Hi, I have programmed the damage (while on ground) animation for my character.
I can't seem to make the damage/hurt animation play for when my character is in air.
How do you detect when a char is in air?
I used "on falling" and "on jumping" and the "Fall" animation is not working.
"Fall" is the animation while falling.
I want my char to play "Fall" while falling and play "lieDownAndGetUp" animation after landing on the ground.
The "On landed" condition is not available as a sub-event.
<img src="http://neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/3fa42b968c845d1ab29667d9eb1318a0.PNG" border="0" />
I have also tried:
- removing that "On moving" condition from the picture
- using "On floor" INVERTED
both don't work either