Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • Reminds me a bit of Magicite Maybe you can get some inspiration f it.

  • Old.

  • Looks great!

    But i need a lot of luck to gather wood from a tree or stone from rocks. In 99 from 100 cases it seems i don't stand "right". Often it does not work. Sometimes it do.

    (sorry for my english)

    Thanks for report:) That was a bug which prevented the player let em chop down trees.

    Game mechanic also slightly changed in the meantime. You now have to press left mouse button when near a tree/stone.

    Will upload a new version soon.

  • Really well done looks brilliant and plays really well so far, Obviously as you mentioned there was a offset on the build mechanic when placing a firecamp or stone wall.

    Thank you. Yeah there is still an offset when placing structures. But doesn't really matter for the moment

    The last couple of days I have added some new things to the game:

    • Campfire can go out after a while (You can put logs in it for a longer fire)

    • Torches go out after a while

    • Chop trees and mine stone works now

    • Added crafting receipe for wooden boards and wooden floor

    • You can build a wooden floor

    • Fixed some bugs

    • When you craft while inventory is full the crafted item will thrown to the ground

  • Hello friends.

    I am currently working on getting a top-down wilderness survival game done with some memory friendly random world generation.

    I will post new information and screenshots in later posts in the thread.



  • Still can't get to the link, sorry.

    The one from the first post?

    --> ... index.html

  • The transparent png I would want to follow my hero and it would be visible most of the time. It would portray a dark dungeon being lit up by the heroes presence as he travels. Does yours travel with the character, or is it stationary for that one picture?

    I also use "Tiled" and my first map I imported from Tiled. Then I saved my map in a PNG format and tested the two ways against each other. My hero walked better on the PNG versus the imported .tmx file. The difference was noticeable after a short while.

    The transparent png is only visible on each campfire you have build in the world as long as the campfire is still on.

  • Excellent work! Mini map too! That's 90% like what I am trying to get going, but mine will be confined to dungeons.

    How did you do the one picture where your hero is by a campfire, inventory says "Berries", and the camera is focused around your hero and feathers off at the edges? That's what I have been trying to accomplish.

    Also, are you doing pictures for background or tile maps of some kind?

    Thank you!

    The screenshot is from the night and shows the lighting of the campfire. It is just a transparent png which is mixed with a layer effect.

    My map is completely build with tilemaps. I've been using the software "Tiled" for creating the map. In tiled you can export your map which can be imported in c2.

  • Virkana

    That's a good start so far. Try adding more little details and some gameplay elements. Performance was excellent.


    Yes it's very tough right now because of the restrictions HTML5 and C2 brings to the table. I was developing a top-down zombie survival game which was procedurally generated but at one point I just couldn't bring it all together with good performance.

    I have thought about some design aspects from my old game and started using some stuff from it to make a wilderness survival game with top-down style. This time on a pre generated map (4000x4000 for the moment) and it works good for the moment now. Just try to save memory on every single point you could save some.

    Look here if you are interested (Look at my last post there) .

    I have now about 200 events which includes a basic crafting, basic building system, day/night cycle, starvation, health and stamina system. It's definitely doable in C2 and I really hope this time I am not running into the memory wall again.

  • Pixel style doesn't really looking good on the screenshots because of the downsizing.

    Here are three items I have just added

    Not the best pixel sprites so far but as I have very little time for making those I'm ok with it for now

  • Just completed the inventory system for my wilderness survival game. You can now also drop & pick up items again.

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  • Wilderness survival game.

  • Any updates from this game?


    Not the past week. Had some other stuff to do in personal life. I think at the end of the week I will continue to work on some things

    I was only doing some AI stuff and ran into some problems FPS wise. When there are >10 zombies in range the fps drops way below a playable status. So that could may be a problem. Looks Iike I have to find a more efficient way to use AI.

  • Kraudi Well, i can't wait for the next update

    Also i meant to scale the size of the loot, because it's a little bit small that's it!

    Sorry I totally misunderstood tnx!

  • Kraudi That's great to hear!, Here some of the things that i think you should optimize or add:

    -Scale the loot on the ground a little bit?

    -When you chop trees it gives random amount of logs between (1-3) and maybe a plank

    -Also a sound effect when trees are cut?

    Keep it up!

    EDIT: Also you should rename the "Food" bar to "Hunger" and so when the hunger bar reaches maximum you lose health over time and die and maybe a similiar "Thirst" bar?

    Also are you considering Music in the game?, because i think it's gonna be a great addition.

    I found a bug with the bars:


    Thank you for the nice feedback

    • Music would be very nice indeed. Will see what is possible without a budget.

    • It's just not yet implented that when the bars are at 0, that they stop and your health are slowly getting down. Will change that soon

    • Im not sure yet about loot. Right now it's placed manual. Would love to have some kind of random loot spots

    • The chop thing is interesting. Right now it drops a log and after that you can't get anything left from the tree. The tree doesn't disappear because that way the map would look very empty when you chop down all trees Maybe it just drops 1-3 logs and after that you just can't chop the tree again.