Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Yep, but I recommend using Parse and this Parse plugin. It's very easy to use..

    Here's a nice tutorial for you. ... rse-plugin

  • >

    > That's the only version of Visual Studio 2015 for people like us. VS 2015 RC was basically the Release Candidate, but now it's renamed to Community and yes there's a Windows Phone emulator.

    > Also..

    > [quote:17e3lkzm]Note: VS 2015 Community does not support developing for Windows 10 until July 29. Continue to use Visual Studio 2015 RC until July 29 if you are developing Universal Windows apps.


    Hey thanks a lot!

    I am on the Windows 10 Technical Preview right now. I think on previous versions on Windows you needed to have atleast Pro edition inorder to use the Emulator (with HyperV). So I am not sure if the tech preview or editions that we all will be getting for free will allow us to use the Emulator. Do you have any information on it?

    I am dying to release my game (link below) for Windows

    Win8 has huge Audio issues due to which I totally dropped the plan. Having really high hopes for Win10

    Are you using Build 10240? The latest release? If so, then that's pretty much the RTM (Release to Manufacturing) and it's the closest thing that will be released on July 29th. I haven't tested any games under Visual Studio 2015 yet, but I'm pretty much excited about releasing to Windows 10 platform. I have alot of games waiting for it. As far as I can recalled Web Audio is better on Windows 10's Edge compared to Internet Explorer.

  • > The new Microsoft Edge browser is a lot faster. It's pretty close to Chrome's performance now.


    To build the game, would the VS 2015 Community edition suffice? Will we be able to test it on a Phone Emulator?

    That's the only version of Visual Studio 2015 for people like us. VS 2015 RC was basically the Release Candidate, but now it's renamed to Community and yes there's a Windows Phone emulator.


    [quote:1feu5lhx]Note: VS 2015 Community does not support developing for Windows 10 until July 29. Continue to use Visual Studio 2015 RC until July 29 if you are developing Universal Windows apps.

  • The new Microsoft Edge browser is a lot faster. It's pretty close to Chrome's performance now.

    Not sure if you tested the latest RTM 10240, but Microsoft claims it's faster than Chrome now and I can agree.. Even on a less than stellar machine, C2 games run pretty good..

  • I've tested a couple C2 demos on Microsoft Edge and it's fast as Microsoft promised. If you're running Windows 7 currently, then I would recommend the upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 10 is basically what should of been Windows 8..

  • You should export your app via Cordova

    and see which one is better.

    Just remember that is still in beta

    and supports only ARM

    Crosswalk is slow and big but supports ARM and Intel

    It's a waste of time imo to export to x86...

  • Looks cool. I like the confetti style look of it.

  • You posted on the day of the deadline. It's pretty useless now..

  • Galaxy Aggression 2 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>The sequel is here! Visit the abandoned planet Thebes as you fight hordes of enemies and protect what's left of the dying planet. </p><p>Experience new and improved graphics and a new powerup that actually destroys incoming asteroids unlike the prequel where it was impossible.</p><p>Galaxy Aggression 2 contains endless gameplay that will keep the player hooked and playing for hours. If you have trouble running the game, please don't hesitate to contact support for help.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Galaxy Aggression 2

  • I've beaten the high score. 100 points! Not sure if intended but when replaying you don't get new ammo. You start out with the ammo you had left. Also when shooting down a target and a duck is behind it it kills the duck too and subtracts 2 bullets.

    I'll see if I can correct these in the next version. Right now I'm creating the Android Version which will be released later tonight.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Version 1.0.1

    • Players can now submit their score on the leaderboards
    • Fixed an issue with "Tap to Reload" showing up too early when players have ammo.
  • hi, there are some bugs with "tab to reload", most times when it said tab to reload there where bullets left but couldnt be fired

    Thanks. I'll check it out.

  • Check it out Kenney

  • Thanks to Kenney for the graphics. I've made the sequel to Duck Carnival which source is currently in the Scirra Store.

    Try it out this on Arcade. I will probably make a mobile version within a few days..