", "Hi") returns either Hello or Hi. Any number of parameters can be used as long as there are at least two.

  • Cool thx, is this better than the "Google Game Center" recording?

  • How could you publish to "Amazon Undergroud"? I guess you need a special plugin so they can track user play time and show commercials at the beginning. Is there something available? Or do you mean you tried to publish to the amazon store. I think these are two different things.

  • You can to that by an object that has bullet behavior at the angle 90 degrees (moving down). You need to attach the camera (via scroll to) to it. Then you define another object at the target destination. On collision spawn the player set camera (scroll to) to the player and destroy the others. several options to do that.

  • That is easy . Just set the Loader style to "Progressbar & logo"(standard) in the project settings and then replace/overwrite the sicrra logo that you can find in Files -> Icon : "loading-logo.png".