Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Why are you using r139 and not r146? Anyway, this will start you off. I'm not sure how complex your animations are.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Does this give you an idea?

  • Yeah.. That is kinda of true. I forgot about how slow the timeframe Ludei gives out its updates.

  • Wow 80 views and no replies, I guess no one cares about this but me..

  • English please...

  • Yeah, I think the problem will always be the support from third party. In the past we saw Ludei posting in here a lot and getting feedback and answering questions. It doesn't seem the case anymore and that worries me that they are kind of like "Whatever" to the C2 community.

    Even in Ludei's on C2 forum they haven't posted since July 11th and there are at least a page of questions since then. I myself have a few questions that were never answered.

    So yeah, that worries me the most.   

    Your best bet to get support is by asking a question on their Twitter page. It would be much faster than waiting on their forums for a reply. I asked them yesterday afternoon about Ouya support and they replied to be within 12 hours. I think if they can fine-tune the bugs, Ouya support, and Ads. I think we will all be satisfied here.

  • Alright, I'll give it another try sometimes later today. Thanks. Infact, I actually see what I did wrong..

  • I think this question falls in the hands of Ludei with CocoonJS, but I could be wrong..

  • Yup. I`ve implemented Tweet, Leaderboards and facebook in cocoonjs using plugins.

    but I do noticed that sometimes that the api is a bit slow. Meaning that the games is already started few seconds but the connection to or " is ready" status is not ready.

    If you tried my game, you will noticed that sometimes the buttons (FB,Tweet and leaderboard) might not be visible.

    Are you using the latest version of CocoonJS and I couldn't get to work for me with CocoonJS.

  • Ludei finally replied to me on Twitter about information on Ouya support. Now I just may go out and buy that Ouya now and continue development on Alien Crusader :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I've been at this forum for a bit now (just never really introduced myself) and released my first game "Galaxy Aggression" under Construct2 back in August. I'm not going anywhere and hope to increase my knowledge of Construct 2 as time progresses. Thank you Scirra for this great piece of software!

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  • Any pictures taken?

  • So sad that "full" Ouya support still isn't here. It's the main reason why I still haven't brought the console and pushed back my Ouya-exclusive "Alien Crusader" game to next year. Hoping they can still give us Ouya support before the end of this year.

  • I recommend checking the log that comes up when you are testing on your device under Cocoon. It usually will tell you. Also, some of the components (objects) like Facebook, (at times) don't work under CocoonJS.. so make you don't have those in your project.

  • Using the free art from that OpenArt thing and bring it to life with my new platformer called Jumpy Jack that will be released next month for free to iOS, Android, Windows 8 and Tizen.

    <img src="" border="0" />