Lootzifr's Forum Posts

  • Omg this is amazing. It gives "construct" another and original level of meaning

  • indeed, screenshot required.

  • Joannesalfa That is my opinion. And I would say it is simply logical. You need to publish where the users are (at least if you want to be able to live of that or grow a business from it). The game market is super tough out there. Sure you can find a few supportes within the indie scene but this is not how you generate revenue. If you just want to create a nice game to make others happy or just see it as art (which would be both nice) you wouldn't be forced. But this topic is about a paypal plugin and its purpose is activation of revenue stream.

    *maybe in this case the word "forced" was missleading. Either Apple, Google, Valve, Scirra nor your mom or me is forcing you to publish it there just your own desire to make cash. ( I would say).

    I am very open for discussions about this. ( examples, data, arguments and opinions are very welcome)

  • Sry but I wouldn't recommend to use this plugin. Here are my reasons:

    1. I don't see the case that user's really accept this. If you create a great game you will be forced to publish it on ios/android/steam. Conversion rates will be higher using payment methods of these stores.

    2. Even if there is a case where early games are requesting donations per paypal you can just simply link out to your paypal merchant account. Everything is stored by paypal and it would feel better for the user. Imagine there is an API error happening that takes out money from the user but show wrong messages and users get confused.

    3. The plugin is stated "early development" which is not good for anything that has to do with sensitive user data especially payment data.

    4. I don't know if there is the possibility of double-checking the code by other users or if it is on github but sure this has the possibility for tricks like sending users money to a different paypal account.

    5. The profile and website imho doesn't look very professional but at the end I would at least expect details about a registered company with address, phone and legal number so I have someone I can blame and sue if there is any kind of fraud happening.

    Don't take it wrong. I am sure "h1k32" has no bad intention and I am thankful for every developer that is working on bringing more value to c2. But regarding serious topics like payment everybody should carefully check on if it is trustful. This is not like a twitter-share or google-leaderboard plugin were you just mess up some tweets or ranks.

    So if someone really sees value in not using store payments or outgoing paypal links wait until it is software status is "stable", "validated" that there is no fraud code and "h1k32" showing valid comapny information.

    Sure you can buy this to support development but don't use it on final published products (yet).

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  • LaroTaio

    Who many enemies will be on screen? I think this part of code could produce overhead. E.g. if there are 10 enemies on the screen they will all check every tick if they have line of sight. With the second part you want to create the alteration of time between two shots. I would recommend to use a "timer" for it. So when an enemy shoots you set a timer for "not being idle to shoot / reloading / waiting" (however you want to call it^^). Timers trigger automatically a state as soon as done. So you can not only use it for something like a bomb (trigger on finished) but for "is not counting down / blocked" right now. I would do it like this:

    Every 0.1 seconds

    -> check for enemies that are not "reloading" then

    --> check if they have "line of sight"

    If both is true spawn a bullet (shoot) and activate the timer of that enemey with a random number. I think sometimes it helps to try to put the code in human readable sentences or scenarios. E.g. your code above says:

    the system is stressed and asking ten enemies on the layout every tick: "hey guys, do you have line of sight towards the player?" - three say "yes" and think (may we should? we are idle, never fired ever before). Seven say "no" (we don't see the player) The system want to give the order to fire but wait! System is cheking its watch and says: "sry guys, we can only shoot if the pointer for seconds is at 12 because you need time to reload. this will be in 6 seconds but never mind I will ask you 360 (60 ticks x 6 seconds) times until then if you have line of sight but won't give the order to fire". Enemies: "we don't need to relaod <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> "

    So the core question is why should everybody wait together. By timer you can tell single enemies to reload (wait). It doesn't matter if they have line of sight. So to give my example as a story:

    the system is chilled and asking ten enemies on the layout every 6 ticks: "hey guys, please, everybody that is not currently reloading listen to me". All of them are answering "hey, we are idle" (but if some would say reloading that enemies would not listen anymore. The system says: "please check if you have line of sight to the player". Two enemies answer "yes, we do". system says: "ok fire and then you wait/reload". The system is randomly giving these two enemies tickets with numbers on it which says "reload 1 second" or "reload 2 seconds".


  • DarrenCurtis

    omg, very professional, very talented! I love "it's not over". Where are you based? Please PM me. Always looking for more music tracks for my game Battle Wizard Attack.

    Cheers, Marco

  • Sounds like a lot of work. Do you want to run this mobile at the end? I would recommend to work on the RPG part first. You can use 8 direction or custom movement in combination with solid objects and tilemap to create such a world. The fighting part could/should be on a different layout then and make the RPG world persistent.

  • cute grafics

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  • SteveKane You need to create a leaderboard in your Google Game Console - Game Service first. Then you will have your ID.

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  • there is a more detailed logfile you can check what went wrong.

  • Please provide screenshot of all steps if you need help. I can't tell whats going on without. Pls submit it here or per PM.