Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • WebStorage was much better for me also. Only problems with localstorage

  • Thank you for this post mars1985

    I hope this gets resolved very soon.

    In the meantime I stopped getting deeper into my game now and installed Unity. Will look into it and may switch over to it as it seems it is really good when it comes to iOS Dev.

  • I can't release my game because of this. This is disgusting....

  • Yeah it's strange. My game is nearly ready but the audio bug and the localstorage problems holding me back from releasing it.

    Is there a way to save all stuff wie the Save/Load function? Problem is that you it loads right there where you left of so with this way you can't just load your variables and stuff and load the game into the main menu?

  • Problem Description

    Sometimes I have a delay on iOS when loading vaiables via localstorage (Array).

    Sometimes it doesn't show my variables (Highscore). The text is just blank and then after some seconds it loads.

    Also sometimes I have to touch on the screen that it shows my loaded variables.

    If I play my game on the browser all works as intended. With no delay.

    The problem is, that my game also saves variables for which level the player is. So sometimes my level selector buttons doesn't show up correct because there is a huge delay.

  • Hey,

    I have a delay where the localstore plugin loads my highscores etc.

    Sometimes it takes 3,4 seconds until they are loaded.

    On computer preview all is fine.

    Is this a problem with the cocoonLauncher or is there any chance to prevent this?

    Is Xdk more stable?

    I want to release a game on iOS.


  • Hello folks.

    I want to compile a new game soon.

    I had one game on the store couple of yeara ago which I compiled using cocoonJS.

    Now I want to use Ejecta with Gamecenter.

    Is there any plugin for C2 to integrate Gamecenter?

    Thanks in advance and regards,


  • v0.0.2 is up in the last post!

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  • Thank you.

    Had the flu the last couple of days so I think there will be a new version uploaded this week or maybe today

    Here are two screenshots from v0.0.2.

    Changelog v0.2.0


    [NEW] Procedural worlds! Every game is unique now. Also the worlds are bigger now.

    [NEW] Farm with seeds (Only carrot seeds atm)

    [NEW] Main menu

    [NEW] Save/load function (Game updates always require a fresh game)

    [NEW] Actions require some time now (gather, build, grill food)


    [NEW] Tent

    [NEW] Fence (When building use mouse wheel to rotate)

    [NEW] Shovel

    [NEW] Carrot seed (Can be obtained by dig into the grass with a shovel and should be rare)

    [NEW] Carrot

    [NEW] Fertilizer (Has a 50% chance for instant carrot grow)


    [NEW] The player now loose health points when starving

    [NEW] You can now run with pressed SHIFT key


    [NEW] Particles added when chop tree and mine stone


    [NEW] Complete UI overhaul

    [NEW] Added controls window at first game start


    [FIXED] Sometimes the player could stuck if you grilled food at campfire

    [FIXED] Adjusted some wrong collision masks for some objects.

    [FIXED] Z-order for some objects

    [FIXED] Lots of other bugs fixed

    [FIXED] Mouse offset when building

    Play v0.0.2


  • Hello.

    Some new things I was workin' on.

    • Increased world size
    • Added buildable tent
    • Added carrot seed
    • Added eatable carrot
    • Added craftable and buildable fence
    • Added save/load function
    • Added craftable shovel
    • You can now plant and harvest carrots (Soil with shovel first)
    • Improved UI
    • Fixed a bug where you got stuck into the world after some action

    Maybe there will be some new alpha test soon.

  • Hello everyone.

    I am again trying to build the game around a random generated world which is more memory friendly than my old tries.

    Edit: Random world generation is now integrated into the game for the first time. It's right now a unique experience everytime you start a new world.

    I will continue to put some work into the world generation to enhance the current algorithm.

