Lootzifr's Forum Posts

  • Thanks. In the middle there is a bar that stands for the health of a ship.

    A round takes like five minutes. Depends on how good the players are. The computer is hard. You need to understand and use the weapons right. The computer is good in timing and fireing but he has no idea what he is doing ;-) Use that and you will win.

  • Hey guys,

    Finally, I found the time to refactor my game BOMBARDMENT. I wasn't able to upload it to scirra arcade until now, because the witdh was more than 800px.

    Now I fixed it and you can check it out. Let me know what you think.

    If you have an android device you can check it out there too.

    Bombardment on Scirra Arcade

    Bombardment on Google Play Store


    Marco <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • zatyka:

    1. Omg, It took me a while to understand those expressions and to integrate it into my game, but it works perfectly. That's exactly what I needed. Now, I can even send diffrent enemy types along the saved path. Thx a lot .

    2. Those are two diffrent options. Here is the example capx to show it:

    http://burpsgames.com/shared_capx/pathf ... blems.capx

  • 1. How do u do that? I can't find that action like "save path to array" and "load path from array".

    2. Yes, I think so. That's why I am asking for a trigger when it's done recalculating.

  • Hey guys,

    I am working on a tower defence game for android-devices. I am very thankfull for the pathfinding functions, but there were a few things I had to work around. Maybe someone noticed the same problems or has any advice.

    Here are my experiences and maybe suggestions for Scirra-Team:

    1. It would be nice to be able to find just one way through a maze and then send several enemies on that path. Right now each enemy has to find its own. I don't need that for my game and I would like to save those operations. The Pathfinding-Plugin had this option but I just want to use the included functions. Due to the fact that I am building for mobile devices I want to avoid any waste of cpu because I also need turret-behavior and a lot of colision detections.I am happy about any extra fps

    2. I had big problems with the obstical-map. In my game the player is going to be able to set extra blocks to increase the path length for enemies. I dont mind that the action takes a bit, but it would be nice to have a trigger like "on obstical-map recalculated" Right now I am giving it a buffer of serveral seconds to get sure that its done. On my Android device I had problems with less than 3 seconds. Enemies were walking through new blocks (= map wasnt updated fast enough).

    cheers Marco

  • So did I <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Wow, amazing. I didn't know that there are so many C2-users on the mobile path! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Here are mine:






  • Hey guys,

    this is my new game "Hit Spit". Spit is the thing from my game logo. I gave it its own game.

    Please check it out and give me feedback if you want. Would be awesome <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">.

    You can find it on Scirra Arcade and Google Play.

    <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hit_spit.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hitspit_01.png" border="0"> <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hitspit_02.png" border="0"> <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hitspit_03.png" border="0"> <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hitspit_04.png" border="0"> <img src="http://burps-games.com/web_promo_images/hitspit_05.png" border="0">

  • I like :-)

  • Thx for the answer, but yes I my question was focused on how to do this within construct2 ;-)

  • Is it possible to get the systeminfo on what android version is used on android/cocoonjs-exports?

    I wanna turn smoke off automatically if the game is started on android 2.x to keep fps up (turned on on android 4.x).

    Is that some how possible right now?

  • oh thank you so much for your feedback.

    I am going to ad three more modes:

    competitive: like you said, shoot common targets (invaders, aliens or something like that)

    co-op: play together against aliens :-)

    arcade: like the normal game but u have to beat diffrent genereals (cpu).

    I like the idea of giving the towers its own health. but if u have enough money u can rebuild it after it went down.

    And I am thinking of giving the speed-gun a stun-effect so you can disable the enemies defense.

  • I can confirm that it's working again, too.

  • I reported that bug to ludei this morning. They just wrote me back about that it's fixed.

    I tested it and I can confirm now that the problem is solved. :-)

  • Yeha <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />