Lootzifr's Forum Posts

  • tomhaiger You don't haven to tick Google Play services in the plugins section of IntelXDK. This is the common plugin if you code everything by yourself. The code you add is the same like ticking a bock but Intel doesn't list the cranberry plugin and we need the modification of the ID. That is why it is a bit more complicated.

    Please prepare better screenshot if you have questions about this. I think here it is the wrong/missing input what you replaced with your ID.

    This is what I add to it and it works with more than 10 apps. I keep numbers (5s) in there to show how it has to look like. Please compare exact versions and lines of this. There are several versions of this snippet. For me only this one works:

    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game#544946ee7789ef539f7efe02ea6b12d03b1b8c62" intelxdk:value="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game#544946ee7789ef539f7efe02ea6b12d03b1b8c62" >
    	<intelxdk:param intelxdk:name='APP_ID' intelxdk:value='555555555555' />
  • PeYMaN57

    Does it work when you restart the app? I can't really help you beacuase I think this it not a real user case.

    From my analytics more than 80% acccept it. If they don't I think they don't want to do later.

    My advice is to ignore that functionality. If you have more than 1000 active users per day you can start to analyse it and if it is a case having a deeper look into it. Concentrate on creating a nice game and a user/fan base first.

  • Tanks & Turrets (Starter) — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Perfect for "Tower Defence" and "Command and Conquer"-like games. Check out the Tanks & Turrets (Pro) and Tanks & Turrets (Advanced) version too before you buy.</p><h3>Turrets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Standard turret colored: black, red, deactivated

    <h3>Tank bodies:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Moving tank animation colored: black, red
    • Destroyed tank colored: black, red

    <h3>Base structures:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 2 bases colored: black, red
    • 1 neutral base

    <h3>Backgrounds:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 1 desert background tile

    <h3>Bullets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Normal missile animated

    <h3>Shoot animations:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • muzzle flash
    • rocket smoke
    • explosion

    <h3>Capx-files:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Showcase

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Tanks & Turrets (Starter)

  • Tanks & Turrets (Advanced) — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Perfect for "Tower Defence" and "Command and Conquer"-like games. Check out the Tanks & Turrets (Starter) and Tanks & Turrets (Pro) version too before you buy.</p><h3>Turrets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Standard turret colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Bounce turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Clust turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Electro turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Fire turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Heat turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Mini turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated
    • Torpedo turret level 1, 2 colored: black, red, deactivated

    <h3>Tank bodies:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Moving tank animation colored: black, red
    • Destroyed tank colored: black, red

    <h3>Base structures:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 2 bases colored: black, red
    • 1 neutral base

    <h3>Backgrounds:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 16 desert background tile

    <h3>Bullets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Normal missile animated
    • Cluster missile animated
    • Torpedo missile
    • Heat wave

    <h3>Shoot animations:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • muzzle flash
    • rocket smoke
    • explosion
    • heat up
    • electric bolt

    <h3>Capx-files:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • showcase

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Tanks & Turrets (Advanced)

  • Tanks & Turrets (Pro) — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Perfect for "Tower Defence" and "Command and Conquer"-like games. Check out the Tanks & Turrets (Advanced) and Tanks & Turrets (Starter) version too before you buy.</p><h3>Turrets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Standard turret colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Bounce turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Clust turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Electro turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Fire turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Heat turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Mini turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Torpedo turret level 1, 2, 3 colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated
    • Mega turret colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, deactivated

    <h3>Tank bodies:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Moving tank animation colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow
    • Destroyed tank colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow

    <h3>Base structures:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 10 bases colored: black, red, blue, brown, cyan, green, white, orange, purple, yellow
    • 1 neutral

    <h3>Backgrounds:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 16 desert background tile
    • 24 snow background tiles
    • 8 moon background tiles

    <h3>Bullets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Normal missile animated
    • Cluster missile animated
    • Torpedo missile
    • Heat wave

    <h3>Military ranks:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 10 military ranks

    <h3>Shoot animations:</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p>

    • muzzle flash
    • rocket smoke
    • explosion
    • heat up
    • electric bolt

    <h3>Capx-files:</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>

    • https://burpsgames.com/store_item_examples/tanks_and_turrets_starter_demo/

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Tanks & Turrets (Pro)

  • for me it didn't work. And acually your app should have the right fingerprint if signed with debug key.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • tomhaiger


    1. Cranberry Plugin added to C2

    2. Having C2 event: Start of Layout, Browser: Is online, User is not logged in => Login User

    3. Exported to InteXDK and replaced code with that shown above

    4. Your Google ID added to placeholder

    5. Exported as unsigned and signed with your key

    Should always work.

    • Please keep in mind that you have to link the service to your app so you need to upload e.g. an apk to alpha in google developer console.
    • Every time you update and export from c2 the code gets overwritten and you need to replace your ID again.
    • To test this you don't have to buld leaderboards and achievements. The google play games login should show up anyway.
  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • oh, this has been told many times. you can find it on the forum. short: you need to submit an alpha/beta first and then u can lein that app's fingerprint to your game service and everything is alright. Yes, you have to link it. you can grant andoid apps ios apps or wen service based pass access to your game service. Events are not to complicated. I recommend: on start of layout, browser: is online, user is not logged in => login user. And then on touched "a button u like" => open leaderboard. very simple

    You don't need to ad admob plugin for that. Admob is the ad network of google. It is to show banner or fullscreen ads. This has nothing to do with leaderboards and achievements.

  • Yes, you can do that but not with the cranberry plugin. You need to use the Scirra plugin. With that you can pull all the data to be able to style it yourself. I personally think it is not worth it. To have a leaderboardis great, the standard view is great. I would rather evolve the app/gameplay. but sure up to you.

  • nope, not with that plugin. If you want to design your own leaderboard you can use the Scirra homemade "Goole Play Game" Service. But why do u want to design it?

  • nope, it can be and usually is global. If you login first time google play game service asks you for permission. Users could set there to only share that with friends but in general it is public.

  • This ID is the game service ID you can find next to your game name at the game service section. This is not the reverse domain idientifier of your app.

  • No, so far as I know you can't use that. The Scirra plugin is a weblogin based solution. You don't need to ad anything for that but it is highly mobil eunfriendly.

    1. You need to add the cranberry game plugin to construct2

    2. Then add the plugin to your project and configure login etc.

    3. Export to intel XDK

    4. Ad your Google ID to intelxdk.config.additions

    5. Enable the "Phonegap +Admob* Plugin" in Cordova settings of your project in IntelXDK (it is supposed to be activated right away but that is not working for me so I always enable that)

    6. Set export option to "not signed"

    7. Export via Android/Crosswalk

    8. Sign your APK with your Key

    9. Run app on a device

    10. Get a cocktail to celebrate awesomeness

    Idk, some people are working on a tutorial. Should be there soon but acutally know it is there above I thought about creating a tutorial but everything changes so fast. So with the next IntelXDK update it might look different.


    • Don't use any CocoonJS with this. I mean the C2 Plugin. Acually the Cranberry Plugin might work on a CCJS export but if you don't know what I am talking right now I recommend to not touch it. Don't open that grave^^
    • Don't use the Scirra build in Google Game Service - Plugin. It is well done but not made for mobile. You can just pull data with that and have to desgin your own leaderboard views. The cranberry plugin opens the standard iOS and Android view. Nevertheless the cranberry plugin doesn't work in a browser so that's why there is still some need for the Scirra version. A merge would be nice. If the scirra plugin behaved like the cranberry plugin on mobile, that would be great but the focus is on C3 I guess.