justifun's Forum Posts

  • Came across this tutorial today. While its made with Multimedia Fusion, the game design mechanics covered can be used the same way in construct. A lot of people have been asking about this type of game recently, so check it out! (he even gives a nod out to construct)


  • Sounds like he wants to make it so that an object with the 8 direction movement behavior doesn't collide with other objects.

    If that's true, (because you want other objects to be able to just not the player. Perhaps you can simply put the player on a different layers than the other objects?

  • Please post the .capx file.

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  • Yeah its super easy.

    Create an event, and then right click it and use "add condition" then add your second condition.


    keyboard button "Down" is pressed

    keyboard button "right" is pressed

    repeat to add a third condition

    keyboard button "b" is pressed ->do fireball

    now the fireball will only occur if all keys are currently pressed.

  • Add the "pin" behavior to your prop object,

    then create an image point on your sprite where you want the object to be pined to eg: his hands

    then use the action "pin to" on the prop in your event sheet to attach it to the arm image point

  • You can simply move the origin point of the sprite off center, and align it to the players position, then add the rotation and it should spin around him like a shield.

  • Well you can always export your animation from spriter into a series of png images so it would effectively turn back into a regular sprite animation (but probably with a lot more frames)

  • I'd love to hear about the extra stuff you had to do to get it working smoothly .

  • I won't give you the exact answers but I will point you in the right direction.

    You're going to want to learn about the Distance() expression. This is used to determine the distance between 2 objects. If your helicopter is close enough to the POW's then they should run towards the helicopter.

    Also, you will probably use the On collision with object event as well. When the pow's overlap with the helicopter, you'd add how many he picked up to a variable maxing out at however many he can hold before having to fly away again.

    once he lands on the helipad to drop them off you can start subtracting how many he's holding, then spawn the animations of them running off to safety.

    Just try breaking down each little element then searching the forums for examples or trying some things out in the engine to see how to get them to work.

    Try bringing up the available events for a sprite for example and look through each of the possible actions. Ask yourself how you can use each one for different types of scenarios and you'll start to see how powerful the engine is, and the possibilities that are endless.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Check this thread out


  • Is it possible to build a test version of an app with the phonegap build engine? or do you have to have a apple developer account?

    At least with publishing to xcode you can test the app without having an account.

  • I think its a great idea for them to wet their whistle and also throughout the year could be used as a great tool to quickly prototype game mechanics etc. I would recommend giving them more time though to do the 2 getting started tutorials, then perhaps a few hours to try and mimic an existing game like pong or something as a test. They won't know how to design something simple or know what they will be able to accomplish in such a short time with a brand new tool (and lack of game design training yet). so by giving them something that they would already know and try to copy it, you regain control of limiting them to something they will actually be able to complete in whatever time frame you need them to, and then you can also compare all of the applications you get back on the same playing level. It will be easier to determine who's better than who if you only have a few spots available.

    For bonus marks you can have them add a special feature to an existing game too to stretch their creativity. eg: pong with powerups

  • If its your player object colliding with countless other objects, you can run a check with the object they collide with to see if its the player object, and then react appropriately.

    eg: on collision with other object.

    for each instance (ordered)

    if object = player -> cause damage

    there might be a lot of un nessesary collisions that take place that it will calculate though. like if a pile of boulders were colliding with each other all the time.